Spreading her wings
Chapter 12

Sierra's POV

The rest of the week went by quickly , it's now Friday night. I'm sitting in trudis room, helping her get ready for her date with Tom.

She's currently in her closet , items of clothing flying everywhere. I'm watching her, laughing at the scene unfolding in front of me.

She comes out , her green eye flashing " I told you " she says pointing a finger at me " I fucking told you we should have gone shopping but noooooooo you ran away from me at school."

I look her straight in the face " have you ever gone shopping with you ?". She doubles over laughing" okay okay , you're right I'm a maniac at the mall".

We are still giggling when we hear the doorbell, our gazes locking , trudi gets a frantic look on her face " oh fuck he's early, go down and stall him , quick go ". She pushes me out of her room .

I open the door , a very sharp dressed tom standing there, a bunch of pink roses in his hand , behind him is ......... Callum???

" Hi Tom, Trudi will be down soon , please come in you can wait in the lounge room for her ".

He nods and walks in , I quickly step out , closing the door I look at Callum , who's standing there smiling at me.

" Why are you here as well ?" I ask him . He clutches his chest in mock hurt , " oh how you you sound me tesoro".

I can't help but giggle at this goof ball, he steps forward " I figured you'd be here too , knowing girls , they have to do everything in pairs , I thought I could take you somewhere as well ".

I'm stunned, I wasn't expecting that " umm well I'll need to change " I say , looking down at my black leggings and sneakers.

He puts his hands on both side of my head, looking deep into my eyes ," you look absolutely perfect ".

I blush , well then ! " Okay I can't see why not , just let me grab my things , come in and wait please".

We walk in just as Tom and Trudi are about to leave , she looks stunning in an emerald green wrap dress that accentuates her full , curvy figure.

" Wow you look stunning", I tell her , Callum agrees , saying she looks beautiful.

Tom nods , grabbing her hand "see I told you, you're gorgeous" he tells my friend.

She blushes , waving at me as Tom pulls her out the door .

"Well shall we go ? " I ask , callum nods , holding the door open for me as we walk to his car .

We get in , heading where I have no idea , I turn to look at him , a smile on his face " don't even bother asking , it's a surprise" , I huff sitting back in my seat. He laughs as we drive to our secret destination.

We've been on the road for about an hour now , I look out the window, nothing seems familiar. I turn to Callum , " how much further ?" I ask , he glances at me , " not much more we'll be there soon ".

I am dying to ask where there is , I know he'll be cryptic , so I save my breath.

" So were you staying at trudis tonight ?" He asks me , I look up at him " actually the whole weekend, my mum has taken my brother to visit our grand parents in Dallas ." I say .

He looks pleased with that answer ," so I can have you all night and no one will miss you?".

I blush at his question, he must realize what he said " oh ummm I didn't mean........ Ah fuck".

I start laughing, he joins in grabbing my hand and kissing my fingers.

We drive a bit longer before Callum pulls off onto a dirt road , I can see lots of trees and woodland, " you're not going to kill me are you ?" I ask, only half joking .

He stops the car , laughing he gets out , coming around to open my door , he grabs my hand ," come on tesoro let's go ".

He leads me down a path , up ahead I can see a beautiful house surrounded by a small lake He takes a key out , opening the door.

He switches a light on , I'm amazed by what I see , a large room with over stuffed couches , a large fire place with wood stacked up next to it .

To the back is a large kitchen , it has a beautiful old wood stove , a big table and a large window that no doubt has a fantastic view of the mountains.

To the left is a winding staircase, where I guess the bedrooms are.

We walk in further , Callum starts to get the fire started, soon the room is alight with the bright orange flames from the fire place , the house getting warmer .

We go into the kitchen , Callum opens the fridge , it's fully stocked, he turns to me " we come here most weekends, our caretaker usually fills the fridge for us , my parents have an event at one of their hotels tonight ".

We sit at the table eating roast beef sandwiches. I'm curious as to why I'm here but far too scared to ask.

It's like he reads my mind, " you're probably wondering why you're here , right?". I nod , he sighs grabbing my plate and washing it , I thank him , we go sit by the fire .

" Look sierra, surely you've realized by now that I like you , I mean I really , really like you, I think about you all the time , I just wanted to spend some time alone with you, I can take you home if you want ".

I go sit next to next to him , grabbing his hand, I look into his beautiful grey eyes ," I like you too , alot " I say .

His eyes roam my face , his eyes stopping at my mouth , I nervously lick my dry lips , drawing a deep groan from Callum.

" Tesoro, if you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to kiss you, and once I start to, I don't think I'll stop ", I lean into him, his breathing laboured, I place my hand on the back of his neck, putting my face within inches of his. With a courage I didn't know I had I whisper," so don't stop " and with that he slams his lips onto mine, taking my breath away.

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