Chapter 201


“Rosalie?” I heard someone call and felt they were referring to me but my name wasn’t Rosalie so I ignored it.

“Rosalie?” I heard it again and ignored it.

“Can I get a chocolate milkshake?” I said to the barista.

“Rosalie, hi,” someone said beside me.

I tilted my head to the side to take a look at who it was and was surprised to see the man I had a nightstand with some weeks


Rosalie? It all made sense now. That was the name I told him: No wonder the name sounded familiar but my drunken self hasn’t realized that much.

I decided to act like I didn’t know him. “Rosalie? I think you got the wrong person.”

“Wrong person? I doubt that. Don’t you remember me? The other night at the clubs. It’s Raymond,” he remarked.

“Raymond? I don’t remember that name and as I said, you’ve gotten the wrong person. I haven’t gone clubbing for a while now so you got the wrong person, I stated firmly.

Your cup of chocolate milkshake,” the barista called for my attention.

“How much?” I asked. After being told, I paid, took my milkshake, and walked out of the place, hoping for Raymond not to come after me.

The sex with him the other night was great but that’s it. I don’t do men twice. Once I have sex with them, I never repeat it.

“Rosalie,” he called again.

“I just told you that my name isn’t Rosalie and you got the wrong person,” I chided, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

“But I can’t be wrong and the scar on your wrist. I recognize that You are here and there’s no way I’m mistaken,” he commented and I men tally face-palmed myself for lifting my arms that moment.

He was right about the scar on my wrist. It was a painful memory. But how was he fast to even recognize it? I thought we were both a little drunk for him to note.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled. “You are getting it wrong. You are mistaking me for someone else and I already cleared that so kindly leave me alone before I unleash my anger on you I warned.

“Then, if Rosalie isn’t your name, what is your name?” He asked and I scoffed in disbelief.

“As if I’d want to tell you that. Don’t you get the hint? Leave. Me. Alone.” I said through my teeth.

I walked away and thankfully he didn’t come after me. I never want to come across him again. As much as the sex the other night was good, a repeat was never going to happen.

“Adeline.” Emma and Ethan said simultaneously as they ran to hug me. I went on my knees with my arms open to welcome


“My lovely babies,” I said, feeling at ease as I wrapped them both in my arms. I loved them as if they were mine.


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Chapter 20

“How are you, my babies?” I asked them both as they pulled back for me.

“Mummy got Ethan a ball,” Emma said and I smiled at the way she spoke. Emma spoke softly and she took time with her words cach time with spoke.

“Will you play with me?” Ethan asked and I nodded my head.

“Will you play with my hair?” Emma asked.

“Sure. I will do all for the both of you but first, where is your mummy?” I asked.

Before they could reply, Isabel came out. She looks exhausted.

“Hey bestie.” I called as I stood back on my feet.

“You seem to be in a good mood. How are you?” Isabel asked and I chuckled.

“I always find a way to make myself happy even if someone tries to ruin it but anyway. I am fine and you look exhausted. Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, moving closer to her.

“I think I want to,” she replied.

“Oh well. I’m here so come on, speak,” I said.

“You won’t believe how crazy my life has been and who is in it and as if it’s not worse, there’s someone interested wants me to give him a chance,” she informed me and I gasped.

me and

“Oh my goodness! You have got to be kidding me. Kindly enlighten me of all the juicy details I’ve missed out on and after you are done with that then I’ll tell you who I met today,” I said.

Emma came to sit on my lap while Ethan sat on Isabel’s lap.

“I’m not really going to mention names but the one who has appeared in my life recently has made it his mission to have me close no matter what it takes and now I work for him as his chef.” Isabel revealed.

“Oh my goodness!” I exclaimed in shock.

“You have got to be kidding me right?”

“I’m not”

“How did they happen and what’s Leah doing? How come? You accepted to work for him?” I asked.

“Not at all. It’s so complicated. Leah accepted because he paid her thrice the amount I usually received and prepared a contract. I signed because I trusted Leah only to see who I was getting engaged with after I signed. Tried to call it off but Leah wasn’t having it and got pi ssed. I agreed and the past few days working with him hasn’t been great and to worsen it, he knows where I live.” She voiced out all in one breath.

“He knows where you leave? Do you mean he came here? Did he see the twins?” I spoke almost in a whisper while still trying to comprehend the whole situation.

She shook her head. “He didn’t see the twins. He’s crazy. He talks about how he wants to speak to me and do you know what’s funny? He’s still with her.”

“You mean the woman he left you




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Chapter 20

“He has gotten to be the worst jerk on earth. Why does he still want you close then? To torture you more? Hasn’t he done enough in the past? He’s such a mean being.” I complained bitterly

“I don’t even know what to say or think. It’s like he’s trying to be everywhere and the other day I was attacked by Jade. She fought me for coming for her husband. If only she knows it’s her husband that is refusing to leave me be,” she sighed.

“He confessed to not wanting to get married to her and it wasn’t his will I wasn’t convinced but sometimes.. I don’t know but it’s like he’s telling the hurts but it hurts.”

“Don’t let those get to you. Men like him are like that. They like to use women and that’s what he wants to do again. He used you before and broke your heart and he wants to do it again. He thinks it’s fun but it’s not,” I stated.

“And there’s Tim. He confessed to liking me and wanting a relationship. Logan said Tim and I wouldn’t last and even wanted. to fight Tim. It’s a whole lot and I’m exhausted,” she informed in

“Tim the cute man from the other day? He looks responsible and he’s handsome. Try and give him a chance you know,” I nudged her.

“As for Logan, try your best to leave his side. It’s torturing and I can tell. He’s nothing but a d ick. If I ever see him again, I will drag him by his hair. I stated firmly.

“Now tell me about your day. So let me guess. The man from the other night found you and you denied that you aren’t the one and he got the wrong person?”

I gasped at how well she guessed so right but that was Isabel for you. She wasn’t my best friend for no reason. She could easily read and tell what was going on in my mind.

“You are a psyche,” I remarked and she chuckled.

“So you got caught by him? Give me details. Where and when and how did you react to it?”

“I got caught not too long. I went to get a milkshake and he saw me. He was adamant that I was the one and he recognized my scar. Who does that? Who recalls details about someone they met while they were drunk or maybe he wasn’t and I was the one who was,” I sighed.

“That’s smart of him. So you denied being Adeline?”

“He called me Rosalie. He thought I was Rosalie but anyone’s that’s the name I gave to home. I denied it vehemently. I was glad to leave and he didn’t come after me. Girl that was so embarrassing.” I said.

Isabel burst into a fit of laughter and I rolled my eyes. She seemed to be enjoying it.

“My day has been made. To think I was having a bad day but hearing what happened today just lit me up. That’s a good one.”







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