Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 534 Jennifer’s Help

“It doesn't matter, take me as a friend." Jennifer's tone was very gentle. “Let me see if I can help."

Linda couldn't open her mouth. After all, asking for money...was an embarrassing thing.

Jennifer looked at her very sincerely, waiting patiently for her answer. Linda thought of her mother's situation and recalled what she promised her father on the phone last night...

She gritted her teeth and said, "My mother is sick. The surgery cost 40,000 dollars. But I don’t have so much money.”

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief, “I thought it was something that couldn't be solved with money.” She reached out to Linda without saying a word, "Give me your account. I'll transfer the money to you now. The surgery can't wait."

Linda looked at Jennifer in astonishment.

Jennifer paused. "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you going to check?" Linda asked, "What if I lied?"

Jennifer was surprised that she would think so.

Jennifer stood up and patted Linda on the shoulders. "If you lied, then your mother is well. Wouldn't it be better?"

Hearing this, Linda felt very uncomfortable.

"Send the document later." Jennifer said to her, "Tell me your account first." With that, she opened her mobile bank and was ready to transfer money.

Linda was completely bewildered. She turned on her phone and found her father’s postal card number in her memo and sent it to Jennifer. Jennifer asked her, "Are 40,000 dollars enough?"


A few seconds later, the transfer was done. "Alright! I hope your mother will get better soon. If you need to take leaves, just tell me in advance.” Linda didn't know what to say for a while. She couldn't be more grateful to Jennifer. Her eyes were full of tears.

She bowed deeply, saying, "Thank you, Ms. Brooks!"

“You're welcome, now go back to work. Have faith in modern medicine. Many diseases can be cured by surgery.”

"Yes, yes."

Linda went to deliver the report.

Jennifer sat back in her chair. She understood that for an ordinary family, such an illness was the end of the world.

She had seen it happen too many times in Sunshine Village.

The world was so unfair. Those people lived their lives in poverty. They had been overworked when they were young and when they got older, they often got sick.

Some people spent all their young age working to support their family and children. They had never tasted what happiness was like.

What could people do instead of crying in such a situation? There was no cure for this sort of helplessness.

At nine-thirty in the morning.

After working for the entire morning, Linda said to Jennifer, "Ms. Brooks, I have something to go out, can I take two hours off?"

“Sure.” Jennifer didn't ask why.

“Thank you." Linda left.

Only Mya and Jennifer were left in the vice president's office.

"Jennifer, when will you take me as your apprentice?" Mya turned to look at her, "I am here as an assistant for this only reason.”

"If you want to be a pharmacist, Rowan can be your teacher.”


Why didn't she think of it?

Mya's eyes lit up. She got up and rushed to Jennifer's desk, asking expectantly, “Then can you recommend me? I'll be very glad to know him."

"Don't you know each other?" Jennifer raised her eyes, "I think you guys have met in Sunshine Village."

“I'm not familiar with him. He didn't even look at me. His eyes were on you all the time, okay?" Mya blurted out.

At this time, Ivan entered the room with a bunch of lilies. "Whose eyes were on my Jennifer?"

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