Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 145 Magic Was about to Happen

The villa looked more stunning in the sun at Kelsington Bay.

Ivan was playing chess with Alfie and Diana in the living room on the second floor. He was kind with a nice smile on his face which looked nothing like that cruel boss at the office usually.

Alfie and Diana were quite good at playing chess as they had been practicing with their mom.

After one round of chess, Ivan took out two strawberry-flavored lollipops, "Good for you! There's my boy and girl!"

"Thanks, daddy!

They took the lollipops excitedly, tore off the wrapping paper, and shoved them into their mouth. The sweetness made their day!


"That's my favorite flavor!"

"Don't let mommy know, okay?" Ivan said to them again, "You can get cavities from candy. She won't let you have it."

"Daddy, how do you know?" Diana was confused, "Mommy has never allowed us to eat candies before."

Alfie stared at Ivan and while blinking his eyes, "Are you in mommy's head? Do you know everything mommy thinks?"

Ivan touched their heads while smiling. He would love to be in Jennifer's head.

"Tomorrow you are gonna go to the kindergarten. You wanna go back here or home after school?" Ivan asked about their opinions.

Alfie replied first, "Daddy and mommy are here. So we'll be back here. We are family and family are supposed to be together.”

"And grandma will be happy if we come here,” Diana added.

Ivan nodded, "Okay then. Come here after school.”

Catherine stopped her car in front of the main building of her office and she was still in a good mood when she got off the car. She wasn't normally like this, as she usually presented herself as an aloof executive in the company.

But today in the staff's eyes, she looked like she had won a lottery. "What's wrong with her?"

“I've been here for five years and I never saw her like this."

"That's odd!"

A few female staff saw her walking into the lobby and they were whispering about her.

Three days later...

In the medication research room upstairs at Kelsington Bay.

"We did it!"

A familiar female voice came into lvan's ears, then he looked in that direction and saw Jennifer covering her mouth though she still had her mask on.

Rowan was frightened. She was lucky that there was nobody outside. She hurriedly changed her voice and said pleasantly, “Rowan, you go." "No, you go." Rowan said seriously, “I'll wait here."

"Then, together?"

Ivan stood up, "Go where? To test the medication on my mom?" "Yep."

"We'll go together." Ivan then closed his laptop.

So these three went downstairs together.

In the huge living room, a few maids, the butler, and Pippa all gathered around to wait for the result.

Aubree was in a good mood today so she calmly removed the glove on her right hand in front of everyone.

They were all shocked when they saw her right hand.

The original brown skin had turned yellow which was a difference from before.

With people gazing, Jennifer squatted in front of Aubree with her mask on and carefully applied the second medication on her right hand, gently rubbing it to let it be absorbed through the skin.

People around them were all excited but Darcie was composed as she had already predicted the effect.

"We'll treat this hand first, and then we'll move on to other parts.” Darcie faked her voice pretty good that no one would recognize her. That nonchalant voice gave Aubree great hope and there was a smile on her face.

Aubree looked at her up and down for the first time. She had that mask on her face but Aubree could still tell that she was a beauty from her eyes.

"I really appreciate it. Thank you and Doctor Watson." Aubree expressed her heartfelt gratitude as she finally saw hope, "Really, thanks.”

It was the first time Aubree was this nice to Jennifer.

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