Spreading her wings
Chapter 2: sierra

The bell finally rings, signalling another end to a day from hell. Walking to her locker Sierra curses when she sees bitch Angela and her little lap dogs waiting for her.

"Well, well well, if it isn't miss pissy pants herself " Sonja Morgan, one of the lapdogs says in a high pitch voice, the other three start laughing like hyenas.

God I hate them Sierra thinks to herself, ignoring them she pulls out her fob key to open her locker, when a cold hand grabs her wrist painfully.

She turns her head to see Angela giving her a look full of hate and disgust " not so fast loser".

Sierra sighs deeply " what do you want now huh?" she asks looking down at the hand still gripping her wrist, " we just wanted to say goodbye and tell you to wear nappies tomorrow since you have bladder issues ".

Angela and her followers leave with a flip of their hair, leaving a cloud of perfume in their wake. Sierra watches them walk away, tears in her eyes, she can't understand why they hate her so much, she never did anything to them.

With that last thought she wipes her eyes , puts her books away and walks out to go catch the bus.

As she's leaving she hears a noise coming from one of the empty classrooms, letting curiosity get the better of her she looks through the crack in the door, wishing she hadn't.

There is Angela on her knees with Callum thrusting his cock into her mouth, he suddenly turns and looks straight at her .

Sierra gasps spinning around, unfortunately she loses her footing and hits the ground, getting up she hears a deep laugh followed by a screechy voice " Callum, baby what's so funny", "shut the fuck up and get back to it "she hears him say.

Shaking her head sierra grabs her bag and walks out the door heading to catch the bus that will take her to work.

Later that night:

Four hours later sierra is at work about to lock up when she hears someone walk into the diner she works at part time.

Looking up she sees Callum Inconeti just standing there looking at her with a strange expression.

" Sorry we're closed" she tells him in a shaky voice, looking at the gorgeous boy in front of her. Callum 18 years old, the oldest child of Luca and amber Inconeti and every girls wet dream, including hers

He was ridiculously tall, about 6ft 3 she'd guess, short light brown hair, stormy grey eyes and a body to die for.

She hears him chuckling " like what you see princess" he asks smirking, blushing like crazy she lowers her head and continues to wipe the counter.

Hearing footsteps sierra looks up to find a pair of grey eyes analyzing her "you shouldn't let Angela and her friends get to you " he says.

Not wanting to respond sierra hangs the cloth on the hook and walks to the back to grab her bag.

When she comes out to lock the door she sees she's alone, with only the faint smell of cologne in the air.

Well, that was strange she thinks, then grabs her things and heads home.

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