
Cyrus still intended to have that talk with Frederick. 

Gambling wasn’t a sustainable solution, and it disgusted Zoey, making Mira unable to hold her head up. 

Who would love a gambler

He, as the renowned young lord of the Hippocrates Sect, could earn a living entirely with proper skills and legitimate means. 

Zoey stood at the doorway, watching Cyrus disappear. 

She touched the faint marks on her fair neck, feeling a sense of estrangement as if her world had collided with a different world. 

She couldn’t fathom why Cyrus had changed so much, wondering what he was up to. 

She really wanted to ask Rachel which wealthy and influential man Cyrus had lost to that he became so hardworking all of a sudden. 

However, considering that Uncle Lopez was the last client, Zoey messaged her former close friend, Dr. Cecilia Lopez, the daughter of Frederick Lopez and the Deputy Director of the Jorsproburgh Hospital. 

“Cecilia, I have money now to restock. Can you talk to your dad for me?” 

“Alright, when will you come over? I’ll take you to meet him.” 

“Cyrus has gone over.” 

“Why did that loser come? My dad’s place isn’t somewhere he can enter. Zoey, are you still having. delusional hopes where he’s concerned?” 

Cecilia exploded with disappointment in her tone and hung up the phone. 

Putting down her phone, she sighed, inserting her hands into her lab coat pockets. 

Through the office’s floor–to–ceiling window, she saw Cyrus riding an electric bike into the Jorsproburgh 


Three years ago, Cyrus drove a Rolls Royce, but now he looked disheveled–a situation entirely of his own 


Unexpectedly, her father promptly received him and launched into a heated scolding. 

“What right do you have to engage in business with me? Your dad and your in–laws have been my partners for decades. How did it all end? Your parents were angered to death by you, and Wallace was left paralyzed. Now, the lifelong efforts of the Clarke family have been taken away by that little mistress. 

“In these 

years, if it weren’t for Wallace’s support, your daughter would have died of her illness. Despite Zoey’s exceptional beauty and the many wealthy young heirs eager to marry her, Wallace stuck to his word and married her to you. On Wallace’s birthdays these years, have you ever visited once, even 

without Zoey?” 

Cyrus accepted all the criticisms. 

Since the previous Cyrus was indeed such a problematic person, he had no other way than to acknowledge these wrongs. 

“Director Lopez, we’ll definitely visit on his next birthday,” Cyrus replied. 

“Hmph, his next birthday? You probably don’t even remember the date,” Frederick coldly chuckled. 

Cyrus searched his memories, and damn, he really had no recollection whatsoever. 

“I will ask Zoey about it.” 

Frederick slapped the table and questioned angrily, “You can’t even afford a wheelchair and you dare to show your face before him? You’re embarrassing not just yourself but also your wife. On his coming 60th birthday, he’ll announce that he is formally passing the business to his youngest son. Zoey won’t inherit a single cent.” 

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in his money. The 200 thousand dollars that Zoey borrowed will be repaid 

in a few days. I’m going to attend just to save Zoey’s reputation.” 

“You’re worthless. Get out.” 

Frederick started shooing Cyrus off the property. 

One’s reputation is easily lost but hard to regain. Additionally, he had been the biggest spendthrift in 

Jorsproburgh in recent years. 

Cyrus still wanted to try his luck, but Cecilia said, “Get lost! Can’t you see my dad’s angry? Do you need me to call security to escort you out?” 

“I just wanted to say that for my father–in–law’s upcoming 60th birthday celebration, Zoey and I will definitely attend. We will also bring him a gift that pleases him. Please convey this message to the old 


“Hehe, I’d like to see what kind of gift you, this prodigal son, can give,” Frederick sneered. 

After Cyrus helplessly left, Cecilia asked in confusion, “Dad, do you feel like that guy seems to have 


“Cecilia, a dog can never change its habit of eating shit. Don’t expect anything from such a person, Frederick replied, mercilessly. 

“True, back in the day, Zoey was the number one beauty of Jorsproburgh Medical College. Regrettably, she ended up marrying such garbage. I bet her dad regrets it to the core,” Cecilia sighed. 

Back at the store, Zoey was preparing lunch. Cyrus, unable to secure the deal, felt a bit embarrassed to tell her and instead asked, “Can you cook me some food too?” 

“It’s all leftovers. I don’t think you’ll be able to stomach it,” Zoey replied coldly, as Cyrus had never eaten 

at home before. 

11 go buy some cold dishes. I just want some of the pasta, Please?” Cyrus smiled. 

Zoey frowned slightly, feeling that Cyrus’s sliver–tongue was unusual. However, she still made extra pasta 

for him. 

After Cyrus returned with the cold dishes, he hesitated and said, “Uncle Lopez’s deal didn’t work out.” 

Cecilia told me. I told you not to go in the first place,” Zoey replied. 

When Cecilia told her, she couldn’t believe it. Yet, Cyrus had actually gone and endured scolding. The entire process was surprisingly calm, which wasn’t his usual style. 

The more abruptly his temperament changed, the more Zoey was afraid of him. 

“Don’t worry, I will definitely settle the deal with Uncle Lopez. By the way, when is your father’s 60th birthday?” Cyrus asked. 

“Why are you asking this? You haven’t gone in three years, and you don’t need to go in the future,” Zoey 


“I must attend your father’s 60th birthday. Rest assured, I’ll prepare the gift myself, guaranteeing it will outshine your sister and brother, not to mention your stepmother.” Cyrus smiled. 

Finally unable to hold back, Zoey set down the kitchen knife, gazed at Cyrus, and exclaimed, “You’re drowning in debt, and you think you have the right to meet my dad? Why bother competing with them? I can’t even step into my family home now. If I do, I’ll only be humiliated by my stepmother and siblings.” 

*Calm down. From now on, I am no longer the person I used to be. Trust me- Before Cyrus could finish 

speaking, creditors arrived by the dozen, angrily looking for him. 

They had heard from Rachel that Cyrus had won a substantial amount of money and came to collect on his debts. Currently, Cyrus owed them a whopping two million dollars. 

Startled, Zoey quickly took the cutting board and fled to the small room. She was now terrified every time 

creditors showed up, as they would smash things, leaving her traumatized. 

Cyrus was speechless. 

Damn it, he had just been explaining things to his wife. The creditors came at the worst possible time. 

Rachel probably played a role in this, likely unhappy that he had returned to Zoey’s side. 

“You have the money and still refuse to pay us back. Are you looking for death?” The man leading the creditors threatened

Cyrus shrugged and said, “I indeed won 400 thousand dollars last night, but it’s all gone now. I don’t have a single penny left.” 

“Today, either hand us your wife or die, the leader threatened. 

This man was Sean Wood, who had a rich dad who was currently the chairman of Herbal City. 

In the past, Cyrus had lost a whopping one billion in equity to his father. 

The more he tried to recoup, the more he ended up losing. Sean’s father had long stopped playing with 


But Sean had been coveting Zoey. Together with Rachel, he had manipulated and toyed with Cyrus. 

They had won 2 million from him just last month. 

He had hoped to use this debt to pressure Zoey into submission. Unfortunately, he underestimated Zoey’s strong–willed nature. 

Each time, he ended up with a nose full of dirt. 

Listening inside, Zoey’s heart sank instantly. Any trace of the goodwill she had toward Cyrus vanished in 

an instant. 

She involuntarily gripped the kitchen knife tightly. 

If Sean dared to force his way in, she would fight tooth and nail to preserve her dignity. 

completely unaware the. 

Cyrus was when he wasn’t coming home, Sean had harassed Zoey almost every day. 

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