Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 192 We Need to Talk

It was Aubree who called.

Catherine answered without hesitation, "Hello, Auntie Aubree." Her voice was as respectful and gentle as ever.

“Ivan took Jennifer to New York, do you know that?"

Catherine was shocked. “I only know that Ivan had handed over the work to Finnley." Catherine's heart stung a little. “They went to New York? Are they going to the castle manor?

Then she heard a sigh from the other end of the phone. "Catherine, come back to Kelsington Bay tonight. Come over for dinner, we need to talk.”

Catherine was terrified. What Aubree was going to say? Would she ask her to quit?

But she could only agree, "Okay."

"Alright then, I won't disturb you from work for too long. See you later. * Aubree hung up the phone.

In the simple but splendid vice president's office, Catherine sat down in a chair with her phone in her hand, losing in her thoughts. She was clueless about which side Aubree was on currently.

She said they needed to talk.

About what?

That she should give up on Ivan?

No... Catherine wouldn't accept this. She would never give up on Ivan as long as she was alive.

"Ms. Collins." Finnley knocked on the door and came in with a document. "Are you alright? You don't look very good."

“I'm fine.” Catharine came back to her senses immediately and took over the document.

Finnley reported, "A real estate company from Canada wants to collaborate with us. After all aspects of the assessment, we found this project worth considering. Here is the assessment report, please take a look."

Catherine didn't read the documents, but instead looked up at him, "Did Mr. Marsh leave everything to me during his absence?"

“If it's a big decision, he requires you to call him or send him an email. But small things like this are up to you to decide. There is no need to disturb him."


He took a village girl on a tour and work was considered a disturbance. Catherine felt that Jennifer was toxic and that sooner or later she would ruin Ivan!

She casually glanced at the project evaluation and handed it back to Finnley. "You can decide this kind of small matter.”

Finnley sensed that Catherine wasn't happy. “Alright.”

Looking at the back of his departure, Catherine was once again in a bad mood.

From the moment she left Kelsington Bay, she had been feeling terrible.

Night fell.

The bright moon was hanging high above the treetops. The sky was starry. It was a quiet and beautiful night.

At Kelsington Bay, the plants in the courtyard were covered with dark tulle. The blooming was exuding a feminine beauty.

In the brightly lit kitchen, Aubree not only decided on the menu herself, but also supervised the process of cooking.

"Catherine doesn't eat garlic, so don't add it!"

Without the mask and gloves, she seemed to have broken free off the shackles. Finally, she could wear the clothes she liked. Her temper became better.

The servants brought the dishes to the table. It should be a great supper, yet Aubree had no appetite. What was wrong? She had a moment's thought, but she didn't have time to think deeper.

"Madam, Ms. Collins is back." Pippa came over to report.

After a while, Catherine, dressed in a red dress and high heels, stepped into the dining room. "Madam."

"Wash your hands and sit down.” Aubree looked at her with a smile, “Dinner is ready. These are your favorite dishes."

"Okay." Catherine was familiar with the villa. After washing her hands, she sat across the table from Aubree.

In the face of the delicious food, her stomach grumbled. "How sumptuous! It makes my mouth water!"

“Let's eat then!" Aubree picked up her fork.

Catherine had been observing Aubree's look since she entered the door. The information she had received was positive.

But she still didn't know what was waiting for her.

They talked about work at dinner. It was pleasant.

After dinner, Catherine offered, "Auntie, I've studied photography before and I got my camera in the car. Would you like to take some photos?" Pippa knew that Catharine was trying to please Aubree.

"Sure." Aubree agreed in a good mood.

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