Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 181 She Would Try Every Possible Means

Aubree took off her mask and saw Catherine walking toward her in the yard. Aubree offered her a smile, her mood becoming better.

"Good day, Auntie Aubree."

"Hi, Catherine. Thank you for your gift, but you don't need to do it every time," Aubree walked to the door to welcome her, "Make yourself home here.”

Catherine was shocked at how well she recovered as Aubree had removed her mask.

She put down the gift and hugged Aubree gently. "Auntie, that's my kindness for you."

Wearing a beautiful smile, she felt insecure and uneasy. Jennifer was about to make a considerable contribution. Catherine was afraid that the Marsh family would ignore her in the future.

After exchanging a few words, Catherine asked, "Auntie, is Jennifer upstairs?"

"Yes. She's still working on the medicine.”

Catherine darted at the stairs and asked, "May I go upstairs to check on her?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

With Aubree's permission, Catherine walked upstairs. She put away her smile, her heart occupied by only one decision.

Jennifer had worked for five hours in a row in the research lab. She had returned to her bedroom. After closing the door, she stood in front of the window while sipping a cup of cappuccino.

Suddenly, she saw a red Bentley in the yard, wondering if Catherine had come here.

However, Jennifer kept calm. While sipping the coffee, she played with the key chain given by Ivan. She thought the boy doll looked super adorable. She looked at it, her eyes glittering in tenderness.

She wondered if she could meet Ivan again in the future after leaving here.

Arriving on the second floor, Catherine didn't see anyone in the research lab. She sneaked into it and walked straight toward the desk where placed the medicine.

There were rows of vials on the desk. Without hesitation, she pulled out a fluid bottle from her handbag and calmly poured it into every vial there.

She acted quickly as she was well-prepared.

After that, she put away her bottle calmly. She didn't look guilty or panicked. No wonder she was a decisive vice president of a big enterprise.

While bypassing the cloakroom, Catherine saw all kinds of women's dresses there. She couldn't help but recall lvan's phone call while they were still in the manor.

Aubree moved Jennifer's belongings into Kelsington Bay in person. However, she refused to recognize Jennifer to be her daughter-in-law. Catherine cursed her for being hypocritical.

Repressing her anger, she went downstairs and put on a smile. "Auntie, I still need to go back to work. Bye."

"You're not gonna have lunch here?" Aubree wanted to keep her stay longer, as usual, her eyes full of affection toward Catherine.

“I'm afraid I can't. I need to attend a meeting soon. Auntie, I'll come to visit you some other day. Take care." Catherine hugged Aubree gently. Aubree walked her out of the house and watched her sit in the car. "Be careful while driving.” She watched her car leave.

Feeling the breeze, Aubree's inner voice said, "Catherine, be patient. Jennifer Brooks will be gone one soon. The position of Mrs. Marsh always belongs to you."

Catherine gripped the steering wheel, her pretty eyes filled with ruthlessness.

"Auntie, please don't blame me. It's all your fault as you are not determined enough. I cannot live without Ivan. I've done everything because I love him."

Catherine had made up her mind. To win over Ivan's heart, she would try every possible means from now on.

Aubree didn't feel well. Pippa made her favorite cookies, but she didn't have one piece.

"Madam Aubree,"” Pippa asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

“I don't have an appetite.”

"Shall I change the dishes for dinner?" Pippa asked considerately. “You didn't eat much at lunch either.”

Aubree looked at her and kept silent for a moment. "For some reason, I just want to eat things cooked by Jennifer today."

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