Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 514 Asking Purposely in Aubree’s Presence

“What are you afraid of? Our children are almost going to elementary school. Everyone knows it.” Ivan looked triumphant.

While Jennifer gaped at him, he suddenly fastened his pace and dragged her into the house.

“Morning, guys. Want something for breakfast?” Aubree asked happily. “Morning, Mom. We've had it,” van answered gently.

Jennifer still felt embarrassed.

Aubree stood up in front of them, frowning in confusion. “What's wrong with your cheek?” She noticed the small, red spot on his cheek with a single glimpse.

Suddenly, there were chuckles in the living room. People looked at Jennifer in envy, thinking she was lucky.

Jennifer blushed shyly. “Morning, Mom...” She greeted Aubree, trying to cover the embarrassment with a smile.

Aubree suddenly understood something. Her gaze swept between Ivan and Jennifer, realizing it was a lip print.

After confirming it, she wore a loving smile, “When will you have another baby?"

Looking into her smiling eyes, Jennifer was shocked. She was impressed by the tacit understanding between Ivan and his mother. She turned to glance at Ivan, leaving the question for him to answer. Ivan beamed at his mother without answering. Looking at the three lines of racks, he asked, “Have you decided which dress to wear, Mom?”

“Jennie has good taste in fashion.” Aubree changed the subject. “I want her to give me some suggestions. I like three dresses.”

Jennifer took her arm. “Which three, Mom? You can try them on and show us. We'll score them and comment on them. All people here are professional.”

“That's a good idea.” Aubree was excited.

It was a critical banquet, and she would appear in public after several years. She also wished to impress others.

Jennifer patiently helped her try the dress. One of the dresses Aubree liked was designed by her.

She and Pippa helped Aubree pull up the zipper, tidy up the hemline, put on jewelry, and take photos.

Then they discussed the three dresses with the stylists and makeup artists.

Finally, they decided on a deep-blue dress. Ivan thought it fit her the most; coincidentally, it was designed by Jennifer.

Jennifer chose her own dress, which had matching patterns with Aubree’s.

After ensuring their hairstyle and makeup, the staff left the house. Then the family chitchatted on the couch while having some coffee. Before leaving, Ivan asked Jennifer in Aubree’s presence, “Honey, you've finished dubbing for Spencer's drama, haven't you?”

“Ehn. The director has reviewed it,” Jennifer answered, “There's no problem. I don’t need to return to the recording studio.”

Ivan asked, “Shouldn't you keep your promise to work in my company?” Jennifer hadn't expected him to ask this question in Aubree’s presence. She was taken aback, wondering how to answer.

Aubree chimed in, “You are still young, Jennie. You can make more friends after working in the business field. Since lvan needs your assistance, you should help him."

Jennifer was surprised as Aubree prompted her to go to work in the Marsh Group.

Ivan assigned her to the position of vice president, which was the core of the group management. She would deal with confidential information.

“Jennie, go ahead.” Aubree knew why she hesitated. She added, “I wish you could work there. I won't rest assured if another person takes the position.”

Ivan could tell that his mother had wholly accepted his wife.

Therefore, he had no worries at all.

However, Jennifer didn't give them a positive answer instantly. “I need to consider it longer. I'll remember your suggestions, Mom.”

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