Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 556 I'd Rather Take the Risk

The smile on Catherine's face froze as she heard the busy tone.

She reluctantly put down her phone a long while later.

She had always been a tough woman and she had tried hard to hold back her tears yet she failed.

Whatever she eventually became, Ivan would always be her weakness. Holding the steering wheel, she took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

Ivan always appeared in her dreams.

She always thought of him when she smoke.

And his face became clearer and clearer in her mind when she was drunk.

She missed him so much, so why should she not go see him?

But she also knew that lvan must want to see her because she had started working for R-Alan Group now.

Catherine hit the accelerator hard and there was hatred in her eyes. She didn't care anymore. She had said she would make him regret. Since she couldn't get him, she would destroy him!

It took half an hour to get to the coffeehouse from here.

Catherine was worried that lvan wouldn't have the patience to wait for her for long, so she was racing on the highway.

Half an hour later.

In the coffeehouse.

Ivan sat alone by the window and there were not many customers here since it was week day.

He waited for ten minutes and was sure that Catherine would come, for he knew her too well.

When he raised his eyes, he saw the woman entering the door. Their eyes met, both cold.

Catherine looked calm and sat down opposite him.

"You should leave R-Alan now," Ivan said straightforwardly, “You know what kind of person Leslie Eastwood it. You're jumping into a fire pit." Catherine didn't know what to say, she took a sip of the coffee.

After a while, she answered and smiled gently, “I really didn't expect that this was what you wanted to say to me on our first “date’.”

Ivan took pity at her, "I said it for your good."

"For my good?" Catherine sneered, "You fired me and humiliated me. And now you are saying this for my good just after I found a new job?" Ivan picked up the coffee elegantly.

Catherine suddenly asked, “Do you think you are my savior? That you are here to save me? I have been driven out of your world and I am free to do anything and go anywhere. Who do you think you are?" She was very angry, and her eyes were full of resentment.

Ivan said to her in a calm voice, "Leslie is a womanizer who has ruined a lot of women's lives."

"What has it got to do with me?" Catherine looked at him angrily, "Stop pretending that you care about me."

“It is entirely unnecessary for you to try get back at me by helping him,” Ivan gently leaned back to the back of the chair, "You know that what you know is not top secrets at all, I am the only one who holds them and we have always had a mechanism about confidentiality leaking." Catherine looked into his eyes and sneered, " You should mind your own business first. Instead of explaining to your wife about your Canadian girlfriend, you are here wasting time on me?"

With that, she got up and left with pride. Deep inside, she was heartbroken.

Canadian girlfriend?

Ivan put down his coffee cup, took out his phone and read the news. He was angry.

He had been set up!

Ivan got up and left in anger.

What was Emily thinking?

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