Chapter 21 

Rachel herself had studied medicine, and she currently ran a clinic. Even with the basic knowledge of orthopedics, she couldn’t figure out how Cyrus had been able to dislocate 17 joints at once. 

The shrill howl attracted the attention of the guests present. 

That loser Cyrus actually dared to lay a hand on Sean?” Cecilia was shocked. 

It was over before Howard and Mabel even finished their conversation. 

“Holy shit! How’s that possible? Sean actually couldn’t beat that good–for–nothing Cyrus?” 

At a closer look, it wasn’t about whether Sean could beat Cyrus. Not a single button had fallen off Cyrus‘ 

suit. There wasn’t even a wrinkle on it. 

“The bigger question is… how dare that loser fight back?” Mabel asked in surprise. What had happened in 

those few seconds? 

“That brat is really asking for trouble. Sean’s father has killed people before.” 

“What a surprise!” Mabel said, her voice tinged with excitement.. 

Rachel tried to set Sean’s bones, but he screamed and cursed in pain even though she had barely 

touched him. 

All 17 joints had been dislocated at the same time. Where was she supposed to start? 

“Damn it, Cyrus! Are you crazy? How dare you injure Mr. Wood? Believe it or not, his father would wipe out your Johnson family!” 

Zoey was stunned by the scene. She quickly pulled Mira behind her and covered her eyes. 

Putting aside the same technical doubts as Rachel, Zoey never expected that Cyrus would dare to attack Sean in order to protect Mira. 

And it was merciless too, even brutal. 

The guests gathered around them to watch the scene, looking forward to seeing Cyrus‘ tragic ending. 

“This guy must be here just to cause trouble.” 

“Look at Mr. Clarke’s face twisted with anger.” 

“It’s probably fear. Sean’s father is a known criminal after all. What other outcome can there be now that Cyrus has hurt his son? He’s probably afraid that his daughter will be dragged into trouble too.” 

“Alas, a beauty like Zoey has met such a fool.” 

“It’s all because Mr. Clarke was confused back then. If Zoey had married into the Lynch family, she would have become the most beautiful lady in Jorsproburgh’s medical circle by now.” 

Frederick couldn’t stand it anymore. He strode over angrily and snapped, “Cyrus, do you really wish to 

make trouble? Do you even take your father in law seriously 

helped you so much in the past 108 

As Zoey had expected, Cyrus was deemed a sinner now. No matter what he dist, all the blame would be pinned on him 

Uncle Lopez, everyone, Cyrus accidentally injured Mr. Wood’s band in order to protect our daughter didn’t cause trouble intentionally. Well apologice and pay for the medical expenses Zoey explained 

At that moment, despite having to face all the accusations, she still chose to stand by Cyrus Because Cyrus had proven that he was a qualified father just then. So no matter how big the storm was, Zoey would stand by his side. 

Cyrus felt a warmth in his heart, but he had no intention of giving in 

He replied in a neutral tone. “Mr. Lopez, this is between me and Sean Please stay out of it. If he doesn’t apologize to my daughter today, no one can save him not even his father” 

“Asshole, do you know what his father does? 

“It couldn’t be clearer.” Cyrus smiled 

Frederick decided to step forward, it shouldnt be a problem for him to set the bones 

He wanted to get this matter settled quicky lest his old friend Wallace be disgraced at his birthday 

banquet at such an old age 

But Cecilia stopped him and said. “Dad, this guy was just protecting his wife and daughter. Dont you think he’s changed? Leave him alone. Let’s see what hes capable of 

In fact, Frederick felt guilty. He had seen Rachel setting the tones earlier. Her techniques and skills were more proficient than his, but even she couldn’t help Sean 

He was also puzzled about how Cyrus had done it. Could it have been some ancient disjointing method! 

He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to reconnect the joints and end up making a fool of himself. 

The guests present were all experts. Everyone there had the same thoughts as Frederick. 

Besides, Sean wasn’t a good person. 

Meanwhile, Mabel pushed Wallace in his wheelchair over. 

Wallace was extremely disappointed, but Mabel secretly rejoiced. 

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