Spiritual knight
Case 6: The Grim Reaper

A man was running for his life in the alley ways of the city, his face is terrified of the creature that is chasing him at night, he kept repeating himself that is not real, but he never imagine, that such god would chase a lowly human like him, he felt honor, but terrified, he stops at the park to catch his breath, he notice that the creature is not behind him, as he turns the creature raise his death scythe and slathered him.

After the chaos in Puerto Rico, the Knights team arrived back to the New Galician city.

They spend a week more of vacation, when the week ended, and they arrive back at the agency, they were given a special case, leaded by the second best team in the agency.

The Brute Warriors, led by a Croc demon, name Crood Swamp.

After Crood gave the case to the Knights Team leader, Aron made a very worry and horrified expression.

When they left Aron open the case to see two people dead, well more like slaughter in pieces.

Aron close the folder and took a deep breath, he explain to his team what their jobs are going to be, as he explains Scarlet and Nicolas enter the building, Scarlet look at Aron and gave him the coldest glare in history.

Nicolas follow after her, not knowing what happen between the two of them, also he feels guilty after what Scarlet drank back in Puerto Rico.

Aron sigh and scratch his head knowing what happen the day before she woke up in her room.

Aron is cooking some breakfast, his shirt was in the bathroom after what happen last night, and then he hears some screams, he sigh knowing that Scarlet has just woke up.

When Scarlet ran toward the room, looking for missing pieces of clothing, then Aron cough, she slowly, with her bed sheets around her, turn to see him without his shirt on and his jeans dangerously on his hips. Aron shrugs his shoulder and turn to keep cooking.

“What the hell happen yesterday?” ask Scarlet worry

“Did we-?” she question in horror

“No Scarlet, as much as I wanted to, we didn’t do it” answer Aron

“Then why the f**k am I naked?” growl Scarlet

Aron serve the breakfast in two plates

“Why don’t you get dress and I’ll explain to you what happen last night” said Aron

Scarlet left the kitchen to get dress, she return with some short jeans and a t-shirt, she sat down with a glare and pout on her face

“Explain” said Scarlet

"Last night I wanted to talk to you, but when you open the door, you were all giggling and very drunk, and then you pull me inside and kiss me, got on top of me and well, started to move your hips on me. I didn’t wanted to push you, but I know the consequence if I do that without you knowing what is going on, so I push you away, I lock you in your room, but then you kind of broke the door, then you enter into the bathroom where I was cooling down. Things started to get a bit heated, so I grab my shirt and tie you up with it, I manage to make you fall asleep later on, I slept on the couch so there you have it” explain Aron drinking his coffee

Scarlet is working on the computer, but her thoughts are in the memory in Puerto Rico, not to mention the fact that Aron had to take care of her wield she was drunk.

They kept working on the new case when Scarlet saw the crime scene pictures, she notice that the victims were all kill by the same weapon, and one weapon that she is well known.

As soon as she open the field she close it, she hold the field tight on her hand, her breathing was hyperactive and shorts, she never thought that ‘he’ was in the city,

Nicolas came into the lab and sees Scarlet on those conditions, he rush toward her and hold her up, he push a chair behind her and sat her down,

Nicolas try to make her speak to him, but all she ever did was open her mouth and close it, then she stood up and left the Lab with a bit of a rush.

Scarlet rush toward the building stare case, marching two steps upward, she reach the roof of the agency, taking a deep breath in and deep breath out she try to calm down her raging nerves and heart.

After a few minutes of ‘trying’ to calm down, she felt the presence of the creature that causes those death.

she turns around and shock him, throwing him on the floor, Scarlet look at him and his features resemble a person, his black hair, pale white skin, green lime eyes and very tall figure, he isn’t thin, but not very built.

The guy cough “Jeez, do you want to fry me that bad?”

Scarlet glare at him “That was my intention!”

The guy stood up, holding his stomach “That mad are you with me?”

“Oh, I am not mad, I’m furious” said Scarlet walking toward him

“Do you have any idea where are you putting me right now Grim?!” she yell at Grim

“Is not my fault that these humans ran from a deathly punishment” said Grim with a pouting expression

“These Humans were put to investigation as witnesses of a murder that YOU made out in the open! Now you aren’t putting yourself in danger, but me as well, none of these Humans knows my existence as the Black Dragon. If they figure it out, there are going to hate my gut from lying toward them and keeping it a secret for almost ten years. Not to mention that the other three Dragons are the one that is holding the investigation!” Scarlet scolding Grim

“Jeez woman stop you’re nagging, you’re going to give me a hard time dealing with your constant nag” said Grim

Scarlet turns at him with a deathly glare, Grim quickly close his mouth; he knows never to mess with the rage of the Black Dragon especially adding more wood in the ragging fire that he created.

Scarlet kept scolding him for almost an hour, after she let go everything she wanted to say to the guy, she sat down on the border of the building with a sigh.

“So, why did you murder them Grim? As far as I know their time-line should be at the age of 85 to 96, both of them, that is what your report said, after all you are the great Grim Reaper” ask Scarlet

Grim stood in front of her “They did something that is unforgettable, something that they shouldn’t never have done” answer Grim

“Ok?” Scarlet open the one of the field

“Clarisa Green, age 47, born in Boston, according to the report here, she should be on vacation after winning the lottery last week, she was enjoying herself with some men, when one of them took her to the hotel suit, both of them had intercourse intimacy when the men left the room and the next morning she was found dead. Cause of death, slice in five pieces with a clean slice cut” Scarlet close the field

She opens the other one

“Paul Grand, age 58, born in Virginia, according to the report, he was here on business trip for a contract on a new arquitecture project of the new mall that is going to be open in three more months, he was having a nice time with some partners. The victim never made it to the hotel, some eye witness said that they saw him running toward the park where he's been cut down in pieces from some unknown source. Cause of death, slice in ten pieces with a clean slice cut” Scarlet close both field

“The murder weapon of these cases are very clear to me that is a death scythe, meaning that you are the murder of these people, my question is why Grim?” Scarlet look at Grim

Grim sigh, he knows that he can’t defeat Scarlet, and even if she could kill him and name a new Grim Reaper, she is siting waiting for an explanation and an answer.

He took a deep breath and gave his motive for murder “They kill my family”

Scarlet open her eyes wide, she never expected that Grim had a family.

She kept silence letting him explain his motive “Go on”

Grim sat down near her

“Her name was Angela, she was a poor woman that had no family on her own, the day that I meet her was the best day of my life, I couldn’t believe that a Death god like me would fall for a mortal like her. When she turn 25, we got marry, she knew what I was, yet she loved me no matter what, two years later we had a kid, a son name Dylan Reaper, he was the most cutest kid ever, by the time that you were born, the Black Dragon, Dark, told me to keep my presence hidden and never let it go. So I did what was told, my son was already 2 years old when you were born. I saw in you, caring the same resemblance as the first choice of successor of the Black Dragon, the thing is that you would had never made it past 15 years old, I need it to warn Dark" Told Grim to Scarlet

"Go on" said Scarlet waiting for him to continue

"One night I left the house to find Dark sleeping and 14 year old girl sleeping on top of him. I couldn’t break Dark’s choice again, so I left back to my family, my son turn 16 years old by that time, he wasn’t strong yet. Then one stormy day, I felt that Dark’s presence disappear completely, I left in a hurry, when I arrive I saw you struggling with Dark’s power, then when you break I understood what happen. That same moment, a couple enter the house to rob me, they didn’t expect to find a woman and a young teen in the house waiting for me back home, so the man r**e my wife, my sweet Angela, leaving her impregnate, that cause her to suicide, and the woman took advantage of my son and turn him into a male p********e, that road he was force to chose kill him when he slept with the wrong woman” Grim finish his story

"Grim this doesn't add up to the choice of these peoples death" question Scarlet

She is wondering the connection that the victims has with the story Grim have told her.

"Don't you get it, I try to find justice for my family by the human law, and what they do? Push my case aside and ignore me. Just to find out that those people use my kid, wield the women is been f***k by my kid, the man r**e him from behind. Wiled he is begging them to stop" said Grim with sorrow on his voice

Scarlet nods her head

“I understand, yet you can’t blame yourself for their deaths, and there are other ways to serve justice without killing them, I have two death bodies to investigate-”

Grim interrupted Scarlet

“Actually two death bodies and one that is on the way” said Grim standing up

Scarlet eye Grim “What?”

“I’m going to kill the person responsible for my son’s death” answer Grim

“Grim that is insane, you already kill two, if you kill a third I have the right to punish your crime” explain Scarlet

“I don’t care about my punishment Scarlet, all I care is that the people that are responsible for my family’s death pay the price” said Grim as he left in a puff of black smoke

“Grim!” shouted Scarlet

After Grim left Scarlet ran back to the Lab.

In the lab, Nicolas, Otto and Aron are working on the case, Scarlet shove Aron and Nicolas away from each other and ran pass them toward her computer.

The three men walk toward her desk and ask questions, Scarlet was mumbling and talking nonsense as she types. The three men glance one to another, then Scarlet yell at them to leave her be. With fear of pissing her even more they left the office.

Aron was confuse and pissed at her reaction, he left the lab with a folder in hand that Nicolas gave him.

Nicolas open Scarlet’s office again to see her getting dress as Kurohi, he enters the office and close the door with the lock

“Scarlet what is going on?” ask Nicolas

“I don’t have time to explain Nicolas, all I have to say is that there is someone in danger and I have to stop the murder before he kills this person” answer Scarlet finishing

Nicolas stops her and sat her down a bit

“I need you to tell me what is going on? Otherwise I won’t be able to cover you, nor I won’t be able to help you” said Nicolas worry

Scarlet sigh “I know, and I am sorry, but I have to go and stop him before he finish what he started and kill again” answer Scarlet

“Listen Nicolas, I’ll tell you everything I know on my way to stop him, but I need your hacking skills to find some information and guide me in every way. I need you to find the information on Angela and Dylan Reaper, and their deaths, please, the life of this person deepens on it” finish Scarlet as she left the building

Nicolas ran toward his office, closing Scarlet’s office, he puts his ear piece as he starts to hack on the police information on the people Scarlet mention. Wield he is hacking and typing.

Scarlet explain everything to Nicolas, when Scarlet finnish the explanation and process the information giving to him he stops typing.

"I am looking information of the Death God's family?!" question in shock Nicolas

"Less talking, more typing" said Scarlet through the ear piece

"Right" said Nicolas as he keeps typing again even faster than before.

Scarlet reaches the top of a building in the city, her purple eyes are watching it like she is on top of the world.

She hears Nicolas voice on her ear piece

I got a question, how on earth are you going to find a death god in the entire New Glacier city? First of all the population of demons, mythical creatures and humans are almost equally as New York City and Washington D.C together" ask Nicolas in the ear piece

“Is a risk, but I have to release my full power in order to connect with Grim, is the fastest route way to find him” answer Scarlet

"Are you insane?! Didn’t you tell me when I found out about your Black Dragon power’s that if you release your full powers all supernatural will find out about your existence, specially the Dragons?!" Answer Nicolas worry on the radio

“Either that or search the entire city by myself" said Scarlet

"Good point" said Nicolas

"Besides, I’m not worry about the Dragons, is the Dragon Hunter I’m concern with, he is the only one that knows my existence and if the others find out about it they will put a price on my head. Do you got something on Grim’s family?” said Scarlet

"Still working on it" answer Nicolas

“Keep looking, I need to know who is the third person that Grim is going to murder and fast” said Scarlet as she takes a deep breath in

She closed her eyes, she started to meditate and enters in a place where the water is red. Within herself she could see that're black chains around her body.

Scarlet spoke in the Dragon tongue, breaking the chains, opening her eyes and they were glowing a vivid bright purple releasing her full power.

In the city, some high class demons felt the power, making them nearly bend their knees on the ground and in fear of their disobedience toward it.

Inside the agency, the demons and mythical creatures felt the power, making them start to shake in fear. Titania and Otto stood up from their desk, with a strange sensation forming within them.

“Otto do you feel that?” ask Titania glancing to him

“This feeling is like Aron’s only much stronger and Darker, I never felt such horrible thing” said Otto

On the other side of the city, Aron is leaning on his car, a white converter came into a stop in front of him.

Ileana walks seductively toward him, she gives a smile at him, but Aron glare at her with hate and disgust.

“Hey Aron, I got your call, what you want to do?” Ileana said stroking her hand on his left thigh

Aron push her hand away and walk away from her

“I want answers Ileana. I want you to tell me what the hell you did nine years ago?” demanded Aron

“What are you talking about?” ask Ileana

“You know the f*****g well what I am talking about Ileana? Is it true that you and I had something?” ask Aron angry at her

“Yes we did have since college started” she answers with no hesitation

Aron got fed up with her lies

“Don’t make me angry Ileana, I wasn’t the person or should I say creature I am today, a legendary Creature and one of the most powerful ones. I could easily break you in half if I want to, but all that I am hoping for you to tell me the truth, otherwise I’ll kill you and make you say it on death’s door. You better start talking!” shouted Aron at Ileana

Ileana cowered away from him, she is well aware that this isn’t the same Aron she fell in love with, right in front of her is a Legendary Golden Dragon, that is ready to pounce and murder her if she doesn’t speak the truth of what happen between him and her.

So she open her mouth and spoke the truth.

Aron felt like a bucket of cold water pour itself on him, he never thought that Ileana could get so low by doing such dirty trick, just for her to keep him and keep Scarlet away from him. What she didn’t count is that Aron would fell head over heels in love with Scarlet and would over, and over again.

By the time Ileana finish, Aron wanted more than to kill her for the suffering that Scarlet and he had to endure, the reason why Scarlet hold such grudge for so long time.

Aron had the intention to hurt her badly, when he felt that source of power within him, the feeling of something equally as him in the city.

He call Titania and Otto, they answer the call in one ring

"Yes we feel it too, and stronger here than where you are now" answer Otto knowing what he is about to ask

“Then can you identify it?” ask Aron

"No, is very similar to you, but much darker and sinister" answer Titania

Aron left the area, leaving Ileana crying on the ground, she stood ups and leaves back to her house

Scarlet scan the city with her full power, yet she is restraining her full transformation, Nicolas page her again

Scarlet are you alright?" ask Nicolas

“Yeah, I just need to find Grim before I lose control or before Myers finds me” answer Scarlet

"Or the Dragons find you, Titania and Otto just left the building to search the source of the power you just release" inform me Nicolas

“Great” said Scarlet with sarcasm

“Anything about the police report?” ask Scarlet

"You are going to hate this; it turns out that the woman was having and affair over and over again, the only thing is that they contract Dylan Reaper as the one that was having the affair with the wife of the richest man on earth William Murcury" said Nicolas

Scarlet's mind started to wonder where she heard that last name before, repeating in a mumble the last name. Nicolas continue with the police report.

"He order a hit man to kill Dylan, the real men that Miss Murcury was having an affair was the bodyguard. Dylan was just a pawn into their game, but Miss Murcury and their bodyguard got kill on an accident five years ago, leaving Mister William Murcury. Scarlet don't you thing that the Death god will hunt Mister Murcury for been the only killer for his son’s death?" said Nicolas

"Maybe, just give me a minute to find Williams Murcury and he will lead me to Grim" said Scarlet focusing her power

Scarlet used her senses to find William Murcury, then her mind connected the dots, she knows the person very well, he happens to be Ileana’s father.

When Scarlet found the man getting out from a building into a limousine, she felt Grim’s presence near it.

"Found him" said Scarlet with excitement

In the moment she open her eyes, she could hear the vibration sound of the wind hitting the metal knife that has been toss at her. She dodge the knife getting near her face, recognizing it well, she turns around to find her enemy Paul James Myers

“Evening Hunter” said Scarlet

“Black Dragon” said Paul

Scarlet stood in front of the Hunter, both of them walking in circles on top of the building. Paul got ready for the fight and Scarlet grew her claws out.

“I never thought that one day the Black Dragon would release her full power, I thank you for that” said Paul

“Always a pleasure, but right now I don’t have the time to play Myers” said Scarlet eying Paul

They stop their tracks facing each other. Paul attack first as Scarlet dodges his attacks, and she also attacks him with electric speed.

Titania, Otto and Aron arrive at the location of the source, they get on an elevator to reach the top of the building, they found was total destruction, a man with guns and knives, and their source, the same woman that found in the warehouse of the Kuro-Ryuu gang.

They see that she is attacking the man with shadow figures coming out of her own shadow and electric powers.

The three Dragons don’t know what to do, stop the fight or let them continue on. Thinking of the next step, both of then stop their tracks, the man is panting hard, he has cuts and bruises, wield the women doesn’t have single scratch on her.

“Now that you are on your full power, let go of the mask Kurohi!” Paul shout at Scarlet

He glance at the other three Dragons, behind her and started to laugh hard

“Well look what we have here, is a family reunion” he pointed at the three of them

“I’ll hunt you three once I’m done with her!” shouted Paul

Titania got pissed at him

“Why you little?” said Titania

Otto holds her down

“Who are you? Both of you?” shouted Aron back

Paul got in shock and laugh like a maniac, he looks at Scarlet with a disbelieve expression on his face.

“You mean you didn’t tell them?” he saw Scarlet’s eyes (since she covers half of her face)

“You three are idiots; in fact I know for a reason that your Dragons knows who this woman is? If you don’t believe me let me show you” said Paul

He aim his knifes at Aron and throw it at him

Aron was about to (try) catch the knife, when Scarlet got in the way and receive the knife on her left arm, holding her screams of pain, but it is shown on her eyes as she glares at Paul

“Don’t you ever hurt them! Is me you are hunting not them, not yet!” Scarlet spoke panting in pain and shouted at Paul

Paul smirk and the Three Dragons got more confuse by the minute, they didn’t understand why she protected Aron or them if she didn’t know them, yet the three of them felt like they know her for a very long time.

Then a chest pain passes through Scarlet, she puts her hand on her chest holding the pain, knowing that she won’t hold long before her full transformation.

She raise her head toward Paul, he felt darkness and a sinister feeling coming from his spine up, as he watches a part of her eyes were starting to show black lines, her left eye’s pupil turn from a human circular one into a catlike one, she groan in pain.

Paul knows what is happening to her he grins wider

“As I expected from you, holding back your true power, your true nature and your true selves. Let them see the real you, Black Dragon ” said Paul

Aron, Titania and Otto look at the woman before her, they couldn’t believe what they just heard, that this women is also a Dragon.

Scarlet use her scanning senses again to located William Myers, she sense him leaving the car to his mansion and Grim a few blocks away.

The pain had gotten sharper again and this time her right wing came out, making her scream in pain and agony.

Strangely, Aron felt her pain, and agony, like a twin connection between them.

Paul was about to shoot at her, when she shoots him with an purple lightning at him, making him fall from the building.

Aron, Tatiana and Otto rush to help him just to find him gone, they turn to question the Black Dragon to find her gone too, but they could feel her presence, in a hurry they left to follow it.

William enter his house to find his daughter crying her eyes out and eating ice-cream, he walk toward her

“Princess why are you crying?” ask William

“Oh Daddy, I spoke with an old college of mine today, whom I feel in love and he threatens me to sue for something I didn’t do” she cry even harder

William hug his daughter, trying to cheer her up, the door open violently. Grim enter the mansion with his Death scythe, William demanded some answer for the outburst, but Grim just sniker and try to murder him.

William dodge some of the swings, he even slice things that the man was hiding and he manage to corner William. His daughter was screaming and yelling for help, in the same moment that Grim was about to slice him up.

Suddenly, he was push by such strong force, one that he knows quite well, they pass into the wall breaking it in the process, making them end into an ally near the house.

Grim raise his head to see Scarlet in pain and half transform.

“Scarlet, what the hell are you doing?!” ask Grim

“If you continue the transformation, you’ll break and lose your human side!” shouted Grim

“Shut Up!” yell Scarlet at him

Grim lower his head in obedience and submission

“My apologies my Lady” said Grim in obedience

Scarlet was furious, but she knows the risk, on her way toward Grim, she call Nicolas to tell him what to do, thankfully he arrives with a change of clothing for her.

Scarlet meditated again, she enter into her mind again and using her dragon tongue, she seals her full power again, leaving her only with her senses of smell, taste and hearing.

When she opens her eyes, she was back to normal. Nicolas bandage her injured arm and she change into her casual clothing, jeans, black ankle boots and a white shirt that reaches her elbows.

She looks at Grim, and started to explain everything to him, Nicolas brought the evidence she need it to make him stop.

Grim felt worse than before, he kill two people and attempt to kill a third, only that William was innocent, it was not his fault to marry such trash like his wife and his most loyal trusted friend and bodyguard did to him behind his back. Grim look at Scarlet with sorrow and guilt

“My Lady please forgives me for I had committed such sins” he beg his forgiveness

Scarlet look at him

“I know the feeling Grim, I did the same thing, well Dark did, he kill two Dragon Hunters to save me, and in the end I am been hunted by their next generation, well the only one left. That is why I keep myself hidden by the world, now the world knows about my existence, thanks to certain Grim Reaper” they laugh and chuckle

Grim notice a man running toward their way, but the daughter of the man he attempt to kill in ran from other direction.

Grim glance at Scarlet he felt that her human heart, is beating for the guy, and on the other side beats hatred for the girl, not to mention the confusion she feels.

In order to make amends for her, he would help her by reveling the truth. Raising his death scythe and transform into his true nature, ready to attack Scarlet.

Aron ran toward the man and where the source disappear, instead he finds Scarlet and Nicolas talking to a Reaper. That is when he realize the weapon aiming for Scarlet. Using his Dragon speed to get to her, at the same time he screams her name as Grim swings his Death scythe, slicing Aron on the chest.

Scarlet widen her eyes, she felt her shackles breaking, she glares at Grim with her catlike pupil and claws extended, ready to kill, but Grim puts a finger on her head to stop her shackles to break, making her normal again.

"I'll kill you!" shouted Scarlet

"Relax, I have frozen time so you would not get expose, also I am trying to make amends to you My Lady" said Grim

"Hu?" question Scarlet in confusion

" You see, this weapon is not just to take souls, but to see the memories of those whom are in the line between life and death. I want your confusion to be out of your mind, your heart is asking what to see, now look” said Grim

When Scarlet look at Aron they transported back nine years ago, the night of the betrayal.

Scarlet open her eyes, she is standing in Aron’s old house kitchen, she sees a 17 year old Aron, his body wasn’t well build yet, and he was bit smaller too, also his hair was shorter. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt, he was barefoot,

Scarlet glance at his arm and he doesn’t have his dragon yet, he was only there with some books, studying for the upcoming finals before summer break. She remembers that he promise to take her to the beach if he ace the test.

Then the doorbell rang, Aron call out to his parents, but no one answer, when he sees a note on the fridge, that his parents were out on a date, so he opens the door, revealing Ileana behind it.

“Ileana? What are you doing here?” ask the young Aron

“Obviously to help you study” said young Ileana

“Ileana, you are one of the bottom of the group that needs to pass the test in order to pass this semester” said Aron with annoyance

“Oh don’t be a party popper, let’s just study” young Ileana let herself in

Ileana ask some private question to Aron, he ignores it, by playing his playlist he created with Scarlet that same day.

Ileana was feed up that she texted on her phone, after a few seconds Aron’s house phone started to ring, he went to answer it. Aron ask many thing who was calling, why didn’t they answer, all the basic questions.

When he returns to the kitchen Ileana is serving some orange juice, Aron got so feed up with her that he try to kick her out many times.

Ileana didn’t budge, so she convince him to drink the juice and if he did, she would leave him alone. Aron did what she ask, he finish the juice in one go, but then the image around Grim and Scarlet became blurry and then darkness.

Then next thing that came up was been in Aron’s room, him naked and very well disoriented, he got ready fast, confuse but happy that he could not wait to see Scarlet again.

They arrive into the School, but young Scarlet wasn’t around anywhere, but every girl were eying him like he was taken.

When Aron came close to Ileana, she was talking how amazing and passionate night she had with a guy she loves and hope to marry.

The entire day was confusing for Aron, until the last period where he raise his hand and ask for the professor where Scarlet was, the professor answer to him telling him that Scarlet pass all her test and bachelor challenges degree test too, that I left for the master’s degree in faraway city for an overseas collage.

Scarlet saw young Aron’s face drain, turning pale, he got out in a hurry trying to phone her younger version self, his best friend came behind him asking what happen, that is when Scarlet hears the most important and crucial thing she ever thought that a guy would rarely confessed.

“You don’t understand I gave myself to her, everything for her, even my first time of intimacy was with Scarlet Hope Walker, and now the love of my life is gone, and I don’t understand why?” said the younger version of Aron Kingston crying

The vision was gone and they return to their present time and time started to flow normally again.

Aron is laying down on the ground bleeding.

Ileana got on her knees near him, she was about to grab his hand when Scarlet push her on the ground

“What is your problem? Aron is losing blood and you are having one of your crazy rampages?” shouted and cry Ileana

Scarlet slaps Ileana hard on the face leaving a nice red handprint on it.

“You fucking b***h, because of you Kingston and I aren’t together, tell me what did you put on his drink?!” shouted Scarlet

“I don’t know what are you talking about?!” said Ileana

William ran after his daughter, just to find a bunch of people there, so he hid behind a stone wall to watch and listen to the conversation between all of them with his daughter.

Ileana was feed up about Aron and Scarlet, so she slaps Scarlet’s face leaving an angry hand print of it, she smirk, but then Scarlet, angry at everything she saw, close her hand into a fist and punch Ileana, knocking her out, she turns to Grim, and he immediately knows what she wants, what her heart wants, and that is the truth.

“Are you sure?” ask Grim

"Yes" answer Scarlet

“We have audience” said Grim looking at Williams

Scarlet look at the wall and sees Williams, she walks toward him

“Mister Williams Mercury, allow me to introduce myself, I was in Ileana’s class, my name is Scarlet Walker, you had business with my father once” said Scarlet

Williams shake his head “Oh yes, I remember Mister Walker”

Scarlet look at him directly at his eyes

“As you know the Walker family aren’t good liars, we never lie, not even business partners or clients like you, your daughter did something terrible, she drug and probably r**e that man over there out of jealousy and disrespect of my family, I don’t want to create a dispute, and you don’t want the media to know of your daughter’s crime, so if I were you, I would keep my lips shut tight and pretend that this never happen ok?” said Scarlet

Williams nod, he turns around and Scarlet use her power to manipulate his mind making it look like there are cops that pick his daughter up from the streets for doing drugs and r****g hot guys and that Miss Scarlet Walker reported and threaten to speak if she doesn’t stop.

Scarlet told Nicolas to carry the guy into his house on the couch, as Grim slice Ileana’s wrist to release her memories, they enter into her mind and saw what she didn’t wanted to see.

Ileana texted her best friend that call Aron’s house in private number, as Aron left, she took two crystal glasses, and the orange juice. One of the glasses she place a drug tablet and fill it with juice, the other didn’t have anything.

When Aron drank the juice, he pass out cold on the kitchen floor, Ileana grab his phone and texted the young version of Scarlet, to come over and help him study.

She drags Aron’s body to his room and strips him naked, and then she took her cloth off too.

Ileana waited to the young version of Scarlet enter the house; combine Aron and her body together. She made sure her cries were real for the young version of Scarlet be trick.

Scarlet saw her younger version been betray by something so nasty and dirty, as Ileana cry how easy was to trick Scarlet to sleep with Aron, at the same time she was sleeping with him.

Scarlet wanted nothing more to rip her spine off her body, her younger version ran away, Ileana kept enjoying Aron’s body, but didn’t receive anything in the end.

When she finish pretending, a lightning bolt came close to Aron’s window that scare the shit out of Ileana, leaving Aron naked and alone in his bed.

They return back from her memories, Scarlet told Grim to take Ileana to her room and made sure not to temper with her memories, she wants her to believe that the Grim Reaper try to take her life away.

Scarlet pulls Aron’s body to her, that is when she sees that Aron’s injury was beginning to heal, but it was leaving a scar on his chest, just like her scar on her back.

Aron’s eyes open up and he sees the most beautiful honey color eyes, fill with light and care, a look he never thought of seeing again.

Aron cares Scarlet’s cheek “Am I in heaven, because if I am, I don’t want to let you go”

Scarlet chuckles “You stupid, idiot, dumb a*s, man you are!” Scarlet let him go

Aron groan and stood up “Where is the guy, I was about to save you from the murder of those two field we had?” ask Aron

“The guy is gone, and trust me he will never come back and bother us again” said Scarlet crossing her arms making her breast push up

Aron’s eyes went directly toward her chest, his eyes couldn’t stop looking at the growth she had over the years, Scarlet snap her fingers on his face

“Kingston, my eyes are up here” they made eye contact

As they gaze at each other’s eyes, Aron couldn’t contain himself, he walks slowly toward Scarlet as she takes a step back. Aron rush his steps making her hit the wall and he pins her between his arms , pressing his body with hers, the atmosphere change in a flash.

A drop of rain hit Aron’s cheek and then Scarlet’s lips, Aron took the chance and kiss her lips with passion and lust.

At first Scarlet took it as surprise, before she had to stop him from doing this and kick his b***s, realizing that there is nothing stopping between them, so she responded back his passionate kiss.

The rain started to pour, making Scarlet’s white shirt to cling on her body. Aron put his knee between her legs pining her more and pressing her more to his body, she is small compare to his tall body, his entire arm could hug her

He felt his Dragon mark on his arm burn with desire and Scarlet felt her inner Dragon and her Dragon mark shock her with desire.

Aron release Scarlet’s lips for air, he whisper near her lips

“I want you, I need you, I must have you” he kiss her again rougher

He open kiss her neck whispering “You are mine”

Scarlet felt her knees weaken, such aggressiveness and passion in a man she had her first time with, that time was so innocent compare to this, more passion and raw, could it be all the time holding each other back or is simple the effect of their Dragons responding one to another.

Scarlet lift one of her legs as Aron grab it behind her knees, Aron kept leaving open kisses on her neck and she made a small cry

“A-Aron” she whispers

They both kiss again, with more passion and aggressiveness, then they heard a cough, stopping them from kissing, they turn their head toward Titania and Otto, both blushing and very shock to see how much passion and desire for intimacy these two might had been restraining.

Otto step up “Dude if you want to make out with her, do it in a place where there is a bed and where people can’t see a thing”

Scarlet push him away

“What happen here was a mistake and it won’t happen again” said Scarlet feeling hotter than before

Aron was panting catching his breath, Titania watch both of them

“Did we miss something?” ask Titania still gazing between Aron and Scarlet

“No, let’s just go” said Scarlet walking out of the ally

Aron took of his jacket and puts it on Scarlet, she glares at him

“What is your deal?!” she yell at him

Aron grin at her

“Ok, fine, I’ll have my jacket back as long as is ok with you to show your black bra to the crowd outside the ally walls” said Aron with enthusiasm

Scarlet glance on her shirt and blush even harder, she takes Aron’s Jacket and puts it on, Aron got near her ear and whisper

“I don’t want people to see the marks I left on your neck, nor I don’t want them to see what is mine”

Although Aron and Scarlet were just looking at each other’s faces.

Titania notice something strange, Scarlet has a bandage arm, and she recalls that she never got hurt on the arm today.

She notice a strange shadow figure, large and not very visible behind Scarlet’s white shirt, like a tattoo.

Titania, could be wrong but she could had sworn that the tattoo looks like a Dragon, similar to theirs.

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