Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 488 Catherine Was Forced to Sign a Contract

As soon as the door was open, a man reacted quickly. He locked Linda's neck and pressed a dagger against it, keeping her in control. Linda paled and couldn't utter any word to ask for help.

Once Catherine entered the door, she saw the scene. While she stopped mid-step, she sobered up.

“Ms. Collins, we've been waiting for you for hours.” The man in the lead stood up from the sofa. “Finally, you are home.”

His tone was polite, but he and his teammates behaved aggressively. Catherine looked at Linda in a panic. Her heart tightened as she was worried.

Linda's legs weakened, trembling. In fear, she couldn't utter a beep. Catherine tried to calm down. Then she noticed five men in her apartment. Studying their outfits and expressions, she tried hard to figure out why they had come to her.

They didn't look like robbers.

Catherine strode forward and closed the door behind her. “Tell me. Why are you here? Don't give her a hard time.”

“You are indeed smart, Ms. Collins.” The man in the lead smiled.

One of his teammates tossed an agreement onto the coffee table. Catherine sat on the sofa, and her gaze met Linda's panicked eyes. She calmly said to the man holding the dagger, “Let go of her. She's just a kid.”

The man glanced at his leader and put away the dagger.

Another man said, “Ms. Collins, if you sign the agreement, we'll never do anything to harm her.”

Catherine picked up the agreement to read it carefully. Party B was the R-Alan Group.

She knew it well, as it was the Marsh Group's sworn enemy. It was a well-developed company, but all its employees were arrogant, and its decision-makers were willing to take risks. Their only vision was to win against the Marsh Group to verify their value.

However, after they failed, they played dirty tricks secretly.

Catherine would never want to work for such a company.

“Ms. Collins, please be patient when you make a decision,” the man in the lead reminded her, "Think twice.”

“Help me, Catherine...” Linda shed tears and couldn't help trembling. “I don’t want to die... Boohoo...”

Catherine's eyes became cold. After browsing through the unreasonable conditions, she picked up a pen and signed her name. Her calm and frankness shocked others on the scene.

“Done. Can you release her now?” Catherine asked indifferently.

The men gaped at her in disbelief, although they had witnessed her sign it.

The man in the lead picked up the agreement and checked it repeatedly, ensuring she had signed on every required space.

One man chimed in. “lvan Marsh has mistreated you. Why do you still want to be loyal to his company?”

lvan's name caused a sharp pang in her heart. “You can leave now.” The man holding a dagger let go of Linda, following others to stand up. Another man said, “Ms. Collins, you are smart and talented. As long as you're willing to let go of this matter, you'll surely have a bright future.” Catherine didn’t answer, seemingly indifferent. She even didn't look at them.

However, they had obtained her signed agreement and finished their mission, so they didn't need to stay longer.

“This agreement is legal. Come to work tomorrow. If you break the agreement, you'll have a penalty. Ms. Collins, I believe you won't bring yourself a lawsuit or pay the enormous penalty.” With those words, the men turned away while laughing.

The door was locked. After a long time, Linda finally returned to her senses.

Sitting on the sofa, Catherine looked expressionless. She pulled out her phone and dialed a number. “Hello, property manager? What's wrong with you? Someone broke into my house earlier.”

Linda was taken aback, listening to her speak on the phone.

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