Chapter 12


“Logan Smith?”

“Yes. That’s the famous Logan Smith. He called last night and was willing to pay any amount just to have you be his personal maid, she informed me.

1 men tally face-palm myself. I should have read the paper before signing but because of the trust I have for Leah, I had gone ahead to sigh without checking who it was I had business with.

“I do not want to work for him,” I said.

“What? What do you mean by you don’t want to work for him? Why won’t you want to work for him? You already signed so what’s with the sudden change of mine?” She questioned.

How was I to tell her that he was my ex and the father of my children? I bit my lips in anger.

Why did he have to do this? What does he want from me? He had a wife and lots of maids and he could get anyone as his personal chef so why me? What does he want with me?

“Is it possible to get rid of this contract? I do not want to be his chef,” I stated.

She scoffed. “You already signed Isabel and this isn’t child’s play. You can’t say yes one minute and decline the next. Doesn’t seem fair or does it? And what’s with you this morning?”

“I will do anything you want and work with any other person but I cannot with him,” I explained.

“And why is that?” She asked, looming intently at me.

“I just don’t want to work with him,” I replied.

“And you expect me to believe that? You will work with everyone except him and for no reason?” She clicked her tongue.

She stretched her arms to take the contract from me. “You already signed and the deal is sealed. Think about what this would do for you and your resume. This isn’t just an ordinary man but one of the most influential men in the country and you

don’t want to work for him? Do you know what his recommendation could do for you?”

“I don’t care,” I stated sternly.

“I don’t want to work for him. He can work with anyone but why me?” It all made sense why he offered to pay triple the amount but what does he want from the person he discarded?

“I just cannot believe you. I mean what’s up with you Isabel? You weren’t like this before but suddenly I just cannot be with you. The other day you ran out of the event and today this? Alright, why don’t we just start from that day? Why did you run away?” She questioned.

I ran my finger through my hair. “It’s nothing”

“Nothing? And you expect me to believe that?” She remarked.

“I will do anything Leah but I cannot work with Logan Smith. I hope you understand so please tell him that I won’t be his chef. He should go look somewhere else,” I stood up on my feet.

Just then, Leah’s secretary walked in.



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Chapter 12

“Mr Logan Smith is here and he wants to see you,” her secretary formed her, and I froze on the spot.

“Logan Smith?” I muttered to myself in surprise.

“Let him in. Leah said.

Even if I wanted to run away, I wouldn’t be able to because Logan would see me either way. What does he want from me?

Logan entered Leah’s office shortly and our eyes met. I looked away immediately.

Welcome Mr Smith, I wasn’t expecting to see you this early in the morning.” Leah said.

I continued on my path to leave her office as I already made my stance clear and the rest was in her hand but halted on my track when I heard Logan’s words.

I came to know if the process has been completed so what’s the conclusion?” He asked.

I waited to listen to her reply.

“It’s finalized, Mr Smith. Chef Payne signed already so we are all good to go. All you have to do is sign and she’s yours,” Leah replied.

I turned to Leah with a scowl on my face. I stated earlier that I didn’t want to work with him but it seems she already made her mind up.

“Wow. That’s fast. I wasn’t expecting her to conclude so fast,” Logan replied.

I couldn’t tell Leah knew I was staring at her but she avoided my gaze.

“That’s done then. It’s finalized,” Leah said.

They both stood up and shook hands while I glared at the both of them. This is my life and it seems Leah had decided to play by her own rules and I wasn’t happy about it.

“Chef pay me,” Logan called my name, turning to look at me.

“You make delicious food, and I can’t wait to taste more o


of it, he smiled at me, and I scoffed in disbelief.

Leah cuts me off. “Chef Payne would be honored to work with you. Thanks for coming Mr Logan.”

“Looking forward to working with you Chef Payne and see you soon,” Logan said before walking away.

“And what is it that you are doing Leah? I already told you that I won’t be working for him yet you made him sign and made him think I was happy to work for him,” I chided.

“You might want to watch how you speak to me.” Leah retorted.

“This is business, Isabel. I hired you, have you forgotten? I am the one who made you what you are today and now you want to choose who you work with and who you don’t work with? Really? Is that how it’s going to be because you are suddenly a big chef?”

“I did what’s best for me and also for you and if you think it’s not the best for you then kindly enlighten me and let me see from your perspective too!”

“…” I closed my mouth, not knowing what to say



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Chapter 12

“I see. It seems you don’t have any reason for your actions. It seems your fame is starting to get into your head that you are starting to feel on top but that’s fine. This will be our last work together. Once you do this then that would be the end of our


I was taken aback by Leah’s statement. I had never seen her this angry before and was surprised by her statement.


“I don’t want to speak to you anymore. You can take your leave,” she remarked.

I stood there for some seconds before leaving her office, feeling bad about the outcome of today. Leah and I have never had a moment like that before and I didn’t like that she felt that way about me because I refused to work with Logan.

All of this started because of Logan. If it wasn’t for Logan I would still be having a peaceful life. All he ever does is ruin my life.

I decided to leave work for today and speak to Leah another time as it seems she doesn’t want to speak to me.


I halted on my track when I heard Logan’s voice.


“What is it that you want from me!” I yelled angrily at him.

“What do you want Logan? Haven’t you done enough? Now you want me to be your chef and even went as far as paying three times the amount just to have me over? Are you that desperate to ruin me? I mean you what do you want from me!” I cried out.

“I want you.”

I was taken aback by his statement.

“What… what do you mean?”

“You heard me right Isabel. I want you. For the past four years, I have been going crazy. I haven’t been able to breathe properly. I’ve missed you like crazy. For the past four years, I only continued living with hopes to see you again and now that I’ve seen you again, I can finally breathe,” he answered but his response only made me confused.

“Stay away from me Logan,” I stated firmly before turning to leave.

Logan held my arms, preventing me from walking away.

“What do you want!” I exclaimed in anger.

“I already stated that didn’t I? I want you Isabel. I want us,” he replied, looking right into my eyes.

“Please give us a chance,” he added.

“Have you gone mad? Do you recall clearly what it was that you said to me four years ago? Or should I rephrase for you?”

How could you? A weak and useless Omega like me in your words and now you want me back? Don’t you have a wife?” I pulled my arms from his hold.

Four years ago…

“Enough with four years ago. I am tired of hearing it. Please spare me of it. You made your choice. You rejected me so there’s



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Chapter 12

nothing else to talk about. Leave me alone,” I stated sternly.

“I wish I could but sadly I cannot leave you, Isabel. I want you.”




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