Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 382 Catherine's Pleading

Jennifer gave him an OK gesture. Ivan held her hand and said to Rowan, "See you, buddy.” Then the couple left.

The Lamborghini headed back to Emerald Bay under the moonlight.

In the passenger's seat, Jennifer pinched the bottle while joyfully staring at Ivan's side face. The dim light of the street lamps made him look more handsome than usual, so she couldn't tear her gaze off him. Whenever Ivan was with her, his aura would soften.

At the same time, a red Bentley pulled up to the yard of Kelsington Bay. The person in the driver's seat couldn't get off the car for a long time. Looking at the familiar vintage villa in front of her, Catherine could see the living room was brightly lit and reminded herself to mind her identity. The wedding had ended, but she wasn't lvan's bride. Her dream should end.

After getting off the car, she entered the living room.

Aubree happened to go downstairs. When she turned the corner, she met Catherine's gaze. The two women stopped mid-step.

Catherine stopped at the door and Aubree on the stairs.

"Good evening, Auntie Aubree," Catherine greeted her, addressing her differently than before. Repressing the pain in her heart, she didn't think she had the right to call Aubree as Mom.

Aubree returned to her senses. After withdrawing her gaze, she walked downstairs.

The two sat on the sofa. Pippa served them with herbal tea and left. She wondered why Catherine had come after being kicked out from the Marsh Group by Mr. Marsh. Was she here to beg Madam Aubree for mercy?

Under the bright light of the living room, the two women locked eyes. "Auntie Aubree, I'm here to plead for Linda Chambers," Catherine said bluntly, looking at Aubree sincerely. "lvan detests me, so he has fired me. But he has no reason to fire Linda."

"Is Linda fired as well?"

Aubree's words evidently showed that she had known Catherine was fired.

Catherine felt disappointed as she could tell the change in Aubree’s attitude toward her.

It seemed Aubree had tacitly consented to the marriage of Ivan and Jennifer.

"Ehn."” Catherine nodded. "Linda didn't make any mistake at work. She only cared about me too much. I helped her once, so she wanted to return the favor. She's a fresh graduate, pretty simple-minded. Ivan cannot fire her just because she's my assistant.”

"I can help you." Aubree understood. She picked up the teacup and took a sip without remarking anything else.

Catherine also accepted her change.

Aubree didn't ask her about her future plan, so Catherine didn't take the initiative to tell her either.

The awkwardness filled in the air.

The two women seemed to be distant. Catherine stood up and left. The Lamborghini stopped in front of Emerald Bay.

Ivan and Jennifer got off and entered the living room. Since they had dinner, they went upstairs directly.

The modernly decorated living room on the second floor was lit on. Suddenly, Jennifer's phone rang. Alfie was calling.

Sitting on the sofa, Jennifer swiped to answer in excitement, "Hello, Alfie."

"Hello, Mommy. How have you and Daddy been nowadays?" Alfie asked with concern. "Are you used to staying with him? Does he treat you well?"

"Everything's fine." Jennifer darted at Ivan with a smile and put the phone on hand-free mode. "Do you want to speak to Daddy? Where is Diana?"

Ivan sat next to her and asked gently, "Alfie, have you gotten used to staying abroad? Do you need any help?"

"We're both fine, Daddy. Protect Mommy well in Arkpool City." Alfie promised, "I'll take good care of Diana. No worries."

"Daddy! Mommy!" Diana's sweet voice sounded out. "We'll send our blessings to you across the continents and ocean. Hurry up and give birth to our younger brother or sister. After returning home, we can play with the baby.”

The baby?

Jennifer had never thought of it.

Ivan propped his arm on her shoulder and promised to the children on the other end of the line, "Sure. You'll become an older brother and older sister soon.”

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