Forty-One: Double Trouble Part 2


Unfortunately, no matter how careful Phantom was trying to be, it was just too much. The contractions were starting to get closer together and more intense. I finally had to have him set me down, and I curled up in a ball by a tree. I am so scared that something bad is going to happen out here. I really don't want to give birth to my daughter out in the forest. I hear footsteps, and I hope it's not a fucking rogue. It can’t be. Phantom is still with, and he wouldn't let some rabid wolf near me right now. I look up to see who it is because Phantom obviously knows them. I really can't focus through my fucking tears.

“Oh Kylani, why are you out here and where is Kaleb?” The man asks.

I know that voice.

“Uncle Zeus?"l say through my tears.

“Yes Darlin, it's me. Come on let's get you to the hospital and to Kaleb.” He says and picks me up.

He starts walking, and I feel as if I might be ok now. As we get closer, I can hear voices coming toward us. They sounded panicked. Uncle Zeus stops walking as we break through the trees and into the clearing right before the hospital. A fucking contraction tears through my body, and I let out a scream. I JUST WANT KALEB! Is all I can think, and I start crying harder. I feel Uncle Zeus hand me to someone, and an instant wave of calm settles over me. That's until the next contraction hits.

“Shh, it's gonna be ok gorgeous. Let’s get you to the hospital and in a comfortable bed.” I hear Kaleb say.

“Kaleb?” I ask through my tears.

“Yeah, it's me.” He says.

I can't help but start sobbing. This is who I have wanted since the beginning. He turns around and carries me back to the hospital. I can hear Chris behind us talking to Uncle Zeus. We return to the hospital, and the doctor has me in the room next to Mykenzie. I hear her swearing about something and smile. At least I am not alone in my pain. The doctor checks me, and I am only five centimetres dilated. What the fuck? This has been going on forever. The doctor ordered the epidural, and I felt so much better within twenty minutes. I still feel pressure, but the pain is gone. I also don't hear Mykenzie swearing anymore, so I am guessing she got an epidural too.

“Why were you out in the middle of the forest,” Kaleb asks.

I explained that I was out taking a walk around the training grounds because I was sick of being in the house. I told him I had just gotten on the path to the pond when the labour hit me out of nowhere. I explained that Phantom found me and tried to get me here, but the contractions were too strong, and he had to stop, and that's when Uncle Zeus found me and got me to him.

“What made you three come looking for me when I could have been anywhere?” I ask curiously.

“We heard Phantom let out one of his ground-shaking roars. I knew that meant he had at least found you and was trying to get someone's attention so they could help you. That's why Uncle Zeus showed up. Apparently, Phantom can be heard everywhere.” Chris says.

I look around for Phantom, and I start to wonder why he isn't in my room.

“He’s too fucking big to be wandering around in the hospital,” Chris tells me.

Chris and Dustin leave to check on Reecie and Mykenzie. Plus, Mykayla is in Mykenzie's room. Kaleb has his hand on my belly.

“Why didn’t you pop into my head and tell me what was happening and where to find you?" Kaleb asks me.

"I knew you guys had that important meeting and I didn’t want to interrupt it,” I tell him quietly.

He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head up, so I have to look at him.

“Nothing is more important than the two of you.” He tells me.

He leans down and gives me a deep passionate kiss. If I weren't in labour, I'd straddle him right here and now. He gives me his sexy fucking smirk like he knows what I am thinking.

“You're going to have to wait till after our daughter is born and you recover. After that, I can promise you that your sexy beast is gonna take you until you lose your voice. Who knows maybe your sexy beast and his wolf will tag team that sexy fucking body and delicious pussy of yours all night long.” He whispers in my ear.



Well, it took six more hours but finally, it was over. Mykenzie and Kylani survived their labours even though they both thought they were going to die. This made Chris roll his eyes, and the rest of us laughed. Kylani gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. She had light brown hair, shades of blonde and red woven throughout, and her mother’s green eyes. She seems small compared to a wolf pup at nine pounds. Chris said that this is an average weight for humans or immortals. They named her Jordyn Railynn Mastersen. She already has Kaleb wrapped around her finger. I don't think he has put her down yet. Mykenzie gave birth to a healthy ten-pound baby boy. He has dark auburn hair and his mother’s green eyes. Reecie knew that the baby wound ended up with the same colour eye as Mykenzie. They named him Xaydyn lan Rinaldo. I have a feeling that Xaydyn will be the next beta of this pack. I can already see him and Dominick causing all sorts of trouble. Bryn and Donte will find out the sex of the twins at the next ultrasound. I have a feeling it will be one of each. I have already talked to dad and asked him about the possibility of a non-wolf beta or gamma. He said that he had not heard of that happening, but we will see. He told me that he could guarantee the next Luna would be part wolf. I gave him a strange look. He explained that he is positive that Jordyn and Dominick are mates. He tells me he remembers that Brighton used to hug Natalya's mother's stomach when she was pregnant with Natalya. They all just knew the two were destined to be mates, even if it took them a while to figure it out. All I can think is there is no better Luna for my son. This pack may be a melting pot of wolves and immortals, but that just makes it that much stronger.

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