Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 166 Absolutely Not

"Mr. Marsh, your mother was here just now," Jordan reported in a low voice, "She has taken away all Mrs. Marsh's belongings.”

Ivan frowned. "Where did she take them?"

"She said that since Mrs. Marsh is her doctor now, she'll be staying with her for a long time," Jordan expressed his doubts, "But why did Madam have to take away all her things? That didn't make sense. Mrs. Marsh's closet was completely emptied. There is not a trace of Mrs. Marsh in this house anymore..."

Ivan was stunned. "How did my mother look when she was here?"

"As usual, but a bit different," Jordan said with a frown, "She praised Mrs. Marsh's medical skills and seemed to feel grateful for her."

Ivan lowered his eyes, "I see.”

After hanging up the phone, Catherine, who was “appreciating the scenery” behind him, saw him make another call.

Ivan knew that Aubree hated being cheated on the most, and now she knew who Darcie really was...

A while later...

Aubree's voice came through the phone, “Ivan.” She sounded calm.

“I heard that you have taken all Jennifer's stuff to Kelsington Bay?" Ivan asked straightforwardly.

Not far away, Catherine overheard it and frowned. Kelsington Bay? Her heart sank. Who else could do that but Aubree?

“Yes. You have married such an excellent wife. Why didn't you tell me?" Aubree was good at pretending. She asked smilingly, "She wants to treat me. But why with the mask? I would appreciate her if she did heal me, right?"

Ivan was surprised at her attitude.

Aubree continued. "I moved her things here to make it easier for her. She doesn't need to go back and forth between two places anymore, so she can focus on developing medicine for me now."

“That's good," Ivan was relieved, “I'm surprised you would like her so much. You must be getting along quite well.”

Catherine slowly turned around and left, heartbroken.

She couldn't help but think of that morning when she saw Aubree come out of Emerald Bay, holding two kids" hands.

Had she been lying to her the whole time?

She liked Jennifer now?

And they were getting along well?

Jennifer could heal Aubree, so she favored her.

No way!

She couldn't let that happen!

All of a sudden, she felt more flustered than ever. She couldn't let Jennifer cure Aubree!

Because she couldn't imagine what would happen if Jennifer did make it.

Jennifer would be recognized by Aubree as Mrs. Marsh by then. Catherine wouldn't take it. lvan was hers and she needed him like she needed air!

The moment she accepted the funding from the Marsh family, she had taken Ivan as her role model both at school and at work. She had worked hard for so long just to catch up with him.

She wanted to make herself excellent so that she could be worthy of marrying him someday. It was her only motivation.

Soon, the horseback riding came to an end.

The staff in the manor started to prepare a banquet for the adults.

The maids were all busy.

Alice, Mr. Edison's daughter, loved pink color. The maids were preparing pink balloons with pink ribbons on them, and there was a wall made of pink flower pedals...

In the giant poster, wearing a pink gown, Alice looked like a princess with a bright smile.

“I haven't seen Miss Alice Edison for a while, when was this photo taken?"

"She has grown up a lot. She looks much more like a lady now."

In the poster, Alice looked stunning and she would appear in front of everyone tonight.

Catherine glanced around and saw reporters here.

They were taking photos and recording videos of the banquet site. If they saw Ivan, they would focus their cameras on him and ask him for interviews, definitely.


Catherine looked over and saw Diane and Alfie get off the horse and run towards Ivan.

The kids’ voice attracted the reporters’ attention.

Catherine got an idea and walked towards Ivan with a smile. Before she walked over to him, she grabbed two bottles of water from a staff. If she went over now and was caught by the cameras, they would look like a family!

And today was Alice's birthday, it would definitely make headlines!

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