Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 72 Ivan Has Gone Too Far

Alfie felt a bit dismal, "Oh, I see.”

Ivan saw that the call was over, and he took the kids downstairs after dressing them up.

"Daddy, Mommy didn't tell you before she left?"

"She told me." He quickly made up an explanation, "I didn't hear it clearly. Go have breakfast."

On the way to the company, Ivan sat on the backseat of the Lamborghini. The driver maintained a steady and comfortable pace. Looking out the window at the passing scenery, Ivan couldn't help thinking about Jennifer...

After seeing Rowan last night, he realized that he actually fell for Jennifer.

And this morning that feeling became more and more pronounced. With her gone, he found his heart was empty all of a sudden.

He had been obviously on his guard against her, but when he knew that she was the Master Pharmacist Darcie, Ivan was full of admiration for her from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't snap back from his own thoughts until he got out of the car. When he walked into the president's office, Ivan found Catherine standing in front of his desk, as if waiting for him to come over.

She was dressed stylishly and beautifully, and when she saw him, her lips curled up into a light smile, "Good morning, Mr. Marsh."

Ivan walked towards her with a calm face.

With a quick glance, he spotted the suit gift box on the desk with her name on it.

He had guessed what it was.

Instead of surprise, his cold face was tinged with a hint of distaste. "This is the new suit I designed for you abroad. I had it hand-made promptly after I returned to Arkpool City." Catherine smiled sweetly, "Every year I used to send you suits and you loved to wear them. I remember you once said that, only my designs are worthy of your aesthetic. Do you know how much of an affirmation that is for me?" "You don't need to design suits for me in the future. Just pay more attention to your work." His tone was impassive.

Catherine gazed at his handsome face, "What are you talking about? I didn't pay enough attention to my work before?"

She had always been excellent in her job, which Ivan did recognize. "Alright, I know what you mean." She kept smiling, as she felt so delighted gazing at him so close, "Try on it. Hope you like it." With that, she left the office.

Didn't want to give him any chance to refuse.

After Catherine left, Finnley came in and Ivan casually handed him the suit gift box, "This is for you."

Finnley looked at the Logo on it and then at van.

Ivan said, "We're about the same size. You can wear it."

"...Oh." As the president's special assistant, Finnley naturally understood what he meant.

When Finnley arrived at the design department wearing the suit Catherine had given Ivan, Catherine, who was originally in a good mood, felt like her heart had been stabbed!

Ivan did it on purpose!

Finnley specially brought a document for Catherine to sign.

Fury was burning in her heart, but she couldn't vent it out.

Ivan had not heard from Jennifer for a while and didn't know what she was doing now.

After signing the agreement last night, he called his men to stop following her.

But sitting in the office, he couldn't help feeling a bit restless, his thoughts uncontrollably revolving around her.

Sunshine Village with birds and flowers.

Cotton candy clouds floating in the blue sky, technicolor flowers on the roadsides, when the wind blew, the fragrance filled the air.

Jennifer was breathing in the fresh air and felt super free at the moment! Even the air smelled sweet.

The car pulled up in front of the bamboo house and Edward rushed out joyfully.

As soon as she got out of the car, Edward grabbed her into a hug, "Master! You're back!" He lifted her up and spun her around several times, "Why didn't you call ahead, so that I could get ready!"

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