Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 469 Disappointed

Ivan and Jennifer packed up some food for him, all of which was Spencer's favorite.

In the brightly-lit dining room, Spencer was confused when he saw the food on the table. He looked at them in confusion.

"How do you know my preferences?"

Jennifer answered with a smile, "Just sit down and eat. We drove all the way here. It's still warm."

Spencer turned to look at Ivan and wanted and answer from him.

Ivan looked at him gently with his hands in his pockets. He didn't answer.

These details moved Spencer, who had seldom felt loved. He sat down on the chair and started to eat.

Ivan had done a lot of things for him since he was a child. He had cleaned up a lot of the mess He had made in school.

But he had never felt touched and even felt lvan annoying. He hated Ivan's proud look and he would sometimes make trouble for Ivan om purpose.

But he had grown a lot after the incident.

Ivan and Jennifer stayed at Rowan's for the night.

Although Ivan didn't feel any pain now, he needed to recuperate.

The next day morning.

The Marsh Group building stood there under the sun, serving aa the most representative landmark in Arkpool city and carrying a lot of young people's career dreams.

In the simply-decorated CEO's office, Finnley walked in with his laptop and ran into Linda, who came to deliver a document.

"Good morning, Finnley,” Linda greeted him, she was wearing a dress. "Morning," Finnley looked at her and said in a gentle voice, "I'm having a meeting, just put it on the desk. Are there any urgent files you need me to sign on?"

"No." Linda smiled and made way for him.

Linda walked into the CEO's office after Finnley left.

Her heart finally stopped racing, but she still felt sweet.

The CEO's office was large and with great lighting.

Linda put the document down in the desk and suddenly got an idea. She didn't leave immediately.

Finnley was in a meeting and wouldn't come back any time soon.

She looked at the door and sat down on the chair. She opened one of the drawers.

Then, she saw several sketches. They were casually drawn and without any color.

She thought they were Finnley's work, took them out carefully and looked at them with a smile.

The cartoon figures on them looked vivid.

However, when she saw the signature at the end of the drawing, she frowned.

She looked at it and murmured, "Mya?"

She couldn't be sure because the signature was a bit wild.

The three sketches suddenly felt heavy in her hands.

She took a picture of the signature and put the papers back to where they were, closed the drawer and left.

Who was Mya?

Was She Finnley's fiancée?

He kept her drawings, he must love her and miss her, right?

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