Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 205 He Couldn't Find Her

Upon hearing his resolute steps, Aubree felt a chill down her spine, her heart sinking.

She couldn't return to her senses for a long time while sitting on the sofa.

After Ivan drove away and the villa quieted down, Aubree opened her eyes. Then she saw the thick rosewood coffee table was cracked.

The bloodstain on the crack stung her eyes, and also her heart.

"Mr. Marsh's hand was injured..." Pippa reminded her in a trembling voice, still having a lingering fear of the scene earlier.

She looked at Aubree, noticing her tearful eyes. Then she watched Aubree stand up and walk to the stairs.

Finnley had started searching the information at the airport and the bus and railway stations. He also found the road surveillance record along the route starting from Emerald Bay, doing a comb search.

Ivan left Kelsington Bay. The crazy speed of his car showed how painful he was. The scenes in the past kept popping up in his mind non-stop. Jennifer's melodious voice reechoed in his ears.

“I want you to treat Alfie and Diana well all your life, even if you might have other children in the future.”

"Honey, do you mean you want to get pregnant again?"

"All right. I will.”

"No matter how many children we'll have in the future, I won't stop loving Alfie and Diana. I was absent from their lives for seven years. I swear I'll love them more.”

He recalled her relieved smile that day, enchanting, but a bit sorrowful. Ivan felt frustrated.

He should have sensed her intention to leave earlier. She didn't go suddenly. She had said goodbye to him, but he never realized it... lvan cursed his own stupidity.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he stepped on the gas to the extreme.

He regretted it.

After a long while, he became slightly rational. Then he pulled out his phone and called Mya Saunders, hoping she would know Jennifer's whereabouts. Probably Jennifer had told her something. Ivan had a ray of hope.

He called Mya three times, but she didn't answer.

Finally, his Lamborghini pulled out to the Saunders’.

Ivan tore off the seat belt and pressed the doorbell while subduing his anxiety.

Mya opened the door in person. She had just finished a bath, wearing pajamas. She was alone at home as her parents had traveled abroad, giving the servants and maids a break.

She gaped at Ivan at the door.

When she noticed the blood dripping from his hand, she was shocked, her eyelashes flapping. "Did... Did you have a fight?"

"Do you know where Jennifer is?" he asked hoarsely, looking helpless. Mya frowned. "Did you have a fight? Did you piss her off, so she left you?" With those words, she slammed the door shut.

lvan's bleeding hand was placed on the door frame to stop her. The force made him let out a groan in pain.

Mya was scared and withdrew her hands. The door bounced open. "What did you do to her?" she asked in anger, "Did you force her to leave?"

Blood kept dripping from Ivan's hand on the frame. Raising his head, he looked at Mya and asked patiently, "Do you know where she could be?"

He was like a persistent robot without feelings, looking weird and horrible.

Mya hurriedly pulled out her phone to dial Jennifer's number, but the robotic voice said the number had been canceled.

Her heart tightened. She now realized how severe this matter was, looking solemn. She questioned, "What on earth has happened?” When Ivan overheard the response on the phone, his heart sank. "Sorry for interrupting you." His eyes dimmed. Like a walking dead, he dragged his body to leave.

"How about Alfie and Diana?" Mya seized his arm to stop him. "Did she also take the children away?"

Ivan was in a trance, looking back at her. “No, she didn't."

Mya breathed a sigh of relief. "She'll come back then."

"Will she?" Ivan seemed to have hope again.

"Yes, she will," Mya answered firmly. "A mother wouldn't abandon her children.”

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