Fifty-Four: Truth


I follow the guys out, and we all head to Dustin's office. I saw Kylani look at Kaleb as he walked out. I saw the tears start to form in her eyes when he wouldn't look at her. I can only imagine what is running through her mind. I walked into the office last and shut the door behind me. The guys sit down, and we are all quiet for a few minutes.

“Why would they not tell us about this?" Nate says.

“I don’t know,” Dustin says.

“Why would they actually follow them in person?” Brighton asks.

“Because those two can hide in the shadows. If they don’t want to be seen then they won't be. Think back to when they first showed up here.” I tell them.

They all go quiet because they know I am right. If those two girls don't want to be seen, you won't see them.

“What would have happened if those fuckers got their hands on them,” Kaleb mentions.

This is the first thing he has said. I know it killed him to walk by Kylani and not look at her. I let out a sigh. It's time to explain some things about the girls to these guys. I know Chris has explained some things, but there are parts of the story even he doesn't know. I was there when everything went down with Aphrodite. Dominick and I made sure that those three kids were protected and hidden from anyone who might want to use them against the gods. I continue to make sure they remain safe. Dominick died protecting them, and I know they still feel guilty about that. I know Mykenzie and Kylani feel guilty for not being there to help him when he died.

"Listen, I know you're angry and hurt. Yes, they should have told all of you, but they also didn’t tell you to protect you. All of you have to remember that you are capable of dying, they are not. They will do everything to prevent any of you from getting hurt or worse. I know Chris explained a lot to you about the three of them, but there is so much even he doesn’t know. What I am about to tell you is not to ever leave this room.” I say to them.

They all look at me and nod their heads. I haven't told this part of the story to anyone. This will be the only time I do.

“When my brother Dominick and I learned of the plot to overthrow the gods we went to Zeus and told what we had heard. We told him what we had found out but that we weren't sure who was behind it yet. He was pissed to find out that someone was plotting against the gods. At that time we weren't sure who the intended target was. He asked us to find out who was behind it as we were the only non-immortals he trusted. He had a soft spot for his little sister Aphrodite. Him, Poseidon, and Hades were and are very protective of her. I think we all had a feeling that they would target her. It took us a week to figure out who was behind it and what they were planning. Once we did, Dominick and I went around and gathered every known supernatural beings’ DNA and slipped into the mix that the plotters were mixing. When we realized who it was we were shocked. It turned out that the two plotters were Penthesilea and Phlegyas. They were the son and daughter of Ares. When we told Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades who was behind the plot they were pissed. We told Ares and he was also pissed. By the time we found out who it was, they had already gotten to Aphrodite. Athena came running and told us that Aphrodite was ill. When the healers accessed her they found she was pregnant with triplets. They had gotten to her twice because they thought the first time it didn’t work. Penthesilea and Phlegyas begged for their lives once we found them and confronted them about what they had done. They just said that they were tired of the gods having so much power so they decided to create a new god that could take them all out. They thought that they could control the child and that Phlegyas could mate with her and they would be unstoppable and control the world. What they neglected to realize was that it was dangerous putting that much power into one child. It was too much so one became two. All that power actually split and that is why Mykenzie and Kylani being twins look a lot alike but aren't identical. To further protect them from anyone else who would try shit like Penthesilea and Phlegyas Dominick and I split three souls and attached them to those three. That way only the other halves of their souls could mate with them and produce children. I had no idea that Dominick had spit one of our future kins souls. Kaleb, you are that person and that soul. Dominick made sure the soul was attached to Kylani. I am sure Chris told you about the Blue Diamond Pack. That was Dominick and mine's pack. Two other packs merged with ours to make the largest pack ever. We, of course, knew who the girls were but the other packs didn’t know the truth about the girls. Our pack lasted 200 years, but some of the ranked members started to get suspicious of the girls. By then I was no longer in the pack. I had been bitten by the vampire and the girls had saved me, besides I had met my beautiful wife. I still kept in contact with Dominick but for safety reasons, I left the pack. Chris and Dominick decided it was ok to tell all the ranked members the truth about the three of them. Well at first everything was ok. I knew it was gonna go bad, I just didn’t know how bad. I had never trusted one family. That family was the Navarro’s. That ended up being the family that split the pack and tried to dominate and control the girls. They tried to mate the girls with two of their sons but since we had soul bonded the girls they were not able to. The Navarro’s killed off or bred out most of the other families. Dominick and many of the pack that was loyal to the girls fled and tried to restart here. The Navarro’s figured out where they went and came here to take over the pack. Dominick and the Alpha of the other pack fought and Dominick won but he was fatally wounded. I was there in the shadows cause I knew that the Navarro’s were behind all the shit. I found Dominick and was ready to call for the girls but he stopped me and told me to protect them and died in my arms. When Mykenzie and Kylani found out they were beyond pissed and tracked down the other pack. I saw them use a power no one even knew they were capable of. They wiped out what at the time I thought was the entire pack in one fail swoop. The power had split them but what none of us knew was that the power could merge and become one again if needed. This is why they tend to do things like they did on their own. They know if something happens as it did before to who they care a lot about now that they could do that again. When that happened I know it actually scared them because they know they have an immense amount of power but they didn't even know they were capable of that. They didn't tell you about what they were doing to hurt any of you or to keep you in the dark, they did it to protect you from themselves. So don't be angry at them.” I explain.

We sit there for a while as they absorb all the new information that they have just learned.

“So I am a descendant of yours? Kaleb asks.

“Yes, your mother is Dominick's great-great-granddaughter,” I answer.

“Shouldn't there be a few more greats in there somewhere?” Ashton asks.

“No, our line tends to live longer. Kaleb, your mother is 100 years old. Dominick was 2000 years old when he died. I am 4000 years old.” I explain.

Kaleb'’s jaw drops open at this information. Lishelle really has hidden her lineage from everyone. I understand why, but her family should have known at the least. All the guys have a shocked look on their faces. We continue to talk for a while so they can vent their anger. They finally admit that it is more worry and fear that something will happen to the girls than actual anger. I tell them I understand. Chris is suddenly in my head telling me that Mykenzie and Kylani are preparing to talk to the vamps. I let out a sigh. Now I have to tell the guys what is about to happen.

“Chris just let me know that Mykenzie and Kylani are preparing to interrogate the vamps,” I tell them.

None of them looked happy about this, but they knew it was bound to come. They are the only ones that are going to be able to get the vamps to talk. We all head out of the office and down to the cells. This is going to be an eye-opening experience for the guys.

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