Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 365 Sign it

Sunlight washed over Ivan's face through the window. Jennifer gazed at him with a smile. She did appreciate his perfect and attractive features.

A man was in his prime when he was 38 years old, which was totally proved by van. He was mature and successful in his career.

"Do you have a problem with that? Do you not want to go?" Ivan asked after Jennifer had been silent for a few seconds.

"Why not?" Jennifer smiled and said, "I'd love to do anything and go everywhere with you."

Jennifer's words gave him a warm feeling in his heart.

lvan's car was heading to the train station.

“Let's go in the opposite direction, buy a ticket for a random stop, and just wait for the surprise. Do you like it?" Ivan said, "I didn't do any research, and I'm happy to go anywhere with you."

“It is the same with me." Jennifer felt as if she was the happiest in the world.

At this moment, a white Maybach stopped understairs the hospital. Finnley got out with a stack of files, walking towards the hospital lobby. He was so handsome that he could always distinguish himself.

After knowing how Catherine was going, Finnley went to her ward. Walking out of the elevator, Finnley stopped at a door and knocked on it.

Linda turned her eyes and saw Finnley open the door. Finnley looked her in the eye and stepped inside.

Linda hurriedly stood up and instinctively gave way for him.

After all, Finnley was here on behalf of Ivan.

Linda was lost for words for a while, and even forgot to say hello. As she stared at the files in Finnley's hands, her mind went blank. Catherine sat leaning against the bed with a pale face. She had just collapsed, and her eyes were still red and swollen.

Seeing Finnley, she knew it was not good news.

“I'l make it short.” Finnley put the files on Catherine's quilt and said straightforwardly, "Mr. Marsh has had a new pick for the vice president.” Catherine had expected it. Ivan wouldn't backtrack on what he announced at the wedding.

Finnley continued, "Although Mr. Marsh has not been in love with you, he is willing to compensate you for your moral damage. Fill out a figure yourself. Mr. Marsh has already signed it."

Catherine stared at this compensation agreement. Everything was written, only the column of compensation was empty.

Finnley bent down and handed over a pen, reminding her, "If you make a scene again, you won't get a penny, so just think about it and sign the agreement.”

Finnley's words stuck into Catherine's heart like a thorn!

She stared straight ahead and said in a cold voice, "I want to see him." Catherine's mournful tone was mixed with distress.

"Mr. Marsh is on his honeymoon with Miss Brooks." Finnley said truthfully, "He's not available to see you."

What Finnley said almost killed Catherine! She was nearly dead inside! "Just sign it." As Catherine's acquaintance, Finnley urged, "You can at least get a sum of money."

Then he handed over a plane ticket, “It's to Ottawa at 3 p.m." Catherine raised her eyes firmly, “I'm not leaving!" She was burning with rage. "What does he mean?!"

Finnley was slightly stunned, not expecting she was so emotional. With tears in her eyes, Catherine cried out, "I'm not leaving! I'm not going to Ottawa! He has no right to interfere in my life."

"He's the president of the Marsh Group! He can fire me at will! But he has no right to drive me out of Arkpool City!" Overcome with hatred, Catherine sneered, "I would never leave!"

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