Surprised Wife With Twins
484 Couldn't Get Rid of Her

The men were all around 40 years old. They wear all in suits, looking unfriendly.

Linda's head was blank for a few seconds. She felt like a rabbit bumping into wolves.

The man who entered the last closed the door and blocked it with his wide body, preventing Linda from escaping.

Linda was frightened, her head was working slowly. She didn't even think of escaping.

At the same time, at the bar with loud music on.

Catherine sat at the bar under the cover of lights that kept changing colors, feeling sad.

Surrounded her were pretty girls and boys dancing to the music, frantically shaking their young bodies, as if it was the only way to please their restless hearts.

Catherine didn't drink much. She wasn't out to get drunk. She just didn't want to be alone at home.

Perhaps only here she could temporarily forget about Ivan.

The whole world was celebrating when she was drowning in her deep sorrow. How ironic!

When she was lonely and depressed, Ivan and Jennifer were enjoying life together.

When she was still longing for the past, no one stopped for her, not even looking back at her.

That was the sorrow of the unloved.

The pouring was getting heavier.

A yellow alert had been issued, and taxi drivers all stopped working. Many stores had closed.

Finnley was driving in the storm, following Mya's instruction, after driving most of the city, he finally stopped in front of a villa, "It's here.” Finnley was speechless. That was not the direction to his place at all. Mya refused to say the location, she always said that it was almost there, asking him to turn left, turn right and go straight as if afraid that he would throw her out halfway.

If she said the location, he could have chosen the shortest route. “Thank you." Mya knew this, but also felt embarrassed, "Have dinner with me another day. My treat.”

After that, she quickly unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door and got out of the car in the rain, closed the door, and rushed to the villa. Finnley calmly turned the car around because it was not in the right direction.

It would take forty minutes to drive home in the rain, but Finnley didn't complain.

When he was about to step on the accelerator, the passenger door was opened, and the girl who was wet from the rain got into the car again. Finnley was taken aback by her again.

He saw Mya close the car door, and quickly pulled a tissue to wipe her clothes. "Sorry, I forgot my key and couldn't open the door.” She spent nearly a million dollars on the limited-edition coat, she didn’t want it to get wet.

Finnley looked at her speechlessly.

Soon, Mya finished half of the tissue and finally wiped off the rain on her clothes, "Well, why don't you do me one last favor and send me to the hotel?”

After saying that, she turned to look at him.

Finnley met her gaze but didn't speak. He didn't know what to say. "Please." Mya looked at him in a pleading way.

Finnley withdrew his gaze and started the car.

After a while, Finnley asked, "Do you know the location of the nearby hotels?" He was not familiar with this area.

The rain was so heavy that even the wipers didn't help, so Finnley had to slow down the car.

At this time, there were not many cars on the road.

Mya leaned forward with her eyes wide open, trying to observe the road ahead. "Turn right. There should be a five-star hotel, and the name..." She thought about it and slapped the door of her head, “It's called Ramada!”

Following her instruction, Finnley turned on the right turn signal and eventually parked the car outside the reception hall.

There were large elegant eaves with some green vines hanging from the rain.

"Well..." Mya murmured as she quickly rolled her eyes, "Can I use your ID? Mine is at home.”

Finnley shook his head speechlessly.

"Please, help me this one last time!" She clasped her hands together and begged him.

“I'm not having mine with me either," he said.

The four eyes met, and there was a brief silence in the car.

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