Seventy: New Allies


I am walking towards the rec room with Brandon. Dimitri should already be there. We have called a meeting to explain to the guy everything Brandon has learned over the last three weeks. I would have set this up sooner, but I had to figure out how not to have any of the girls here. Luckily Uncle Poseidon put the idea in mom's head about having a dual baby shower in Dimitri and Imyra’s land for Mykayla and Kylani. The sex of the babies still hadn't been found out yet, but I know that that wouldn't stop all the women from going baby crazy and buying tons of shit. I know Imyra knows the sex of each of the babies already. Damn fae abilities. When we entered the rec room, it was nice to see everyone there. Hell, even the fathers were here. I looked at Brandon, and I took a seat. This was his story to explain. I did ask that everyone listen before any comments or questions were thrown out there. It was about an hour later when Brandon finished the story. Well, apparently, it was just the first part of the story.

“I also found out who the werebears are,” Brandon adds.

“Who are they?" Marcus asked.

“Their names are Damian, Marshall, and lan. They are three of the six original werebears.” He explains.

What the actual fuck. Those bastards, how dare they turn on my sisters. Mykenzie and Kylani were nice enough to give them the werebear DNA; this is how they show their thanks. Then it hits me. They are also the ones that killed the other three original werebears. OH, THESE FUCKERS ARE GONNA DIE! I look at Dimitri, and I can tell he feels the same way. I explain the entire story to the rest of the room, and Marcus and Jason are both shocked and pissed.

“Fucking hell, Damian is the one who some who took over out unofficial clan and claimed it as his,” Jason announces.

“I knew that bastard was shady,” Marcus growls.

“That's not all. I finally figured out how Penthesilea and Phlegyas survived. They had help from a hybrid. It was a vampire witch. Your great-great-grandmother Deklan.” Brandon tells us.

I look at Deklan, and I believe he became even paler. That was impressive, considering he is a vampire, and they are already pale.

"I swear I didn’t know.” He screams.

I know he is still afraid of the girls hurting him for something, and he has been trying really hard to gain our trust. I can see he is about to have a panic attack thinking this is going to make us turn on him.

“Deklan calm down. I know there is no way you could have known.” I tell him.

“She cast a spell to make it seem like that Penthesilea and Phlegyas had been killed and then snuck them out and helped them recover. Of course, being Penthesilea and Phlegyas they took advantage of the woman and took all her magic books, and other magic items then erased her memory of them.” Brandon says.

“What the fuck is wrong with those two? Why are they so fucking vindictive? I mean Ares is no saint but shit even he isn't this bad.” Donte grits out.

“They didn’t have the same mother but I did find out that it was the same witch that cast a spell on Ares to fall for these women and produce children. I think that is why Penthesilea and Phlegyas can still manipulate people. They may not have their divine powers any longer but they both have witch blood in them and since they stole all those magic books they are able to use magic to help them.” Brandon explains.

This is more new information that we have just learned. I am glad Brandon can pass unseen. I still have no idea how he is always able to dig up all this information on anyone. I wonder who the witch is, but when I ask, Brandon says she was killed a few years after the incident. I look at Deklan; he is still nervous and looks like anything could send him into a panic attack. I tell Brandon we need more information on the werebears. I decide this is as good of a time as any to talk to the guys about having Zane, Jace, and Zak meet somewhere and talk.

“I have something to ask of you guys. Brandon asked Dimitri and me to meet the three boys and discuss everything with them. We did and I read their minds. I would like it if you guys would meet with them and talk. They are just kids. Two of them are barely 18 and one just turned 19.” I ask.

I hear a lot of growling, and I understand completely. I sit there waiting for an answer as to whether they are willing to meet with them. I understand if they don't want to because of everything.

“We will meet with them and talk, but it needs to be somewhere neutral.” Dustin grounds out.

“I do not want the girls knowing about this meeting. I do not want Kylani stressed out and made. She is finally better and I am not risking her stressing herself out and making herself sick.” Kaleb states.

“I agree. I don't want any of them there till we hear what these boys have say.” I tell them.

This has been my plan all along. Once we can get past the guys, then I will bring my sisters into the mix. If I can get all of us on the same side, it might make my sisters more willing to hear what the boys have to say. Now to figure out how to make sure my sisters don't find out about this meeting.


I just got off the phone with Zane and let him know that the pack wants to meet at a neutral location to discuss everything. I tell him to talk with Jace and Zak and see when they want to meet. We have to set this meeting up carefully. We don’t want Mykenzie and Kylani to find out about it. After, yes, but not before. We need this to help convince them that the boys were manipulated and probably had a spell placed on them. I have noticed personality changes in all three since getting them away from Penthesilea and Phlegyas. I believe that they did have a spell placed on them. I asked Rye to come with me to see if I was right. After about an hour of digging through things, he did sense some dark magic being used on the boys. He said that since they are away from it, it is weakening. Rye being the fae he is, was able to counteract the spells and get rid of them. We both could see an instant change and knew some shady fucking shit had gone down. I will almost bet that they all have mild blocks as well. Someone placed them so these boys couldn't remember things clearly or make them believe the shit that wasn't true. The problem with removing the blocks is there are only three people who have the power to do this. These three people include Mykenzie, Kylani, and Persephone. I will talk to Hades and see if we should wait until we bring Mykenzie and Kylani into the mix or have Persephone remove the blocks. I think we need to wait till we tell Mykenzie and Kylani so that they can find out what someone is trying to do and what secrets they are hiding in the minds of these poor kids. We all actually feel sorry for these three. None of them asked for this shit to happen. All because a few people want something they will never get. What do people say: If you are going to start shit, you better be able to back it up. Yeah, I doubt these assholes have the balls to back it up. I have also been thinking about Mykayla. I know she was practising what powers she has with Mykenzie and Kylani, but I have a feeling that she is much stronger than any of us realize. Then there is Bree, I think she is also more powerful than we realize, but since she is so young, it hasn't come to the surface yet. I think it might be time for Mykenzie and Kylani to play with fire. This pack is different from many I have seen, and I think there is much more to it than any of us can even imagine.

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