Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 567 Not Given for Free

Jennifer called Spencer, “Spencer, where are you?"

"Jennifer?" Spencer was surprised, but also very happy. “I didn't expect you to call me. Did Ivan betray you, so you call me for comfort?" he said childishly.

Jennifer said seriously, "I'l send you the address, come over."


Spencer liked her, although he could only keep this love for himself. He came over without saying a word. Along the way, he was thinking about whether he should try to steal Jennifer or comfort her.

Spencer was dumbfounded when he arrived at the destination.

He saw a Lamborghini parked not far!

Ivan was here too?

Spencer unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, then walked into the weird building.

At the gate, he felt something unusual.

Going further inside, he saw Ivan and Jennifer at a glance.

It was a spacious place. The style was simple yet opulent.

Ivan and Jennifer saw Spencer too. Spencer looked around again. When he saw the words “Coco Club”, he was stunned.

“Do you like it?" Ivan asked with a smile.

Spencer looked at him in shock, unable to speak.

Jennifer took Ivan's arm and looked at Spencer with a smile, “lvan chose the location without telling you. He designed it himself. It's a gift for you."

Ivan was very happy. "You are free from now. You can do whatever you want.”

Spencer's ears rang. He looked around again, still a little dazed. He was too shocked.

Having managed to calm himself down, Spencer turned around and hugged Ivan!

Jennifer didn’t expect him to do so.

Something warm surged up Ivan's chest. After a moment of daze, he patted Spencer on the back.

At this time, silence spoke better than anything. It was a meaningful hug.

After hugging for a long time, Spencer finally let go. “Thank you." He seemed too excited to say anything else.

Jennifer saw the flush in his eyes. She knew his passion for cybersecurity. He couldn't wait to gather up his old teammates. "You're welcome. But it's not for free." Ivan put his hands in his trouser pockets, smiling faintly.

Not only Spencer but also Jennifer was slightly startled. They all looked at him.

Ivan said, "The Marsh Group is going to create jewelry with the best diamonds from South Africa. The style will be absolutely novel. It's called “True Love". I would like to invite you to endorse it. And you can decide on whom to be your female partner. I'll pay her part.”

Spencer thought it was a big deal!

He was in a cold sweat just now!

Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed, "No problem! As long as you call for me, I'd endorse your company no matter when, for free!”

“It's a deal then!" Ivan reached out to him, “Nice cooperation.” Spencer also reached out to shake hands with Ivan. "You have my word! I'll never take that back."

Looking at this scene, Jennifer couldn't be happier. She was smiling sincerely. All the disputes and unhappiness disappeared.

At the Marsh Group.

After Ivan and Jennifer left, only Finnley and Mya were left on the 22nd floor.

Mya just finished comparing two reports. She took it to Finnley to sign it. Walking into Ivan's office, she put the report on Finnley’s desk. She didn't leave immediately but instead looked at Finnley, who was focused on working.

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