Seventeen: Heat


When I woke up the next morning, I was actually feeling worse. Dustin was already gone. He and the guys had some errands to do in town and were going to go to the next town over and pick up some food from everyone's favourite restaurant. My whole body ached, and I am pretty sure I had a decent fever. I climbed out of bed and went to take a shower. I decided on a cold shower which did help. I was still hot, but it seemed to cool me down a bit. I walked downstairs and joined everyone for breakfast. The girls asked if I was feeling well, and I said no and that I thought I had the flu. I wasn't very hungry and just sat there and talked with everyone. I could feel the fever coming back and stood up to head back up to my room. When I stood up, my whole abdomen cramped up. I have never had cramps like that before. I knew it wasn't that time of the month, which happened last week. I bent over in pain. I tried to play it off, but the cramps made me drop to my knees when I tried to take another step. Natalya was by my side in an instant.

“Damn it Mykayla you're burning up. What's wrong?” She asks frantically.

“I think I have the flu, but I have these horrible cramps. My whole body hurts.” I cry out.

Natalya helps me up and back up to my room. I am pretty sure she sent a mind link to Lani. Within the hour, Lani was in my room with the pack’s doctor. I was lying on the bed in severe pain. I felt like I was dying. I could hear Lani on the phone with Dustin letting him know what was going on. The doctor looks me over, and her eyes get huge.

“What is it, Dr Sweeney?” Natalya asks, fear lacing her voice.

“She's in the heat! I think because she is mated to the Alpha and he has not marked her yet, it has thrown her in her heat.” the doctor explains.

“Dustin stop yelling and let me explain.” I hear Lani tell him.

I hear her explain to him what the doctor has told them. I can hear him yelling over her phone as she holds it away from her ear. Another cramp rips through my body, and I scream out in pain. Dustin goes quiet on the phone. “Just get home, son; you know how to fix this,” Lani commands him and hangs up.

The doctor gives me something for the pain, and it helps very little. Lani makes me soak in a cold bath. That helps more, but the heat and cramps are still there. I have no idea what they mean when they say I am in heat. “Lani, what does the doctor mean when she says I am in the heat?” I am confused.

“It is something that She-wolves go through every few months. When we are in the heat, our body is preparing for us to be able to conceive easier.” She explains.

“But, I am human. How can I go into heat?” I asked, starting to freak out.

“You are the mate to the Alpha, and you two have a mate bond that is strong. Your body wants to carry his pups.” She states.

I sat there in shock. I love Dustin, but I don't think I am ready for kids yet. Maybe in a few years. I am close to having a panic attack when I hear his booming voice asking where I am. I hear him run down the hall to our room and when the door slams open. I hear Lani run into the bedroom from the bathroom and stop him from coming in. I am still in my cold bath. Which its effect is wearing off, and the heat is coming back. I stand up, grab my robe, put it on, tie it around me, and go out into the room.

“It's ok Lani, hi," I tell them.

Lani decides to leave and shuts the door behind her. Dustin locks the door and walks over to me. He stops a few inches away and sniffs the air. His eyes go dark navy and touch my face. I nuzzle into his hand. His touch feels amazing, and I need more.

“Go lay down on the bed, baby, I just need to change and I'll be right back.” He tells me.

I look at him and sit on the bed. I lay back, and my core started to throb again. I undo my robe and take it off. It was just too hot. I start running my hand down my chest and massaging one of my breasts. My hand travels lower, and I touch my clit and gasp. I start rubbing my clit, slipping one of my fingers into my flowing channel, and massaging my inner walls. OH GOD, IT FEELS SO GOOD; my mind is screaming. As my orgasm hits me, I hear a loud growl and look over to see Dustin standing there. He is standing there naked, and he is already hard. He walks over to the bed and climbs up to me. I touch his chest and run my hand up, scraping one of his nipples with my nail. He crashes his lips into mine. His hands are all over my body. I felt one of his hands over my breast and started to squeeze it. I let out a moan and arch into his touch. He starts kissing down my neck and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, and sucks. I can feel my juices flowing out of me, soaking the bed beneath.

“I can smell your arousal beautiful. I wonder how wet you are.” He says.

He slides his hand down and runs one of his fingers through my dripping folds. He rubs his finger over my clit and half moan, half scream his name. Everywhere he touches leaves a trail of sparks. He continues to rub my clit and then slips a finger into me.

“God, beautiful, you're soaking wet and so hot. I wonder how much I have to do to make you cum.” He moans out.

He adds another finger triggering another orgasm. I grab his shoulders and scream his

name. He keeps twisting and thrusting his fingers inside of me. I start to come down from my orgasm, and I feel him kissing down my body. I run my hands up to his head and bury them in his hair. He puts my legs over his shoulders, runs his tongue from the bottom of my folds to my clit, and sucks. I tighten my hold on his hair and moan. I hear a low growl as he drives his tongue into my pussy. He is rolling and twisting his tongue deep inside of me, then he flicks my clit and bites it. He continues to lick and suck at my pussy, and I lose count of how many orgasms he gives me. Finally, he works his way back up my body and gives me a deep kiss.

“MMM baby, I can’t get enough of your taste.” He whispers into my ear.

“Dustin, I need to feel you inside of me.” I moan as I run my hands down his back.

He slams into me in one hard thrust. I scream his name, and he lets out a growl. He sits up, puts my legs over his shoulders, and starts thrusting into me hard and deep. He leans over me and grabs the headboard for leverage. His thrusts are harder and deeper and feel so damn good. I don’t want him to stop. I can feel the heat subsiding, but it's still there. He's pounding into my pussy and hitting all the right spots.

“Dustin, harder I need to be yours.” I moan.

“You're mine and will always be mine. Damn, you're so tight around my dick, baby. You feel that when I hit you nice and deep.?” He gasps out.

“GOD, yes it feels so amazing,” I scream as he hits my cervix.

He keeps up his hard deep thrusts, and I can feel another orgasm building. I grab sheets and keep making sounds I didn’t know I could make.

“Cum for me, beautiful. I need to feel that hot, pulsating pussy clamp down on my dick, squeezing my dry.” He growls out.

“Dustin, I am...." Is all I can say.

The orgasm hits me, and I grab the sheets harder as what feels like my whole body lifts off the bed. He is still thrusting, but I can tell he is close.

“Cum for me, Alpha; I wanna feel you fill me so full of your seed it runs down my legs,” I scream out.

That's all it takes as he thrusts one last time. He fills me so full of his seed. It feels like it won't stop flowing. He stops moving and just stays hovering over me for a bit. I run my hands down his chest and back up. He finally lowers himself to me and kisses me very passionately. He is still seated inside of me. I like how he feels inside, and I don’t want him to pull out. He eventually does pull out and rolls off of me. I scoot over and lay my head on his chest. The heat is gone, and my body still aches for a whole different reason.

“The heat and aching are gone,” I tell him.

“For now, it will come back. Beautiful, how much did my mom explain to you.” He asks me while grabbing my ass.

I told him what she told me. He explains it more, and I again am shocked. These last three days and only having sex can help, and I will probably get pregnant. I wasn't looking forward to three days this, the sex part I can take, and I was on birth control for my womanly cycle, so I am not worried about that. I told Dustin what I was thinking. He felt bad for the three-day thing. I know he was looking forward to the sex with the smirk that spread across his face. He wasn't too happy to hear that I was on birth control. I started to get sleepy and cuddled up to him more. As I fell asleep, I heard him tell me to sleep because I would need all my energy.

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