Surprised Wife With Twins
477 Tell Her What I Said

At this time, the Lamborghini drove right into the front yard of the Rowan villa.

Jennifer drove in person and Ivan was sitting beside her. They were heading to the company and decided to drop on by the way.

In the yard, they saw three cars parked there. They could only recognize that one was Rowan’s car.

Getting off, Ivan opened up an umbrella, put his arm around Jennifer's shoulder and they quickly walked towards the living room.

"Spencer, you have no time to think about it."

Andrew's voice came into Ivan's and Jennifer's ears.

Then Ivan saw the four people holding guns at the door. Seeing Ivan, they quickly withdrew their guns and respectfully greeted, "Mr. Marsh!” Ivan couldn't believe his eyes.

They were holding gunsl

When Ivan looked at Andrew again, Andrew felt guilty. His mind went blank for a few seconds, "Mr. Marsh.”

Ivan put down his umbrella and walked towards Andrew. No one in the living room dared to make a sound.

Ivan grabbed the ticket from Spencer and looked at it, his deep eyes narrowed. He didn't need to ask to know what Andrew was doing. lvan's sharp eyes were as cold as ever as he tore the ticket into pieces without hesitation. Andrew couldn't do anything.

Then, Ivan called Aubree.

Aubree picked up the phone very soon. She had never thought that Ivan would go to Rowan's place. The information she received told her that lvan and Jennifer had gone back to Emerald Bay.

So, Aubree was happy to receive a call from Ivan early in the morning. Before Aubree spoke, Ivan said coldly, “Listen, get your hands off Spencer, or you'll lose your son!”

Spencer and Jennifer heard everyone he said. Same was true for Andrew.

Even Rowan couldn't believe his ears.

With that, Ivan hung up the phone without giving Aubree a chance to reply.

He fixed his gaze on Andrew, but Andrew lowered his eyes apologetically, not daring to look back.

Ivan didn't blame him because he was just doing his jobll

"Andrew, please go back and tell my mother.” Ivan looked extremely discontent. The atmosphere in the living room became even worse. Everybody was having goosebumps.

"I have recognized Spencer as my young brother. Alfie and Diana are calling him uncle. My mother has the right not to accept it or even be against the idea. But she is in no position to decide whether Spencer will go or stay. Arkpool City is not her garden."

Andrew didn't dare to speak.

Ivan stared at him, "Tell her what I said."

Tammy, who was standing at the door, was moved with tears when she heard Ivan's words.

Soon, Andrew left with his men.

lvan was going to the company today. Before he went to work, he came to check on Spencer.

After all, Spencer was badly injured.

So, they didn't stay long.

Before leaving, Ivan told Spencer, "Fate has made you my brother, my blood. From now on, we shall never to apart.”

Having experienced life and death together, they both had a deeper understanding of the meaning of the word “cherish’.

After lvan and Jennifer left, Spencer returned to the room.

He couldn't find peace for a long time, although he did not say anything.

Tammy had been wanting to say something but didn’t know how to. Finally, she could hold back. "Mr. Lawrence, there's something... I don't know if you want to know it.”

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