Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 432 What Happened to Mr. Marsh?

Pippa had just passed the corner of the stairs when Aubree stepped into the living room.

Pippa stopped in situ. There was no way to avoid Aubree, so she walked down with a smile.

"Where's Ivan?"

Aubree asked as soon as she entered the door. She saw the Lamborghini in the courtyard, so Ivan couldn't be in the company. "Madam."

Jordan and Marry saluted respectfully and said in unison, "Mr. Marsh is on a business trip."

Aubree looked at Marry. "Where did he go on business?"

There came a brief silence. They didn’t know how to answer.

Even Pippa panicked. Jordan responded quickly with a smile on his face, "Mr. Marsh never tells us about his destination.”

Aubree turned to Pippa and changed the subject, "Why are you at home? Where's Jennifer?"

Pippa paused for a moment. She was nervous.

"Don't tell me she's dubbing. If she's in the recording studio, why aren't you with her?" Aubree stared at Pippa for a moment. "Look me in the eyes and answer me. Where is Mr. Marsh?"

Pippa had served Aubree for years. Aubree could tell at a glance if Pippa was lying.

Just then, the telephone in the living room rang.

Everyone got nervous.

The ringing diverted Aubree's attention. She stared at the phone for a few seconds, then looked at Jordan and ordered, "Pick it up and turn on the speaker."

Jordan stabilized his mind and took a step toward the coffee table.

He bent down and glanced at the number, slightly startled.

"Answer it. What are you waiting for?" Aubree stared at him coldly, with a hint of majesty in her tone.

The ringing continued...

Jordan had to pick it up and turned on the speakerphone, "Mrs. Marsh." As expected, it was Jennifer!

Aubree took a step towards the coffee table, listening with full attention. Marry and Pippa were also very nervous.

"Jordan, please prepare some clothes for Ivan." Jennifer's gentle voice came over. "And some personal items, such as razors. I'll come and get them now."

"Okay," Jordan answered, not daring to raise his eyes.

Aubree stood by the coffee table, frowning.

Jennifer added, "The news related to last night's incident hasn't been suppressed yet. If Madam Aubree called to ask, tell her that Ivan was on a business trip."

Marry took a deep breath.

Pippa pursed her lips too, her palms sweating.

"As for the destination of the business trip, if she insists on asking, tell her to ask Finnley. In short, you know nothing, do you remember?" Jordan couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Aubree's eyes were full of displeasure.

Jennifer said, "I'll be there soon, go prepare the stuff.” After that, she hung up the phone.

Jordan was bending at the coffee table with the receiver in his hand, not knowing what to do.

Aubree asked, "What are you trying to hide from me? What happened to Ivan? Why do you need to prepare clothes for him? Where is he? Why isn't he home?"

She asked a series of questions, each colder than the other. Jordan was unable to answer.

Aubree stared at Marry with cold eyes. Marry trembled, "Madam..." "Speak!" Aubree stared at her. "What the hell happened to Ivan?"

“I'll tell you" Pippa knew they couldn't hide it anymore. "Don't blame anyone. I'll tell you!"

Aubree looked at Pippa again, and her eyes were still cold. She hated betrayal the most in her life!

Pippa said calmly, "I was there last night. Those people were against Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Marsh and Jennifer happened to pass by, so they went up to help Mr. Lawrence. Then, Mr. Marsh was stabbed in the back.”

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