Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 328 Came to Her in the Rain

Her eyes glinted with a trace of alert. "What does it have to do with you?"

"Nothing, but it has something to do with you.” The playful smile still didn't fake off his face, making him look naughty and unruly. “The best way to cure the disappointment in love is to find a new replacement. I'm willing to be that one."

Jennifer's eyes become steely. She pulled her hands from his, cast down her eyes, and continued to put the ointment on his wounds. "Want to leave every matter to the time?" Spencer kept hitting her raw nerves. "Time won't be able to help you." He peered out the window, beaming at the rain that was getting heavier.

He was expectant of what would happen in three days.

"Mind your own business." Jennifer finished putting the ointment for him and packed the first-aid kit. "Don't fight again in the future.”

Standing next to the coffee table, she snapped, "Don't you think you are too childish? Even if you won, so what? He has lost his memories, but you haven't. He's your older brother."

“I don't like him." Spencer looked up at her, leaning against the back of the sofa, crossing his legs. "Whenever I see him, I want to hit him. I can't help it."

“Then practice more. Or you'll be the one beaten up all the time." Jennifer didn't have the mood to get involved in the business between the two men. She turned around and went upstairs.

"He didn't have wounds on his face, but I threw two punches on his chest." Spencer felt reluctant.

Jennifer panicked, wondering if Ivan had been injured.

She was worried.

However, she reminded herself to relax as Ivan had nothing to do with her.

The rain became a downpour.

Her footsteps vanished on the stairs. Spencer felt that the sound of the rain was seemingly the only thing in his world.

He put away the smile, a trace of disappointment flashing through his eyes.

The Lamborghini stopped in the yard.

Ivan picked up his phone and dialed Jennifer's number, his eyes steely. The beeps were heard.

Jennifer's bedroom, second floor.

Sitting on the bed edge, Jennifer gazed at the incoming call. A sharp pang raised in her heart.

Ivan called her three times a row, and she repressed her urge to ignore him. Then she turned off the phone.

Jennifer went into the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water.

She wanted to take a hot bath to relax and soothe herself. Then her life would have a restart.

In the Lamborghini, Ivan pinched his phone and heard the robotic voice, "Sorry, but the subscriber you’ dialed is powered off.”

Every single word poked his tense nerves. He couldn't help wondering why Jennifer had switched off her phone and why she had refused to answer his calls.

Ivan pushed the door open and got off the car in the rain. There was an umbrella in his car, but he didn't take it.

Suddenly, Spencer walked out of the living room and blocked his way on the steps. "Why are you here?" Evidently, he didn't want to see Ivan. "Where is Jennifer?" Ivan asked coldly, "I want to see her."

Spencer curled up his lips. He watched Ivan make phone calls. It seemed Jennifer had refused to answer.

Therefore, he asked triumphantly, "What's it to you? Think you can see her whenever you want?"

Ivan noticed the ointment on the bruises on Spencer's face, which irritated him even more.

The downpour wet Ivan shortly after. However, his eagle-sharp eyes still focused on Spencer.

The latter stood under the roof, looking down at Ivan in complacency, which was pretty rare for Spencer.

"She didn't want to talk to you in the hospital and left with me. I don't know why you come here.” Then Spencer reminded him kindly, "You'll get married soon. You'd better go back to that woman."

Standing in front of the French Window, Tammy watched the scene anxiously. Holding the black umbrella, she dared not pass it to Ivan. She felt so sorry to watch Ivan stand in the rain.

"Go home. You're not welcome here." Spencer blocked Ivan's way, holding his arms across his chest.

The rain became heavier, bending down the plants in the yard.

Ivan flinched, looking up at the balcony on the second floor. "Jennie!! Jennie! Come down, Jennie!"

The thunder rumbled.

In the storm, Ivan's voice was covered. However, Ivan didn't give up. He was determined to meet Jennifer now.

Tammy put down the umbrella instantly and rushed upstairs. She didn't make any sounds, so Spencer wasn't aware of her action.

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