Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 118 Charge Towards Showbiz

Kelsington Bay. The vintage-styled mansion was splendid under the sunlight.

The yard was decorated with green plants and flowers, rustling under the soft breeze.

Pippa made a pot of coffee and came to the yard. Seeing Aubree sewing something, she gently put the coffee pot and mugs down. "Madam, what are you making?"

The mid-aged woman wearing a half mask replied gently, "For Alfie and Dianna. How do you like it?"

Pippa was surprised. They were sewed by Aubree in person.

She had been taking care of Aubree for years, but this was the first time she saw Aubree treated others so tenderly.

Pippa was delighted for her indeed.

“I'm their grandmother, so I want to give them a special gift." Casting down her eyes, Aubree continued to sew with a smile. “I thought for a long time before making the decision. These clothes were from Bliss Abbey. I made the small herb pouches for them to prevent insects from biting them."

A bright smile blossomed on Pippa’s face. "I'm sure Young Master Alfie and Lady Dianna will like them."

“I hope so." Aubree looked forward to their gathering tomorrow.

Pippa poured a mug of coffee for her. "Madam, I'll make some peanut butter cookies for them tomorrow. It's also your favorite.”

"Sure. Thank you, Pippa.”

“Not at all, Madam." Pippa was happy.

"I like the children," said Aubree bluntly, "But it doesn't mean I accept Jennifer as my daughter-in-law. She doesn't deserve Ivan."

Pippa knew Aubree only wished Catherine to be her daughter-in-law. Emerald Bay.

Jennifer received a call.

She swiped to answer. "Hello, Jennifer. I got the number and sent it to your phone," the person on the other end of the line said.

"All right. Thanks."

After hanging up the phone, Jennifer dialed the number received on her WhatsApp. The call was picked up shortly after.

"Hello, Spencer? This is Jennifer." She sat in the cane chair on the balcony.

"What's the matter?"

After ensuring it was Spencer, Jennifer asked, "I heard your club was closed down. What kind of club was it?"

"How did you know?" Then he realized it right after asking. He chuckled, "I had longed to close it down anyway."

"Spencer..." Jennifer asked apologetically, "It was closed down because of me, wasn't it? You had to do it, right?"

“It's nothing. A good thing for me no matter what the reason was," Spencer answered nonchalantly. “I want to start my career in the entertainment business. What do you think of my appearance? Will I become famous?"

Jennifer thought he was kidding. “I'm sorry."

"You don't need to. Really." Spencer sounded like he was in a good mood. "As I said, I had longed to close it down for a while. I meant it." However, Ivan told Jennifer that the club was Spencer's dream.

Three o'clock, afternoon.

A minivan left Bright Star Kindergarten. Alfie and Diana were sitting in the backseat. The tea table in front of them was full of fruits and snacks.

"Daddy is awesome! He manages a huge company and does a good job. He's my role model."

Diana echoed, "I'll marry a man like Daddy after growing up. He's so tall, handsome, and rich."

"What's Daddy doing now? We go to find him without telling him. Will he be interrupted?"

"Shouldn't be. Daddy will be very happy.”

They chitchatted while munching the fruits.

The minivan headed for the Marsh Group. Alfie and Diana wanted to give their father a surprise. What would they see?

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