Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 598 Before Leaving

Jennifer asked with a smile, “Why?”

Ivan carried her up in his arms and walked towards the bed. “Aren't you going to add me into the group chat?"

He was just asking

“Nope,” Jennifer put down her phone and put her arms around his neck, “If I added you into the group chat, no one would say anything anymore.”

“Am I that scary?” Ivan arched his eyebrows.

Jennifer chuckled, “You think?”

Ivan put her down in bed, unbuttoned his shirt and turned off the lights in the room. He bent over and stroke her hair. “Honey, you smell so good.”

The designers were still chatting and discussing what they were bringing.

Since Mason had been there, he told everyone the details about the Roxy Fall and the cabins there.

Everyone was excited and determined to do their best.

Mason reminded them that this had to be kept confidential. Confidentiality agreements would be signed tomorrow morning, and nothing related to the designs could be leaked to anyone until the Marsh Group released the True Love series.

They had to win the fight!

In an apartment, the door was opened from the outside.

Mya stepped in, "Are you going with them to Roxy Fall?"

"Why should I go?" Finnley closed the door and took off his suit. "Do you want to go?”

Mya answered, “Jennie has added me to the group chat. I should go as her assistant.”

Finnley glanced at her. “So, you want me to go with you?”

Mya turned her head and looked into his eyes. “I was just asking.” Finnley smiled and didn’t break it off with her. He walked into the study. Mya didn’t think about his words, sat sown on the sofa and started googling the Roxy Fall.

It looked like a really quiet place, far away from the city.

There were ten cabins there, each one with a living room that had a cable TV, a sofa, an end table and a bathroom.

Each cabin could accommodate three people.

But the staircase was a narrow one, it could only allow one person to walk at a time.

The photos showed that there were two single beds on the second floor, facing the window.

The cabin was made of wood, without a piece of tile.

Mya, who had lived in the downtown area for a long time, had never lived in a cabin before. She really wanted to go there right now. Finnley came to the living room and saw the smile on her face.

Mya was cuddling up in the sofa and texting on her phone.

"Don’t go.”

Mya was surprised and looked up at him. Wasn't he in the study?

He looked serious and Mya was confused. “Why?”

“They aren't going there for fun, but to get inspiration.” Finnley poured himself a glass of water, “You can go there some other time.” “Alone?” Mya asked, “That's no fun at all. Will you go with me?" Finnley drank his water. “I will.”

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