Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 217 Got to Find Her

Exhausted, Jennifer went back to the hotel room, turned on the water tap and found herself a bathrobe.

Soon, the steam in the bathroom blurred her haggard face in the mirror. After setting the water temperature, she got into the bathtub with her hair draped.

She played a song on her phone. She had been walking on the streets like a ghost for a whole day and had gotten anything but increased SOIToW.

Even if Ivan was looking for her now, he couldn't find her, could he? Because she had found that her check-in information here had been erased. She was impressed by how powerful Aubree was and how strong her determination in breaking them up.

She had been in the bathtub for half an hour, but was still both physically and mentally exhausted.

Putting on her bathrobe, she walked to the French window, had some red wine while appreciating the beautiful and brightly-lit city outside the window. However, she still felt alone.

She wondered how Alfie and Diana were doing now. Were they doing okay?

The night breeze came in through the window and blew on her hair. She was sober in an instant. She had to admit that Ivan was the first person that could distract her.

On the same night.

Ivan arrived in New York. He went straight to the hotel after getting off the plane and was accompanied by several men of his.

It was nearly 12 o'clock in the evening. As long as he entered the deluxe suite, he had no time for a shower but made a call to someone first. After the phone was answered, he ordered in a low voice, "Even if I have to search the whole New York city, I will find Jennifer. I don't care how much time it will take, find her. Send someone to get the surveillance videos from the airports and all the hotels in the city.”

He knew that Jennifer's check-in information might have been erased and they wouldn't find anything through the system.

But since he was already here, he was determined to find her. If he couldn't find her, he wouldn't leave the city.

"Mr. Marsh, just trust us with this. We have checked half of the surveillance videos of the airports. You should take care of yourself and have some rest," Ivan was reported. "We are checking the security recording of all the hotels here. We've sent out all the men we have. I'm sure there'll be news soon.”

“Thank you," Ivan said this sincerely and hung up the phone.

He sat down on the sofa. The huge room was in dead silence.

He picked up the teacup with his injured hand and took a sip of the tea. The gauze around his hand had been removed because he thought it was too much of a trouble. He simply put on a large-sized Band-Aid on it. Although the bleeding had been stopped, it hurt when he moved his fingers.

The pain kept reminding him that he was in anger.

His phone rang, he looked at the caller ID and answered it.

"Mr. Marsh, have you arrived in New York?" Finnley's voice came.

“I have just arrived.”

"Don't worry about it too much, Mr. Marsh," Finnley said, "After all, the kids are with you. She will come back for the kids one day.”

“Is this what you called me for?" lvan didn't want to hear any comforting words. He just wanted to find Jennifer.

“Not all of it. careful with your hand, don't get infected.”

"Got it."

"And..." It seemed that Finnley had something more to say, which might be the reason why he called.

Ivan got a little impatient. "What is it? Just tell me?"

"Sir, you have asked me to prepare a grand wedding for you and it's almost ready. I was wondering, should we go on with the wedding planning or should we delay it?" After all, Jennifer was gone now. "Why delay it?" Ivan was confused. "I'll give her a grand wedding even if she has died."

Finnley was shocked. "I see, sir."

Ivan hung up the phone. There was determination in his eyes as well as pain in his heart.

He only had one aim now, which was that he must find Jennifer.

He lost his sleep this night.

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