Chapter 0082


“Y-yes.” Words were starting to get hard to say. Slowly the pain faded and was replaced by

pleasure. When Alec felt my b*dy relax, he moved faster.

“I don’t think I can hold on much longer.” Alec said in a strained voice. He was moving

faster but it was

still a steady lower rhythm.

“Oh!” I felt the pressure start to build up again. Alec started k*ssing my neck and down to

an extra sensitive spot on my collar bone. “Alec!” My need for him was so strong.

“Hold on” Tightening my legs around him, Alec picked me up and moved us so we were

sitting up with me straddling him. My hips moved on their own as I rode him more

forcefully than he pumped into me. His hand firmly gripped my hips, helping me keep


I felt an overwhelming urge to bite him. My fangs descended. Alec saw this, “do it.”

Glancing at him, he pulled me towards him, for support for who, I wasn’t sure. Kissing the

spot, I felt him shiver under me, a second later my teeth sank into his skin until I hit bone.

Alec let out a deep growl as he bear hugged me. His breathing was rapid but kept us

moving. Slowly, my fangs retracted and I licked his wounds clean. Alec pulled my head

back and k*ssed me passionately. I

felt so connected to him.

“I’m about to explode.” Alec warned.

“F uck me hard.” I whispered in his ear. Alec pulled me back and searched for any sighs of

pain before he dropped me on my back and stated pounding away.

The sound of skin hitting skin echoed in the valley as my pressure built up. “F uck! Alec!” I

moaned. My ti ts were bouncing up and down as he showed no mercy. I watched his fangs

descended, moving my hair, I gave him access. My nerves shot up and he laid down on

top of me.

“Kristen….” Alec voice was full of concern.

“Do it! Please!” I begged as the pressure was at a tipping point.

“Look at me.” His voice sounded almost painful.

Opening my eyes, he was looking between me and my neck. “Alec…”

“I love you.” He said and then bit down on my neck, hitting bone. My scream sent the

birds flying as both of our or ga sms hit at the same time. A deep growl vibrated Alecs

chest as the final part of the bond


Alec let me go, and cleaned the wound. My b*dy was numb as darkness threatened to

take over. “Don’t fight it. Just pass out. I’ll be here when you wake up. I love you.” Alec

whispered in my ear.

“Love y-” is all u got out before the world went black.

My hearing came first, the sounds of birds filled the air with their happy chirping. Then

came the sparks that covered my b*dy. It was like my b*dy was tingling but it felt good.

“You awake?” Alec’s voice whispered in my ear.

“No.” Rolling over, I kept my face buried in his chest.

“Happy birthday.”

“Thank you.

“We probably need to head back. There is a birthday breakfast for you.” Alec was gently

rubbing my back.

Peaking through my eyelashes, the sun was peaking through the trees. “It’s too early for


“Your dad and brother are coming over. Do you want to smell like S** when they get

here?” That did the


Wiggling away from him, I sat up and looked for my clothes. “Where did my clothes go?”

“Right here.” Alec handed me my clothes. I felt a little awkward getting dressed in front of

him but afte my internal battle, this was something I needed to get used to. Putting my

bra on first, then I sl*pped my panties on and finally my dress.

“We should take all this with us.”

“Leave it. When you girls start getting ready for tonight, Jasper and I are coming out to get


“That seems wrong.”

“I did it for him and Emmy.

Mrs. Smith


Thank you all for reading!


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