Summer’s S**y Back with Two Babies by Danielle Griffin (Alick Hill )
Summer’s S**y Back with Two Babies by Danielle Griffin (Alick Hill ) Chapter 48

Chapter 48

“What does it have to do with you whether Toby and I are married or not?” Summer calmed down and stared at the man in front of her with her clear eyes.

“Have you forgotten who was the one who forced me to sign the divorce agreement when I was pregnant?” Summer askesi.

Alick paused and his gaze became complicated.

If you really didn’t sign that divorce agreement, it’s fine. I can get my lawyer to redraft it right now,” Summer said.

Summer was definitely going to get a divorce.

Whether it was for Abby and Ballard, or for herself, Summer could not live in the shadow of Alick like before.

She just wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

Seeing that Summer really took out her phone and was about to call the lawyer, Alick’s eyes turned cold.

“Do you think you can get a divorce just by finding a random lawyer to redraft the divorce agreement?” Alick said without changing his expression, “Summer, let me tell you, as long as I don’t agree to this divorce, you won’t be able to get a divorce.”

These words sounded extremely calm, but they made Summer feel a strong threat. She stared fixedly at the man in front of her and bit her lip unwillingly.

“Back then, you were the one who wanted a divorce. You’re also the one who doesn’t agree to a divorce now. Why? Can’t Joan satisfy you? Or did you suddenly have feelings for me, your ex-wife?” Summer said.

Looking at the mocking smile on Summer’s face, Alick’s eyes became colder and colder. ‘What a crazy woman!’ he thought.

“Stop flattering yourself. I feel disgusted letting a woman like you stay in the Hill family for another day,” Alick said.

For some reason, he felt a little frustrated. He loosened his tie and said lazily, “I won’t agree to the divorce before. we figure out what happened to the child. If you’re so anxious, you’ll only look guilty.”

Summer clenched her fists. She did have such thoughts.

Getting a divorce before Alick confirmed the two children’s identities could also win her more initiative.

“Alick, are you deaf or are you crazy? I’ve already said many times that Abby and Ballard are Toby’s children. Can you stop pestering me?” Summer said.

“I will find out soon. I came to look for you today for another matter,” Alick said casually, but his gaze was a little cold.

“Sanford is on a hunger strike at home for you, Alick said.

A hunger strike?’

Summer’s heart felt as if it had been pric ke d by a needle. Dense pain quickly spread throughout her body.

Chapter 48

“How is Sanford now?” Summer asked,

For the past few days, she had been very worried about Sanford. She did not dare to go to the villa directly so she went to the kindergarten. However, she did not see Sanford after going there several times.

Summer thought that Alick had deliberately prevented her from meeting Sanford.

“You can visit him at the villa yourself,” Alick said.

After saying that. Alick left the office without looking sideways. He did not want to waste any more time here. Ast long as Summer still had a conscience or as a mother, she knew what to do.

In Landom City, in a certain district.

“What? You were followed just now!” Sanford said with surprise.

Sanford heard about this as soon as he arrived at Moira’s house. His usually expressionless face instantly revealed a nervous expression.

“Are you all right, then? Are you hurt?” Sanford asked.

“No.” Abby lifted her skirt and spun around in front of Sanford. She said in a childish voice, “That person is very st u p i d. In two or three moves, Ballard and I shook him off.”

After Abby and Ballard entered the mall, they deliberately went to a crowded place. On the way, they did not forget to b y p a s the surveillance cameras and easily shook off the fool who was following them.

However, Ballard did not look as relaxed as Abby. His eyebrows had not relaxed since he left the mall.

“Are you still scared?” Abby asked Ballard.

Abby gently nudged Ballard and said righteously, “Don’t be afraid, Ballard. Sanford and I will protect you.

“Besides, Moira’s house is very full. That person won’t find this place.”

Ballard was speechless.

Ballard really did not know if Abby was heartless or s t u p i d. They were already being followed, yet Abby still acted. as if nothing had happened.

But on second thought, it was good that Abby was like this.

At the very least, Abby would always be happy and not be troubled by these worries.

After a while, Moira dragged Abby to her room to draw while Sanford stayed in the living room to accompany Ballard.

“Who’s that

…….. Sanford said to himself.

Sanford was very worried. He had to protect Abby and Ballard well.

Ballard shook his head. He did not know who the other party was. He was just worried that the other party would not give up and attack him and Abby again.

Chapter 48

Ballard had nothing to be afraid of, but Abby was as big-hearted as a fool. She would probably have no attention even if she was sold.

It seems that I have to follow Abby closely during this period of time, Ballard thought.

“Should I ask Daddy to send someone to protect you?” Sanford suggested carefully

This way, net only would Alick be able to guarantee Abby and Ballard’s safety, but Alick might also be able to win their favor.

However, Sanford did not expect that the mastermind behind this matter was Alick.

Ballard hacked into the surveillance cameras in the streets near Moira’s neighborhood and quickly found the person who had followed them previously. He followed the clues and found the person’s trajectory.

This person had been following them for a few days. Ballard could not obtain much useful information until he realized that this person had once appeared in the Hill Group.

The Hill Group…” Ballard muttered.

The expression on Ballard’s face became cautious, but his eyes gradually brightened.

“In other words, the person who had sent someone to follow us was Alick!

‘No wonder Mommy hurriedly brought us to the manor. It seemed that Alick had already discovered our


‘But why did he send someone to follow us?

Was he planning to snatc h Abby and me back and never let Mommy see us again?’ Ballard thought.

“I have to tell Mommy about this immediately.” Ballard’s roun d e y e s were filled with anger. He would never allow such a thing to happen.

On the contrary, Sanford felt relieved. At the very least, he thought that Alick would definitely not hurt Abby and Ballard.

Ballard clenched his chubby little fists and said angrily, “No matter what his motive is, I won’t let him have his way!”

Sanford wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, he didn’t say anything.

Summer quickly arrived at Moira’s house after receiving the call. However, she did not expect Sanford to be here. She was a little absent-minded.

Meanwhile, Sanford, who had not seen Summer for a long time, immediately teared up and choked. “Mommy…”

Sanford threw himself into Summer’s arms. His longing and grievances turned into tears that poured out.

“Are you trying to leave me behind?” Sanford asked.

Summer’s heart s k p pe d a beat. She had already let Sanford down. When she saw him being so aggrieved, her eyes could not help but turn red.

Chapter 48

“Sanford, you are my treasure. How could I leave you behind? Summer gently touched Sanford’s cheek. “It’s my fault. Don’t be sad, okay?’

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