Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 379 Who Treated Her Most Nicely

Her apartment was quiet.

Standing in front of her bed, Catherine peered out the window. It was dusk.

The clouds in the sky were colored by the sunset glory.

When she walked into the living room, she smelt a faint ginger smell and heard some sounds from the kitchen.

In confusion, she drifted into the kitchen and looked around. Catherine had an illusion that she was in a different space as her apartment became clean and neat. Her clothes were washed.

The floor was also clean.

She could tell the entire apartment had been cleaned.

"Catherine, you are awake." Linda walked to her while holding a bowl of ginger soup. She said joyfully, "This is sober-up soup for you. I put some honey in. Have it while it's still warm."

Catherine felt like dreaming. "Why are you still here?"

“I'm worried about you." Linda gently put the bowl on the dining table. "How long have you been doing the housework?" Catherine looked around. "You even did laundry." She could tell how tidy her apartment had become.

"Just a short while. Sit down, Catherine. Don't stand there," Linda prompted, "Drink the soup. I was about to wake you up just now." Catherine's gaze drifted around her apartment again. Touched, she said, "Thank you so much, Linda." She tossed her hair to the back of her ears and sat in a chair.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Linda trotted to open the door.

"Ma'am, this is the bouquet you ordered," a deliveryman said. "Thanks." Linda took some flowers over and closed the door.

While drinking the sober-up soup, Catherine recalled lvan and Jennifer had come here earlier, feeling frustrated.

That was the first time she had been so rude to Ivan. She sent him away harshly.

In fact, her heartache almost suffocated her.

Linda put the flowers into a vase. "Sorry, Catherine. I threw up all the liquor from your house and bought some apple vinegar for you. You are an adult, so you should avoid hurting your own health. Or you'll regret it after getting old."

Catherine had calmed down a lot. "Sure. Thanks, Linda.”

Her heart was filled with warmth that she hadn't felt for a long time. She couldn't think of another person treating her so wholeheartedly as Linda did.

Even Aubree didn't check on her in the hospital or call her.

Catherine was smart, so she guessed Aubree must blame her for making trouble at lvan's wedding.

"By the way, I changed the lock to a fingerprint lock. Record your password and fingerprint, Catherine,” Linda reminded her. "I also recorded mine. In that case, I can come here to check on you often and help you clean the apartment without bothering the property management.”

"Sorry for making you fired,” Catherine said apologetically, "I'll try my best to help you retain.”

“It doesn't matter. I can find a new one." Linda seemed to be quite philosophical. "Catherine, please don't bother Mr. Marsh for me. I don't want to see you so humble. If I hadn't been accepted by the Marsh Group, I would have worked for another company.”

Although she accepted it, Catherine felt sorry for her.

The shopping malls run by the Marsh Group had been fully packed for a whole day.

The number of customers was still increasing until the end of the day. The goods had to be supplied continuously without a stop.

Although countless customers spent money, the malls didn't make any profits. All goods were at a 90% discount.

"Girls, take whatever you like. Don't be shy!" Mya yelled. She wore a white hoodie with two ponytails on her head, decorated with colorful beads, looking fashionable.

She pushed the biggest shopping cart, which was fully packed with goods.

More than a dozen girls pushing shopping carts followed her. They almost blocked the whole corridor.

It was a magnificent scene indeed.

"90% discount means you still need to pay for them. They've bought tons of things!" A passerby was shocked.

"Mya." A girl reminded her, "Did you get the skin care products you want?"

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