Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 275 Victory

"What's wrong, Mr. Russell?" Mr. Anderson looked at Finnley and said gently, "Don't worry. The children’s area is next to us, and we can see them through the glass wall."

Finnley nodded, "Long time no see, Mr. Anderson." He reached out to Mr. Anderson.

Then they shook hands.

Ivan led Finnley to take a seat not far away.

They looked very overwhelming.

In the children's area, Alfie and Diana seated themselves at the coffee table, looking much more mature than the other children.

They were quickly served with fruits, snacks, and tea.

"Thanks," Alfie said gently and politely to the waitress.

The waitress saluted respectfully, "Not at all.” After she finished, she left to stand at the door and waited for the children's orders.

“The Jerald's has brought so many people here today." Alfie looked at them through the glass wall and then took out his tablet from the school bag.

"What did Finnley say to you?" Diana asked curiously.

"Nothing." Alfie turned on the tablet and ignored Diana.

Diana leisurely enjoyed the fruits and looked at Ivan with great admiration from time to time. She thought Ivan was extremely charming.

"Daddy's side face looks perfect!

He must be the most handsome man in the world!"

Around the long table, Ivan was elaborating on his idea calmly and fluently.

The people of the Jerald's were listening carefully. No one interrupted Ivan, but they all felt they had a more impressive proposal.

After all, the Jerald's bought it from a well-known foreign company at a high price.

In the children's area, Alfie leaned back in the chair and crossed his legs, holding the tablet with one hand and tapping on it with the other. Diana thought Alfie, who wore his cap backward, looked very handsome as well.

Diana withdrew her gaze and picked up a fruit plate to herself, quietly enjoying the fruits.

"Alfie, where do you think mommy went?"

"Don't worry. I'll get her to show herself." Alfie seems to have an idea. lvan's elaboration lasted for ten minutes, during which the senior management of Mayon kept nodding with a smile, and even Mr. Anderson looked very contented.

"Mr. Anderson, I think our proposal is better.” A representative of the Jerald's said proudly, "Can I elaborate on it for you?"

"Yes, please.”

The representative, with an excited smile on his face, turned his laptop on, only to find that the screen went black.

No matter what buttons he pressed, nothing changed.

The representative panicked!

The whole room was silent as everyone stared at him.

Mr. Anderson looked at the representative. After another minute, Mr. Anderson asked, "What's wrong?"

The representative's forehead was sweating with anxiety. He had no idea what he could do now.

The other seven people also turned on their laptops, only to find that all their screens went black. Whatever they did was in vain!

They were all surprised and flustered.

Ivan was confused, but Finnley looked meaningfully at Alfie, who replied with a wink.

“I've always been interested in your proposal.” Mr. Anderson said in a calm tone, "Just tell me about it. Any of you is OK."

However, the people of the Jerald's couldn't say anything. After all, they didn't come up with the proposal themselves.

Finnley got up, walked behind them, and found all their laptops had black screens. He wanted to laugh but he didn't. "Mr. Anderson, their laptops don't work now. It seems that you can only work with us. You'd better not work with such an unreliable company.”

Hearing this, the people of the Jerald's were very angry, but they couldn't refute it!

“It doesn't matter that their laptops went black. I'd like to hear about their idea.” Mr. Anderson said gracefully, "Mr. Marsh was well-prepared and did not even turn on his laptop.”

People of the Jerald's fell silent again.

Mr. Anderson looked at them. "What's wrong? Does it mean you didn't do the proposal yourself?"

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