Spreading her wings
Chapter 18

Sierra's POV

I roll over onto my side, my hand hits something cold and hard, that's weird, my bed isn't metal. I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my bed at home, I'm in a hospital bed. My gaze locks onto Callum, sleeping in an uncomfortable looking chair, his long body all scrunched up.

It takes me a moment to get my bearings, then it all comes rushing back. My mum, she was drunk, she hurt me. A whimper leaves my mouth, alerting Callum that I'm awake. He stretches, grimacing slightly. His eyes find mine, he sits up, doing another stretch, rolling his neck. The look of tenderness and pity on his face brings me to tears. he rushes over to me, grabbing my hand, stroking it. in a soothing manner.

i go to speak, when a nurse interrupts me, " oh good morning, miss Bennett, how are you feeling today?" . I lick my lips, they're so dry, Callum notices and pours me a glass of water. I whisper a thank you, taking a big sip of the cool liquid, he smiles at me. I look at the nurse, " I'm okay, my face hurts, but I'm alright." She nods, " well you should be good to go home today, the doctor will be here to check you over, then you're free to go."

I watch as she walks away, leaving me alone with my boyfriend, oh god are we still together? After what he witnessed, I wouldn't blame him if he ran out of here screaming. I feel a soft set of lips on my head, his smiling face watching me. " it's going to be okay Tesoro, your brother is with my parents and sister, Hes safe. At the mention of Toby, I shoot up, instantly regretting it when my ribs cry out in protest.

Callum helps me get into a more comfortable position, once he's satisfied I'm alright he sits on the edge of my bed. " I called my mum last night, she took toby with her, he's fine you're both going to be fine baby". All I do is nod, we talk a bit more, well Callum does most of the talking, I mainly just listen. The doctor comes in, giving me the all clear, she gives me a prescription for pain meds and says I'm free to go.

With the help of my guy, we make our way to his car, once I'm tucked into the passenger seat we head off. I look out the window, my thoughts are all over the place. My mum had never laid a hand on me, sure she yelled a lot but never hit me.

My head raises when I see where we are, I look at the house in front of me. Callum's house, I look at him, he just grins, pulling into the driveway and stopping the car. I wait as he gets out coming to my side, helping me up and leading me inside.

My mouth drops as I take in the beautiful house, I'm in, I hear a chuckle as I'm led into a gorgeous lounge room. After I'm sitting down, I see a beautiful woman walk in, her smile is wide as she sits on the chair next to me.

"Hello sweetheart I'm Amber, Callum and Amelia's mum. I'm so happy to meet you, my son has told me a lot about you." I simply tip my head, what do you say to the mother of your boyfriend, whose girlfriend looks like she's gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.

I'm sitting here feeling really out of my depth, when I hear a shriek " Sierra" I look to see my brother barrelling towards me. He goes to jump on me when Callum stops him. " Easy there champ, your sister is a little sore." Toby nods, carefully sitting next to me, his little arms wrap around my neck. My heart cracks when i feel wetness on my shoulder, I rub his back, whispering soothing words to him.

Mrs Inconeti comes in, announcing lunch is ready, Toby gives me a quick kiss on my cheek and runs off to the kitchen. Callum walks over to me, he grabs my hand, gently. pulling me to my feet. We stand there, hugging each other, I breathe in his comforting fragrance. I've never felt so much for someone in my life, we pull apart. I find myself looking at the most beautiful eyes.

Callum smirks at me, " like the view Tesoro?", I scoff, my face suddenly very hot. He chuckles " come on I'll show you where you're sleeping." I stop walking, what does he mean where I'm sleeping? He notices my hesitation, sighing he starts to walk down the hall towards the stairs, me trailing behind him. " Baby your mums been arrested, since you're not 18 yet you're still legally a minor my mum has been granted temporary guardian ship of you and Toby.

I am totally mortified, what must these people think of me, their son has gotten involved with a delinquent? We slowly make our way upstairs, stopping in front of a door, I assume leads to a bedroom. Callum opens it, walking us inside, my eyes widen when I see the lovely room I'm in. He takes me over to the big four poster queen size bed; I perch on the edge taking it all in.

The room is big, it has a 6-drawer tall boy with a large mirror above it. Next to the bed there are two bedside tables each with a lamp on them. The bed is covered with a soft pink bed spread and tons of pillows. To my right there are two doors which i assume are a closet and a bathroom. Next to them is a set of double doors that leads out to a balcony. The walls are painted a soft grey colour, the wooden floor has a soft looking rug on it.

I'm really overwhelmed, so much has changed in 24 hours, a soft squeeze to my hand makes me look at the boy next to me. His brow is furrowed in worry". Look I know this is a lot to take in why don't you get some rest for now; we can talk later!"

As Callum goes to leave, I grab his hand stopping him " stay with me please". He helps me lay down, climbing in next to me, his arms wrap around me, careful not to knock my ribs. His fingers stroking my arm, I close my eyes suddenly exhausted. I drift off to sleep feeling secure for the first time in years.


Callum's POV

I'm lying here, my beautiful girl is in my arms. I watch her chest rise and fall as she sleeps, carefully getting up I leave the room heading downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to grab a drink, my mum is sitting with my dad, drinking coffee. Mum smiles when i sit down next to her. " how's Sierra, did you show her the bedroom?" I nod, wiping my mouth " yeah she's asleep it's been a rough night."

My dad is looking at me with a hard stare, " son how serious are you about this girl? you've been going out with her for, what 2 days? now she's upstairs. I admire your loyalty, but come on Callum, you're only 18. You're off to college in less than a year, do you really want to be tied down at this stage in your life.

Rage, pure hot rage courses through me, I slowly get up, my eyes on him. " That girl up there is the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me, she is the kindest, most loving person I have ever met. I am hopelessly in love with her, I couldn't give a fucking rats ass, about college or your opinions." I slam my fists on the table making my mum jump. I apologize to her before I turn to walk out, my eyes locking on to sierras. Her face a mix of shock and, love??? I groan, well shit!!

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