Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 534 Telling Linda on Purpose

“No, I'm good,” said Catherine. “I'll be here tomorrow morning. So, it just needs to be done before 8 AM.”

“No problem! I'll introduce you to the higher-ups in the meeting tomorrow morning.” Leslie smiled, "Then the docking of work will start. So, you can get to know the corporate culture of R-Alan Group faster.” Catherine said with a faint smile, "Mr. Eastwood, don't forget that I've already had a certain understanding of the R-Alan Group."

"Those are misunderstandings.” Leslie said, "From now on, you will understand our company correctly.”

"Okay." Catherine had made up her mind to be part of the R-Alan Group and work against the Marsh Group.

As she said, she wanted to make Ivan regret it!

"I am looking forward to our permanent cooperation.” Leslie was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Catherine looked at her watch. “I have an appointment with a friend today so I got to go now." Handing him the two signed contracts, she said, "Put one of them in the drawer of my desk."

"Okay." Leslie took it and handed it to the assistant on the side. Then she turned and left.

At the cafe.

Linda sent the money to her father immediately. Her father called just now to thank her and said that her mother would have the surgery as soon as possible.

But Linda knew that money was not all that the surgery required. The patient's condition must be considered as well.

She prayed that her mother would pass the test.

After a while, a familiar figure appeared at the door and walked towards her.

"Catherine." Linda smiled, "Long time no see."

Catherine noticed Linda's red eyes. "Are you okay? Did you cry?" Linda pursed her lips, a little embarrassed, "I cried last night. But the problem has been solved.”

"Solved? What was the problem?" Catherine was concerned, and then her heart skipped a beat. She asked, "Did Jennifer bully you?"

"No, she's nice." Linda blurted out.

Hearing the phrase "she’s nice", Catherine got upset.

But she didn't show it. "What was it that? Can you tell me about it?" She picked up the latte on the table and took a sip.

Linda knew that Catherine liked lattes, so she ordered it in advance. "My mother is sick and needs an operation.” She didn't mention the money, after all, she had got it.

Unexpectedly, Catherine asked with concern, "How much will the surgery cost? Is it a big surgery? What is the chance of success?"

“It costs 40,000 dollars. And I suppose it’s pretty big.” Linda didn't know much about her mother's situation since she hadn't gone back yet.

“Do you have 40,000 dollars?" As a friend, Catherine knew Linda's financial situation. Linda had just graduated.

“I have borrowed it." Linda said honestly, "Ms. Brooks also noticed that I've cried today. Under her questioning, I told her what happened. And she transferred the money to my dad's bank account without saying a word."

It seemed that Jennifer knew very well how to make people work for her.

40,000 was nothing to Jennifer, but it could make Linda feel grateful. Catherine didn't say anything more, she was quietly guessing Jennifer's mind.

Picking up the cup, she took another sip of coffee, "Just tell me if you have any troubles."

“Thank you, Catherine." Linda was very moved, "Where have you been lately? Did you change your number? You didn't reply to my email. I have been so worried about you."

“I'll be working from tomorrow. I'm going to start a new life." Catherine smiled, looking at Linda in a good mood.

"Congratulations!" Linda was happy to see that Catherine finally got her life back on track! "Which company are you going to work with? They are so lucky!" Linda knew that Catherine had rejected offers from countless companies.

"R-Alan Group." Catherine didn't hide anything. Instead, from her tone, she seemed to tell Linda on purpose.

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