Spiritual knight
Case 1: The Smell of Troll

During the period of Years, the humans discover the supernatural world, the existence of demons, mystical creatures and fairy tales legends, the humans made peace with the creatures and share their worlds, they even made a group of Agents to make justice with demons and humans, there are known as Supernatural Criminal Investigation Service, also known as SCIS.

Their best Forensic Team, is a 24 year old Scarlet Hope Walker whom works a long side with her partner 35 year old, Nicolas Stone.

Nicolas features are dirty blond hair color, with his brown color eyes, he wears glasses and he isn’t too fit, but his wife loves him like that. Unlike Scarlet, her features are Black, short hair color and honey color eyes, her skin is smooth and white, she wear a lot of baggy clothing and black glasses.

Both of them were sleep walking out of the lab after days of long nights working, Scarlet and Nicolas haven’t slept in two days after finishing a cold case murder by a human framing a demon for it, in the end it turn out good with the family that wanted closure for it.

They were heading to the door when a bunch of special agents ran pass them, making Nicolas piss as hell and grouchy, as for Scarlet she is so tired that she doesn’t have the strength to insult the damn agents that pass them.

Scarlet arrives to her apartment, thankfully is not too far from her working place, happily purrs of the thought of a nice hot shower and a cozy warm bed.

On the next morning, she heard her cellphone ring, she groan and pick it up

“You had reach a sleeping Scientist that is going to murder the person on the other side of this line” Scarlet said growling

Jeez, Good morning to you too. Unfortunately, we need you in the lab and you are so going to love this” said Nicolas on the other line with sarcasm on his voice

Scarlet got out of bed tossing the sheets and tripping on it and kissing the ground, she groans in pain

“I thought you were going to spend the day with Monica and your two year old kid, Nick?” said Scarlet as she caress the area where she hits the ground

Scarlet went to the bathroom as she is listening to what Nicolas is saying

I know but the chief call me and ask us to take the case" said Nicolas on the other line

Scarlet rub her eyes off “Ok, I’m on my way” she hung up

With a sigh she takes a quick shower, she got dress in her black jeans, puting her sport bra on and looking on the mirror, she sees her old friend that has been with her since 15 years, a black dragon tatto that runs from her right hip all the way to the right upper ribs, she proceed to put a tank top shirt on and her bottom up white shirt. Finishing with brushing her short black hair, grab in one toast and her bag and she left her apartment.

Scarlet stated to walk toward her work, arriving when Nicolas was about to start on the evidence box that they brought in, when she enters into the lab; giving her good morning to him and started to work.

Later on an old man came down the lab; the old man is still in good shape, showing his ageing years with his gray hair and wearing a nice suit.

“I need answers guys and very good ones for all I care, it could be a giant!” the man loud talk to them

Nicolas turn toward the man “Oh I wish, that way we could wrap this up and go home” then he turn back to work.

“Well I am waiting for my answer” said impatiently the man

Scarlet is getting irritated by his impatiens, unfortunately she can’t do anything to him, he happens to be their boss, the Captain of the force, Luther Rome, in his younger years he was the best agent of all, another misfortune he happens to be also Scarlet’s father best friend.

The machine made a loud beep sound and Scarlet walk toward it, she opens the machine and grabs the probe tubes, she twirls it then givinh her a huge smirk. She turns to her boss and shows him the probe.

“Well you wanted answer here they are Cap” shows Scarlet

Nicolas stare at the probe, with a huge smile he started to celebrate, in the end he was right on his theory and he could not wait to go home early.

The Captain is confuse ,and with a good look at Nicolas, he started to get worry for the poor overworking man, he directe his eyes at Scarlet, whom she still hold the probe in her hand.

“Well girl don’t let me hanging, what does the little tube is telling you?” encourage the Captain

“This my Captain this is the result of your previews question. Your Suspect is a giant, a troll to be particular, and one that stinks like hell too” resume Scarlet leaving the probe on the stand near the machine

Scarlet walk over the victims objects as she explain the Captain

“There is a foul smell on the victims clothing, the smell is stronger mostly on the chest area which the autopsy report could confirm that the chest was crush and broken like some one gad step on him, that could also indicate that the victim was on the ground when it happen” explain Scarlet her theory

“But according to Dr. Stellar, the Vic has more than just the chest bruises and bumps” question in confusion the Captain to Scarlet

“True and that is why we took more than just the foul smell, they found multiple if foot prints around the area, this vould be either that your Vic was murder by a group of gangsters or a group of people gave something against him” finish Scarlet her theoric explanation

Later that day, the Captain enter his office with the welcoming surprise of the big man of the city, and with a group of people, he never sern before. The Captain is looking at theis unknow people, he notice that there are intimidating looking ones, either their escorting the mayor or there threating him into something.

“Mayor, what brings you here? With such escort?” question the Captain

The mayor turn around and smile at the Captain

“Luther my man, how is the work treating you?” he hug the captain and he hug him back

The mayor let him go and pats him on the shoulder “Is good to see you old friend, I got a request, here let me present to you, your new Special Agents, I call them the Knights team. This is Otto Maroon, Titania Winter and Aron J. Kingston” presented the mayor the three people in the office

The Captain handshake them and welcome them to the force and headcorders of the SCIS.

He looks at them carefully, Otto Maroon has a very nice figure, he wears long grey pants and a black short sleves bottom up shirt, with a brown coat holding it with his hands, he notice a tattoo like on his upper arm straight to his shoulder that looks like a bronze color.

Titania Winter, her figure is to die for, her slim curves and tight clothing make it hard to concentrate, her brown long pants and white bottom up shit make her more intimidating, her hair is long and straight with a dark red color hair, tie up into a high pony tail, her tang skin tells her the time she’s been on the field, he also notice a Silver color tattoo on the back of her neck.

Lastly, the leader of it, Aron James Kingston, a man that if looks can kill, it will murder you, he is the right definition of power and promise, his figure is to drool for, wearing a simple white shirt, dark blue jeans and he is holding his leather jacker on his hand, leaving a visible Golden color tattoo on his right arm, his black hair and blue eyes could make a women soak her undergarments.

The captain look at them like gods, for some reason he could have the feeling that they emit power, he turn his head back to the mayor in confusion and on his guard.

“Mayor with all due respect, we got a well-built team here, why do we need another?” ask the captain

The mayor answer with happiness “Don’t you see these guys are Dragons, as in the real deal, the are fourth generation actual dragons. We have the Golden Dragon, Aron James Kingston, the Silver Dragon, Titania Winter and the Bronze Dragon, Otto Maroon. With these guys things will get faster in here and your Forensic team could get well night rest. Even thought you have and extrordinary Forensic teams on the basement, I overheard that they are slacking off due to one team that takes five teams cases in the last 3 days. So why not give them a unic team that finish off quickly and give them time to rest” said the Mayor

The Captain scratch his head, he knows that the resto of the forensic scientists hardly work, they give their work to Scarlet and Nicolas because they are faster, in the end he has been pushing the Forensic Team to the brick that they don’t care been hit by a bus.

The Captain didn’t see this as a joke and accept the new team on board, now he has to order the rest of the forensic teams to take their jobs and not disturb, the ones that are new to the Knights, so he take them to meet their new co-workers (in slavery on the basement lab).

Scarlet’s been working none stop since she arrives, as Nicolas is passing by, he gives Scarlet some papers to her, he is also making sure to keep the strong smells of trolls away from her, knowing how strong her sense of smell really is.

Nicolas has known Scarlet for years now and he so happen to find out her secret, been the Legendary Black Dragon.

It happen 3 years ago, the first months in the lab with Scarlet was quite akward, her been younger than him and already the chief of the forensics. One day she was making research on a cold case, with a foul smell that Nicolas brought close to her cause he to grow claws and growl at the evidence that he brought, not to mention the dark lines over her arm and half of her face, also evidence of her moving skin that month.

Ever since then he’s been keeping her secret and her existence from the rest, making him the only one that can speak to her about it.

Both of them heard the elevators beep sound, the sound if the Captain’s foot prints and a few other could be heard off. Once again, he appear, she was about to give him a piece of her mind when she turns around and sees the new people in her lab, but her eyes landed on Aron, and his eyes were on Scarlet.

“Alright, new team, these are the your Forensic Scientist team, now this one are part of your team, meet Dr. Nicolas Stone and Forensic chief Dr. Scarlet Walker” presented the Captain

“Doctors these are the new teammates, Otto, Titania and Aron” said the Captain

Aron didn’t stop staring at Scarlet, she on the other hand, stop staring at him and turns back to work, feeling his stare at her she end up grabing a bunch of papers and went to her office in the back of the lab, slamming the door shut.

Everyone stare at her strange behavior, leaving Nicolas to deal with them alone.

Lost in her thoughts, Scarlet never thought she would meet him again, shaking her head and fought her instincts that is telling her to kill him or castrate him, yet her heart and mind is keeping her sane knowing that Aron and her there couldn’t be anything between them.

That evening, Scarlet went back to the main lab, working on the troll case, Nicolas stops in her tracks

“Guess who was at the bar across the streets when our little smash man was in the pub?” ask Nicolas with a smile on his face

“Who?” ask Scarlet

“Our dear informant, Jackie Lane” reveal Nicolas

“The new team is heading on their way to get him” said Nicolas

“Oh, that is great” Scarlet let out a frustration and sarcasm tone

Nicolas eyes her from head to toe, Scarlet moves faster than lightning, she would not move that way unless she has rush to leave, as he stares at her wondering what could had happen between her and somone in the new team, knowing her, ge did not press on and continue to work.

In the interrogation room, Aron is sighing in annoyance and frustration, Jackie is a hobo in the streets and he is a very well informant to the SCIS, he talks a lot, but even though that Titania is inside with him to talk to their informant, his mind is wandering on Scarlet.

It has been years since he saw her, noticing that she cut her hair shorter, her light brown hair still has the same shine as he remember, she grew too, even if she is wearing baggy clothing, du to its confort in it and she is wearing her usual black glasses.

What stun him more is the way she was looking at him with hate and disappointment, despite that she is wearing the golden pendant he gave her when they were together.

Titania hit him on the shoulder brining him back to reality, both of them walk out of the interrogation room toward their desks, they heard that their victim was having a nice drink when suddenly a big guy came reclaiming something he has done which happens to be a code of rights, and the victim has been hurting other people or monsters.

The informatn has describe the gang leader to be a tough and strong creature with green eyes and skin, a foul smell, and also a bunch of smaller guys around him.

Aron and his team walk into the Forensic lab, they both look around to see that there were no one inside.

“Hello” Aron said

"Hey!!!" shouted Otto

After Otto scream they heard a bang under one of the tables

“Shit!” grunted Scarlet that was coming out under the table

Aron looks at her in amusement and mischief

“Sorry if we scare you Scarlet” said Aron

“A little warning would be nice” she glare at the guy with a massive headache to worry about

“Ow” whine Scarlet holding the place where she got hit

Titania speak before she runs away again from them “Dr.Scarlet Walker was it?”

“Yes?” she looks at the woman weirdly

“Nice to meet you, Titania Winter, Silver Dragon SCIS Knight Team, we are here about the troll case, have anything new to share with us?” said Titania very politely

Scarlet shakes hands with her and she back up a bit with a annoyance expression

“First of all, we don’t like to be polite, so stop the hole identification. Second of all, we do have something that might interest of you” said Scarlet as she walk toward her microscope

“At first I thought that it was just a some easy fiber for a napkind or a wipe, but it turns out that is a custom kind fiber that was used on a very specific shirt, you are looking at the Dark Navy Blue shirt, custome made in the Monster boutice and sew, witch happen to be the same shirt that this guy...” she click the mouse and a video showing the argument from a group of guys and the victim

“...is wearing, I manage to make a facial reconiction on the face, both ther in the bar and in the sewing place. It might take me like 30 minutes or so to tell you his name and all” finish explaining Scarlet

Titania smile at her “Thanks Dr. W- I mean, Scarlet. Let’s go Aron” she said to the staring man, drooling on Scarlet

Once in the lobby “So you know her?” ask Titania

Aron look at her “I don’t know what are you talking about” he answers in a monotone voice

Titania chuckle “Please Aron you can’t lie to me, so what’s the story?” she look at him with curiosity

Aron sigh when they enter the elevator, with a silence, before the door open in to the office area, Aron spoke the only word that he ever release to her

“She is my Woman” said Aron nearly in a whisper

With that he continue to walk toward his desk, leaving an open mouthed Titania in the elevator.

She knew Aron since half terms of the semesters in the community college and she knows that every woman that look at him would do anything to get his attention. However he didn’t look at anyone the same way, not until now that she sees his eyes glowing with love and passion toward Scarlet. Comparing to her eyes, she reflect hate and betrayal.

Titania started to wonder what happen to the two of them, but she knows that is a place where she has no busness in, the only thing she has to focus on is the Troll case that is in their hands..

Scarlet is still working, when Nicolas came to the lab with more evidence, yet there it came a horrific smell in the room and she scrunch her nose in disgust

“Oh my heaven and earth, Nick you stink!” growl Scarlet pushing a stinking Nicolas away from her

Scarlet started to gag, as she is searching through her bag to find her lilac splash and spray almost half the bottle on him.

Nicolas glare at her with a ‘really?’ kind of look, and she made an apologetic kind of look.

“I’m sorry, but you know how my sense of smell is sharper than a bloodhound dog, worst is that right now even with my splash on you, you still stink” Scarlet cover her nose and search for an oxygen mask

Nicolas glare at her, she place her oxigen mask on.

“First of all, I took a shower, five times and I can’t get rid of this stinking smell. Second of all that comment hurts, and third, could you please start to work on this horrible, smelly, thing and then we can throw it in the evidence room, far far far away from your super-hyper smelling senses powers” argue Nicolas angry at everything around him

Scarlet nods and shows two thumbs up, she wore gloves on and giant tweezers, even with the oxigen mask on she could still gag all the way into the evidence table. She started to work extracting some evidence on it.

A few minutes later, Otto and Titania came to the lab, both of themsmell the lab and scrunch their noses, covering it with their bare hands and yet can not stand the putrid smell of waste.

“What the hell just die here!” disgusted Titania

Nicolas got closer to them, with bag on hand and a sour expression on his face.

“That would be me” answer Nicolas

“Dude, what happen to you?” ask Otto trying not to gag

“I was in the crime sence searching for more clues about the murder, when all of a suddenly a Siren decided to clean the fish tank and pour all the dirty fish waist in the only guy that it was in the scene, luckily the evidence that I found wasn’t tamper, the problem is that it also stinks. Now, I have miss clean-goody-two-shoes, doing the examination” explain Nicolas as he points his finger at Scarlet

Scarlet rapidly turn revealing the oxigen Mask on her face, scaring Otto and creap out Titania.

“Creapy” said Titania

Otto scrunches his nose and yet he could smell something else on him

“Dude, you smell like a woman’s perfume” mention Otto

Nicolas glare at him “That’s because Scarlet decide to pour on me half of her splash on me!” Nicolas snap at them

Otto and Titania took a step back from him, let him breath in and out, as he prepares himself to face his wife and be kick out to sleep in the couch of the house.

Nicolas left the lab fill with fury and piss off.

Scarlet came out with her gas mask, ruber gloves and big tweezers in hand with the evidence on them.

Otto and Titania started to gag by the disgusted smell, beg her to run that thing away from their noses, she was about to until she hits the next guy coming in the lab,

Aron scrunch his nose, starting to gag in disgust and hold his impulse to do so. Otto, Titania and Scarlet, widen their eyes, still holding their breaths and feeling the need to move before Aron’s impulse to puke on them, he looks green on the nose and disgusted.

“Scarlet, please tell me that that smell isn’t coming from that thing?” ask Aron holding his gaging sound to slip out

“Sorry about that, but aparently this evidence is the Key of our murder. Now if you guys excuse me I would like to dispose of it and then return with the information you are looking for” said Scarlet as she ran toward the evidence room, screeching how disgusting that thing is.

When Scarlet came back, Aron manage to change his shirt; even witht the evidence lock away the lab still stinks. Unfortunaly not as bad as the back room of the lab and the very far end of the evidence room.

She pushes her black board in the front of the Knight team.

“Alright” she started to scribble

“We have our Victim, that dies here, but the argument was here. According to the information and evidence that was provided, it pointed to a troll. Our troll is part of a gang, that is purpose is protecting the humans and demons that are not acceptable, such as Half-breeds. Now, I found traces of cotton fiber on the thing that Nicolas brought...” they all shiver and Scarlet continue on

“... also traces of cement dust and baby powder on it, meaning that your Killer use latex gloves to kill your victim, I bet that the Troll isn’t the murder” said Scarlet concluding the first half

“So who is it?” question Otto

“Is more likely one of the minions that are following him. I manage to find out the troll leader..” Scarlet click one again the mouse revealing a picture of the troll

“...Meet our gang leader Trevor Swamp, born in June, 19, 1987, in Michigan, travels all around the world helping other demons and humans, he settle here in the year 2000, and created an organization that helps others. I thought at first why would a good leader gets involve with murder? Your answer is simple, because 3 of those gang members have been release from prison two years ago. I manage to get facial recognition, meet Michael King, Adrian Solar and Ethan Alvarado. One of them is probably your murder” explain Scarlet with a proud smile on her face.

Scarlet is picking up her stuff and turning the lights off, once out of the building, she got to walking to her apartment. Suddenly, she notice that a car is following her in a slow pace. Glaring at the driver knowing exactly who it is, she stops on her tracks and the car stop, turning around and walk to the drive’s window, the driver pull down the window revealing Aron there, she glare at him as he stares at her honey color eyes.

“May I ask Agent Kingston, what are you doing?” ask Scarlet fill with irritation on her voice

“I am making sure you get home safe Scarlet” Aron said in a direct answer

“As long as I remember, I can take care of myself and I don’t need you to escort me back home, good night” Scarlet fast walk away from the car

Aron got out of the car and yelling back at her

“What happen between us Scarlet?! Everything was fine until one day that you didn’t show up anymore of our classes, and when you see me, you treated me like some kind of plague” Aron said as he walks toward her

“I need to know what I did wrong to deserve such hate from you?” ask Aron gazing at Scarlet’s eyes

She look at Aron’s blue eyes, something she can’t escape, those hypnotic beautiful blue eyes that drawn her to him, begging him to take her the same way he did back in the community college.

Suddenly, a flash of image of what he has done to her came in her mind, Scarlet closed her eyes and push him away

“There is no us anymore Kingston” with that she left him in the street alone.

Scarlet close he apartment door, she slide to the floor and felt depress with a single tear slowly going down her face, she can’t bring herself to hate him, but what he did to her has no forgiveness, nor mercy, he play with her, but his eyes reflect everything that he want’s with her, he loves her and aperently she loves him back, even now that she rather bite her tongue than been with him again, her heart wants what she can not have.

Scarlet walk toward the kitchen and start to make rice balls with miso soup (Scarlet likes Japanese cooking and food). Finishing her cooking, she sat down in front of her table with computer at hand and wield she is eating, and reading the forensic fields about the troll case, there is something that has been bothering her, since they found evidence of latex glove, questioning herself about the case.

Then she open a field in her laptop and look at the forensic results that she’s been working on.

Watching the results, she sees that inside the latex glove there was a dead skin there, thankfully she puts the test running before she left the lab, just in time the result came revealing that a dead skin shown that is a snake skin.

Scarlet check the three demons background check on, there is a sentence in the discription that shock Scarlet. All made sense, the crime, the Victim was a lawyer in a case where a Hibiki is the murder of five more crimes, she watch the sentence with disgust

“You F******g, son of a b***h, I’ve should have known” she girted her teeth.

Scarlet gulp her food, left the apartment in a hurry, arriving on the Forensic Lab, and she turn the equipment on, she started to work her ass off.

Dawn appear, Nicolas enter the lab, heading to the back office, he notice the scatter papers all around the desk and all the things out of place.

He slowly backs away, when he sees Scarlet sleeping on the couch, thinking of frighten her may make his day, so he walks closer to her.

Scarlet is sleeping peacefully and with research papers on hand, Nicolas bend his knees, close to her ear.

“Scarlet!!!” he shouted near her ear

Scarlett jump in fright and surprise, losing her balance she fall off the couch on the floor with a scare expresion and feeling her heart jumping out of her.

Nicolas laughe at her reaction,but Scarlet didn’t let him go that easly, so she jump on him and mess his hair

“Get off me! Get off me! You heavy Reptile!” yell Nicolas trying to get her off

Now it was Scarlett’s turn to laugh her ass off

“That is what happens if you mess with a sleeping Dragon, only you get off the hook, others would probably bleed to death” said Scarlet seriously

Nicolas is free from her grasp and off his back, glaring at his co-worker “Not funny”

Scarlet rubs her sleepy eyes, and teturn into a confirtable position to take another nap.

Nicolas let go his bag and coat as he talks to her

“Anyhow, what are you doing here, I thought that you were happy sleeping in bed. Is not rare but usually it takes me 3 phone calls to wake you up” said Nicolas confuse

“I found something that can help us close this case...” she walks toward her test results

“... Adrian Solar is our murder, he is a f*****g Snake demon” she hands over her results to Nicolas

“... Our snake was sneaky, but I manage to get him, it turns out that he uses some kind of solution that hides his scent very well, but he got careless, you see, just like me, every reptile tent to move their old skin to a new one, which includes snakes... ” explain Scarlet to Nicolas

“I know, I remember the day you move skin, it was the grosses day of my life” answer Nicolas

“... So it just so happen that our murder Adrian, has just change skin, leaving some traces on it” finish explaining Scarlet

Nicolas widen his eyes “So the traces of the old skin in the latex glove, were snake skin” finish the conclusion

“All we need is Adrian’s skin DNA to close the case” fast walk Nicolas to tell the Knights Team, he turn back giving a Kiss on Scarlet’s cheek

“You are a genius, that is why you are the best boss ever, I love you” Grab the paper of Adrian Solar’s profiled

The Knight’s team manage to capture the 3 convicts, Titania’s phone is vibrating, she pick it up, the caller is informing Titania what the Forensic Team found out, at the revelation of things, Titania eyes widen, she let go of the phone and walk toward the interrogation room.

Aron interrogating Ethan, on the other room Otto is listening to the interrogation, when Titania enter in a hurry, she inform Otto about the results of the Forensic Team.

He call Aron to the lobby, he glares at Ethan and stood up to meet with his teammates in the hall.

“This better be something important, I was about to crack him open like an egg” said Aron frustrated

“Even better, the Forensic Team found our murder” answer Titania happy

“It turns out that there were four demons on the group, the leader which is the Troll, and the three convict that were release a few months ago, Ethan Alvarado...” said Otto

Titania finish his sentence “...Michael King and Adrian Solar. However, Adrian is a snake demon that used some sort of solution call Hydroscale to hide his identity from the rest of the group” said Titania handing the papers to Aron

“It turns out that, Adrian was convicted of five other murder cases and the victim was none other than the lawyer of the people, whom he send him to prison for his crimes” Explain Otto

“Finding him again wasn’t an easy task for Adrian, so he join in the gangs and organizations so he could hear information about his whereabouts, that is when Trevor sees our Victim. Trevor informs the Vic about demons or people that had been doing bad things to the innocent and gives the evidence to him, that is why Adrian kill him, Trevor is the spy and the Vic is the authority” finish Titania

Aron got all the information he need it, he walk toward Adrian’s interrogation room, confronting him directly would bring terror withing a fellow scale creature, and he would bet that the damn snake wouldn’t stand a chance with a Golden Dragon.

Entering the interrogation with Adrian and Otto who is there to put a stop to Aron in case his temper could get the best of him.

Aron started to question Adrian, Titania could see that he is losing his patience, in the moment where Adrian made a silly comment that made Aron snap at him,

Otto grab him around his fist wrist holding him back as he insults the scare snake by his outburst.

Titania swore that she saw a vein popping on his forehead, after he calm down a bit, as he glares at Adrian as he confess his murder with delight and pleasure. How he squeeze the life out of the Victim poping him like a ballon, for all the years he had suffer in prison.

After the confesion, they manage to put him behind bars and this time for good,

Aron let go a deep sigh as he walks down back to the Forensic Lab, he sees Nicolas getting ready to leave the building.

Aron look around the room to see the short hair beauty.

“If you are looking for Scarlet, she isn’t here” said Nicolas closing the door and locking it

“The Captain gave her the rest of the day off since she spend it working all night just to get the evidence you guys need to catch this murder” said Nicolas walking to the elevator

“I see, thanks Dr. Stone” answer Aron walking beside him

Nicolas turns toward Aron “I’ve been wondering what is wrong with the two of you, I mean, I try to ask Scarlet, but that woman can rip me to shreds just by looking at me. So what’s the story?” ask Nicolas eith curiosity

“To tell you the true, I don’t even know, just something that happen in the past, but she won’t say a word of it” answer Aron in the elevator

“You know, when I was in High School, I meet a very beautiful girl, her name is Monica, she is the light of my eyes, I ask her out couple of times, it took me almost a year for her to accept. We became the weirdest couple, then one day she broke up with me, I never understood why, until I heard that because her parent’s didn’t want their daughter to be with a poor no body’s son. I remember that the day we broke up, she grabs my hand and tells me something that gave me hope, she said ‘Don’t worry Nick, one day in the future we might meet again, and if that day comes, then that would mean that I’ve been destine to be with you for all eternity’. A few years past and we reunited once again, ever since I reunited with her, I’ve became the best in the Science world, and Monica and I got married, now she is my lovely wife with a two year old and a second on the way” share Nicolas his story with Aron

Aron look at the wedding ring place on his ring finger. He looks at his ring finger imaging to have one, and that the women he loves would be waiting fir him.

“Love is complicated, maybe Scarlet and I aren’t desten or even a proper match” said Aron with a hint of sadness in his tone

“True, but all I am saying Agent Kingston, is that if you believe destine brought you and Scarlet together again, don’t miss the chance to make things right now that she is here with you” they both left the building

Nicolas bid his good-bye and left, Aron is standing in the middle of the entrance, on thoughts of what Nicolas said to him, with those simple words.

Aron can’t give up on what he feels for Scarlet, he knows in his heart that she knows in her heart that they are meant to be together.

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