Three: Feelings


Well, I somehow made it through my first week of work. It did get better after the first day, but it was still hard to focus at times with Dustin so close. I swear sometimes I felt he was flirting with me, but I was determined to keep it as professional as possible between the two of us. Besides, why would he flirt with me? I know I am too young for him. When he walked in, I was organizing some papers on his desk for tomorrow's video conference call with some overseas investors. I hadn't even realized he had come to stand behind me. I was so focused on my task.

“Hey it's time for lunch,” Dustin says huskily in my ear.

I jump between the voice in my ear and his large hand on my right hip. I was not expecting either. I turn around, look at him over my left shoulder, and try to give him my best glare. He just gives me one of his sexy smiles, and I have to turn away before I do something stupid like kissing him.

“Sorry I didn't hear you come back. I was just putting these in order for the call tomorrow.” I explain to him.

“Have lunch with me today.” He whispers in my ear.

Did I hear him right? He wants me to have lunch with him. I feel his hand move down my hip a bit, and more of those electrical sparks shoot up my side. I feel his hot breath on where my neck and shoulder meet. I can't explain it, but I tilt my head as he traces his nose from below my ear to the base of my neck. I feel him place a kiss at the base of my neck, causing me to shiver in pleasure.

“Ok,” I answer because that's all I think to say.

I feel his hand drop off my hip as he backs up. I instantly miss his hard chest at my back. We leave the office. I grab my purse and follow him to the elevator. I am so nervous on the ride down to his car. What just happened? I have no idea what made me react that way. All of a sudden, the sparks jolted me out of my thoughts. Dustin has moved closer, and his hand keeps touching mine. The elevator opens, and we continue to his car. The driver opens the door for us. I slip in and slide all the way over. As much as I want to be as close as possible, I have to keep a professional distance. HE'S MY FUCKING BOSS; my mind is screaming. I shouldn't be going to lunch with him. This is a bad situation. I am completely attracted to my boss, and after that episode in the office, my core is throbbing, and I know my panties are wet. After a short drive, the car stops in front of a very expensive-looking restaurant. I follow him in and we are taken straight to a rather private table in the back.

“The lobster alfredo is amazing,” Dustin tells me.

“It does sound good. We didn't have to come to such an expensive place. I would be happy with McDonald's.” I tell him with a smile.

“So tell me about you. We have been working closely together for a week but we haven't had a chance to get to know each other.” Dustin asks very intently.

“What do you want to know,” I asked, wondering why he was asking.

“Oh, you know where you are from. Why move here? You know the normal conversation.” He says with a light laugh.

“I moved here with my younger sister Bree and my cousin Araya from Nevada. We just needed a change of scenery.” I explain without going into detail.

The conversation goes well after that. I leave out the part about my parents and Araya’s parents. I am not ready to talk about that with anyone at this point. The wounds are still fresh. We eat, and the food is fantastic. I try to give him some money for my meal, but he looks at me like I am crazy. We walk back to the car, and again, I slide in and all the way over. So far, my keeping a professional distance has worked through lunch, but once back in the car, it goes south fast. I am looking out the window when I feel his hot breath on my neck. My body shudders, and I make a light gasping sound when I feel the sparks shoot up the side of my body.

“Mr. Trudeau.” This is all I can manage to say.

“I told you to call me Dustin.” He growls.

“Dustin, what..." I start to ask, but his nose is gliding up my neck.

More sparks travel down my neck, and I realize he is trailing soft kisses from the base of my neck up to the base of my jaw.

“Dustin”, I moan quietly and tilt my head to give him more access.

“Say my name again, beautiful.” He growls roughly into my ear.

I feel his hand slide down my thigh until it touches my bare skin. I let out another breathy moan, and I feel embarrassed, but at the same time, I don’t want it to stop. I hear him growl again, and I can feel my panties getting wetter by the second.

“Dustin, we need to stop. You're my boss. We can't,” I whisper.


FUCK, hearing her whisper my name and moan like that was beyond turning me on. I am sure I have never been this hard EVER! I had been good all week, but each day was getting progressively harder not to spread her over my desk and claim her as my mate. When she walked into my office this morning in that royal blue dress with that dress sweater over her arms, I fucking lost my mind. The dress was completely appropriate for work, but it was the way it fit her body and those dress sandals she had on had me wanting to bend her over my desk. Somehow I made it through the morning. When I walked back into my office and saw her partially bent over my desk organizing those papers, I couldn't help myself. I walked up behind her and said:

“Hey it's time for lunch,” I said and placed my hand on her hip.

I didn’t mean to scare her. I really thought she heard me come back. I got closer and could smell her arousal.

“Have lunch with me today,” I whisper in her ear.

I let my hand move slowly down her hip, and I heard her breath catch. I didn’t move. I wanted to see what her response would be. When she tilted her head, I couldn't help but trace my nose from her ear to the base of her neck. Her scent was driving me mad. When she agreed to go to lunch with me, my wolf started running around excitedly in my head. The ride in the elevator was just as torturous. Every time I even barely touch her, I feel the sparks travel all over my body, and I can tell by her body's reaction that so does she. The car ride was better just because she tried staying on the backseat's other side. Lunch went well. We actually had a good conversation, and I learned a few things about her. I could tell she was still holding something back, though. The car ride back to the office was a different story. She was over on the opposite side of the back seat. I slowly slid over so as not to scare her or make her feel uncomfortable. She's looking out the window when I make my presence known. I feel her body shudder and hear a light gasp come from her.

“Mr. Trudeau.” I heard her gasp.

“I told you to call me Dustin,” I growl in her ear.

“Dustin what...” She asks as I glide my nose up her neck inhaling her scent.

“Dustin”, She lets out a quiet, throaty moan.

I start trailing feather-light kisses up her neck.

“Say my name again, beautiful,” I growl roughly into her ear.

My hand slides down her thigh until it touches bare skin. Her skin is soft, and I realize she is not wearing any nylons. I hear her let out another breathy moan, and I am so hard by now that it is painful. I can smell her arousal, driving me insane with want and lust.

“Dustin, we need to stop. You're my boss; we can't,” I hear her whisper.

I am about to strip her down right there when the car comes to a stop in front of the office. FOR FUCK SAKE, now work is cock blocking me is all I can think. I slide back away from her but not far. The driver opens the door, and she gets out slowly, and I follow shortly after. We walk back into the building to the elevator. As soon as the door shuts, I walk up behind her.

“What if I want to be more than just your boss, beautiful?” I ask as I place one hand on her hip, and the other I let glide down her thigh.

I hear her suck in a breath, and her body shivers as I place more feather-light kisses on her neck. She doesn’t get a chance to answer me as the elevator stops and the door opens. She quickly exits, and I smirk as I walk slowly behind her. I cannot help but watch her ass as she walks before me. She stops at her desk, and I gently pat her amazing ass as I walk by. Her body gives another shiver, and I continue to my office.

After lunch, I get back to work. I got a call from my father about an hour later asking me to stop by tonight as he found out some details about Mykayla. I feel terrible like I am spying, but I need to know what has happened to keep her safe. I still haven't told her she is my mate, and I have been having Kaleb or Nate watch her when she isn’t here at the office. I know she is living in a small two-bedroom apartment with her sister and cousin. I am not happy about the location since the part of the town itis in is not ideal. I'd feel much better if I could get her to move into one of the houses within the pack borders. Baby steps, I remind myself. I can’t force too much on her all at once. I don’t want to scare her. We finish our work and get ready to leave the office for the weekend. I notice that she doesn’t head for the parking lot but instead heads for the front door. I give her a questioning look.

“I walked today since it was so nice outside. I only live 15 minutes from here.” She explains, shrugging her shoulders.

“Come I'll give you a ride home,” I say and wave my hand at her to follow.

I can see she is debating, but then she follows, knowing I will not take no for an answer. There is no way I am letting her walk home. We get in the car, and I grab her hand before she can slide over. She just looks at me and gasps. I pull her back towards me until she has to put her hands on my chest. I run one of my hands up her thigh, barely under the edge of her dress.

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