Spiritual knight
Case 17: The Captain's Son Part I

Morning came; Aron cares the bed sheets on his side to find them completely cold and empty. He woke up to see around the room, everything is on its place, but there was no sign of Scarlet anywhere. Then his phone started to ring, Otto was in the other line telling him that they found a body, he pick up the paste and got clean up, hoping to find Scarlet on the crime scene.

When he arrived the first thing he did was look around for his woman, but there was no sign of her. He reaches Dr. Stellar in hope to distract him.

“What we got doc?” said Aron

The doctor turns around, with a face pale as a ghost, Aron though that something happen to Scarlet, on the Doctor’s side there is a man, wearing a business suit; he was fill with blood and dirt.

“This is our Victim, and he is much alive thank God for it” said Dr. Stellar

Aron is in shock to find a Victim that is alive. Later that day they took the victim in the conference room, where he is all clean up and wearing a different clothing.

“I was walking toward my car when a group of people; I think, grab me and pull me toward the ally, it was pretty much dark, they ask me about my project and business, that was when I saw Him, their leader, he was tall with brown hair and muscular figure, he ask me about my boss and his plan of conquering the Mafia world, but I didn’t know anything about it, then he commanded on of his men to kill me. When I saw it, it was a woman, with long black hair and very blood red eyes, her wings were the thing that I was mostly impress, wings of Dragons and then it hit me, I was going to die by the hands of the Black Dragon”

The man finish his statement, Aron couldn’t believe what the man told him, that Scarlet was going to kill him, but why isn’t the man dead? Ask himself when in that moment Dr. Stellar decide to enter and excuse Aron out of the conference, wield Titania and Otto takes the information of the man’s attacker and his boss.

“What?” ask Aron out of breath

“Our Victim was actually wounded bad, but it didn’t hurt nor aim his vital organs, just hit him or stab him in a place where his entire body paralyze and stop his heart in less than 10 minutes” said Dr. Stellar

“So Scarlet did this to him?” ask Aron in hopes that it wasn’t her

“There is something else” said Dr. Stellar as he pulls a ball of paper out of his pocket “Scarlet left a message for us, it seems that she is warning us to back out” said Dr. Stellar

Aron open the note, there was written on her letter to back off or face the rampage of the Dragon. That is when the Captain calls the Knight{s team, telling them to step into his office as soon as they are done interrogating the victim.

They step into the Captain’s office, he is holding note and with a horrific look on his eyes. He told Aron to sit down and the rest of the Dragons to lean forward or to lean down.

“I just got new information on our Chief Forensic, it seems that Scarlet has gone rough” said Captain Luther looking at the dragons

Aron felt like a cold bucket of ice was pour on top of him, the women he loved more than life itself, has become the enemy.

“That is not all, she is working for a new gang of mafias that had claim the west side of New Glacier, if the mafias used Scarlet well, or tame her they will govern with pride and guidance, because they have the Black Dragon on their side” said the Captain

The dragons felt like history is repeating, their new found Dragon’s spirits had shown them their past owner’s life and know that Oro, Silvia and Tuck had face Dark into battle, that didn’t end well, it mostly end when they had to seal Dark away for a period of 50 years. Aron felt his Dragon roar in horror, his mate has become an enemy and he doesn’t know what to do.

Aron is sitting in front of the monitor that has all the case detail, there’s picture of the victim and on top the picture of his boss that happens to be a Mafia King Drug Lord Alexander Angelus, also there is a black figure, representing the New Mafia Gang and in the bottom, the picture of Scarlet. Aron couldn’t put the pieces together, if their intention was to kill the victim, then why Scarlet let him alive, that is not the Black Dragon’s M.O, wonder Aron, then Titania sat down on his side.

“What now?” ask Titania

“I really don’t know” answer honestly Aron

“You realize that we are up against Scarlet and let me remind you that she has more experience fighting stronger opponent than us, newbies” said Titania

“Yeah, but there is something that is not right here. Think about it, Why did Scarlet let him live?” ask Aron

“Maybe he didn’t see that he was worth killing?” answer Titania

“Or maybe there is something that is connecting this ‘murders’, just got here after another un-dead victim, saying exactly the same as the last one, I think that Scarlet is leaving a trail of bread crumbs and we have to follow it in order to find that connection” said Otto arriving and with a piece of paper on his hands

“What is that?” ask Titania

“This my dear Silver Dragon is the calls that Mr. Angelus had call in his office and his personal cellphone calls; Nick took the liberty to hack his cellphone he found out that he made call on this number every five hours” said Otto

“Brilliant, all we have to do is wait for him to make another call and hope to lead us to Scarlet” said Aron

The Knight’s headed to the lb to find Nick stuck in the computer as he types, he then explains the process of the cellphone lines and all the connections, that is when an anonymous call enter, Nicolas picks it up, then he kind of look around the lab, he sees that Aron and the rest is looking at him, Nicolas smile and spoke to them like is the wrong number, but then he responded n a big no.

"Listen to me Nick, whatever you do don’t look at them nor hung up, listen to me, I need to know everything about Alexander Angelus" said Scarlet on the line

Nicolas grins and in a tight jaw and low voice answer “Why you want to know that?”

"Because the man that I am working for is planning to kill him and a Mafia war will emerge for the throne" said Scarlet

Nicolas grin disappeared and his face pale as a paper sheet. That is when Scarlet hung up, Nicolas try to sit down, but Otto and Aron gabs him before he fell down. Titania made a small breeze to cool him down.

“Nicolas you are pale as a ghost” said Titania

Nicolas looks at the three of them “I need a drink and a strong one too” answer to them in fright

Later Otto help Nicolas to lay down for a bit as Titania helps him to breath and Calm down. Aron notice Nicolas actions when he was on the phone with the other person, whatever they say to him, put him on his knees in seconds. Aron started to wonder if this person and Scarlet has a connection, so he made his own work, trying to figure out why is Scarlet hurting these people and what is the motive. Then Dr. Stellar came to the deck of confusions, that his when he let the bomb go off.

“They found a body” said Dr. Stellar

“Let me guess he came back alive like the other two?” said Otto annoyed

Dr. Stellar shake his head “This time I am sure that the guy won’t be coming alive anytime soon, his chest was torn into pieces and his heart was rip away from his chest” said Dr. Stellar

The team rush toward the autopsy room to find the dead body, Aron look around the body to find burn marks and claw marks, like the guy was torture before he dies. Once they came back to the room, he started to pace, the love of his life, his mate and girlfriend is killing people, well two of them are alive and one dead, that is when Titania found the connection, it seems that the dead guy and the other two victims are employees of Alexander Angelus, but there is a huge problem, Alexander Angelus isn’t into the mafia anymore, he is using his resources to help people, so in other words, Scarlet is hunting the guy without knowing that he isn’t a criminal anymore. The million dollar question is why Scarlet murders the third victim and now the first two.

Later that night, Scarlet is looking outside the window, her tight clothing is making her hard to breath sometimes and she is making sure to not be suspected by her new boss. Her hair is much more longer, she is on full transformation, her wings are tuck on her back and her claws are half cover by her gloves, she isn’t wearing high heels boots, but she is wearing combat boots. She is worry about Aron and the others, she call on her new cellphone number at Nicolas.

"For the love of God Scarlet, don’t call me on working hours!" said Nicolas warning her about her last attempt of calling in front of the dragons

“Do you have the information I ask for?” said Scarlet

Nicolas groan ”Yeah, Alexander Angus has been retire of the mafia world for about 50 years ago, now his incorporation is working his old mafia crew and they are helping people and supernatural with medicine and health equipment. Scarlet if this guy has been murdering the people of Mr. Angus, that could only mean that he want to make him feel guilty or to kill the guy just because he is a scumbag" said Nicolas

“No he just wants to save the world from a man like him” said Scarlet as she hung up

Scarlet turns around to see a man walking toward her asking her if she is ready, she nods her head and walks to the exit, leading them to the new guy. Scarlet knows the thing she got involve now, and only the team can save her from it.

Aron arrived at the empty, cold apartment, he really misses Scarlet’s warmth, her body close to his and her cute purring sound she does when she cuddles with him, even though she denies it and blush just thinking about it. Then he thought that recently, a few days later she has been eating a lot and getting a lot of moody. Aron though that he period must be close and that means stay away from her otherwise, you are doom to mood changes and constant defenses up. He chuckles thinking about her moody days and her good days. Then he receive a text from an unknown number, he read it and then he got confuse, the message only said «I am sorry», he thought that it was someone in the agency that found out that Scarlet became rough, then another message pop up «Everything will be explain soon», that is when it hit him, the one texting him is Scarlet, he soon started to text her back.

«Where are you? Are you alright? Why did you become rough? Answer me!!!» texted Aron

«Calm down Aron, so many questions; I don’t have much time, so I won’t answer the first one; I am ok, trust me on this, please...got to go, I love you» texted Scarlet back

Aron sigh, he doesn’t understand why the love of his life is doing or how deep is she involve with, but it worries him, that she is out there risking her life and her reputation into danger, well that is the Black Dragon for you, she is a survivor and like any survivor, she or he will do anything to survive. Aron got ready to bed and fell asleep instantly, then his window open up, crawling in the room is Scarlet as she watches her mate sleeping on her side of the bed, she strip her coat and pants off, leaving her in undergarments and a top, she crawl on his side of the bed and cuddle on his back, purring by the feeling of his body and warmth, Aron turns in his sleep and hugs her tight, believing that its his pillow and not her.

The next morning, Aron woke up refresh and very satisfied, when he walk toward the kitchen he saw that there is coffee ready and breakfast on the table, he look around, nothing was stolen and nothing broken, then a familiar scent passes on his nostrils, his mate, lover and girlfriend came to the house, first hint is the breakfast, only Scarlet knows what his favorite dish is and second of all, Scarlet wouldn’t work well without her coffee, so she must had left her mug on the dry dish. Aron look at the dry dish area and as he suspected Scarlet’s favorite mug is there, to his surprise, he thought of the dream he had and it turns out it was real, Scarlet did came last night and made him breakfast.

Back at the agency, the rumors about the Black Dragon going rough already spread like wildfire, the Knights team felt the shame that Scarlet is bringing to the Dragons, but something inside Aron made him believe that she hasn’t gone rough, more like she is on a mission or something. Then Nicolas informs the team that he found movement near the abandon where-house on the docks, the team headed to the area immediately. Once they arrived, each of them search the area individually, Aron headed to the main where-house, wield Titania search the East and Otto the west. Aron search the area, slowly, he made sure that every knock and canny was check.

Scarlet is sitting on the main wooden stall bar of the where-house, she look below her and saw Aron passing by her, she smile to look at him so on edge and on defense, she knows that he could burn everything to the ground now. She stood up and once Aron was under her, she jump behind him, Scarlet grabs Aron’s arm and push it behind him, but Aron counter attack her move, but then she counter his move, they started to swing punches, Aron made a flaming fist and swings it toward Scarlet, but Scarlet use her speed to dodge and counter to hold his fist with a black gust of wind, Aron moves his fist toward him and push her to the wall, pining her with his body, they both pant, but once Aron’s vision adjust, he sees Scarlet’s face, he appearance has change into a sexy one, a very attractive get up that would turn any men on lust.

“Scarlet?” panted Aron

“Hello there babe” said Scarlet with a grin

Aron let her go, taking a few steps back and leaning on a wooden box behind him, he sees her after a few days alone and restless. Scarlet rub the area where he had grab her and press her on, then she walks toward him, well seducing him, then she push him back, making his back fell to the wooden container behind him, Scarlet is on top of Aron using her dragon strength to pin him down, she smirk at him, feeling very powerful been the dominant one and not the one on the bottom (this time). Aron felt so turn on that he like the way his mate is seducing him, but his dragon did not like the part of submit to his mate.

“Scarlet what are you planning to do?” growl Aron

“Aron Kingston, I am planning to rape you, since I am an all-powerful rouge; I want a piece of you” said Scarlet pressing her body against him

Aron groan, liking how his mate is taking the incentive on this dance, she took the bullet proof vest, then she proceed to remove his button up shirt, kissing his chest, then s*****g his n*****s, he groans in p******e. Scarlet use her dragon sight to see every reaction her lover is showing, Aron look at her blood red eyes, making him groan and m**n even more. Scarlet proceed in assaulting her lover, she removed his belt and pull out his c**k, she started her ministration on touching his p***s, then she l**k him from bottom to top, motorizing his entire s***t, Scarlet became more bold, so she shove his p***s inside her mouth, s*****g his essence from him. Aron never felt so good in his life, Scarlet is giving him the b*****b of his mind, his head started to become more hazy and he want’s nothing more than to sprinkle inside her warm cavern. In the end Aron came inside her cavern, making her s*****w his milk, his seed, his s****s, but that wasn’t enough to satisfied his real urge. Scarlet finish taking every single drop of his milk, but then she is been push to the ground, Aron pins her down, when she was about to protest, Aron raise his head, revealing his golden eyes and his powerful presence. Scarlet mewl to his dominant side, she started to squirm on his hold, but Aron pin her more and press his body on hers.

“Is my turn, Scarlet Walker” said Aron and proceed on licking her ear lobe

Scarlet made a small cry of p******e, then Aron move his hand inside her tight pants, he located the small nerve bud that would set her off. Scarlet m***s louder drooling and rolling her eyes back as she arch her back.

Aron grin and continue his assault “You like that don’t you?” whisper Aron

Scarlet manage to nod as Aron goes faster and bringing her near the edge, but he stops his movements. Scarlet felt restless and inpatient, she wanted to c*m, but her lover doesn’t let her. Aron felt powerful holding her on the brink and not let her go.

“Aron, please” pleaded Scarlet with her red eyes

“Beg for me sweetly” commanded Aron

Scarlet pleaded and she pulls Aron’s hands away from her v***a, she place her hands and knees on the ground, showing her treasure to him, she pleaded and started to t***h herself in front of him, that made Aron reach his limit, so he p*******e her, his movements were hard and deep. Scarlet m***s and continue to pleaded him to continue and to keep going his rhythm. He continues to undress her and make her body close to his, he try different of p*******s to feel her and love her, their love making is rough, but caring, rush, but pleasant.

Hours pass by, Aron is tangle with Scarlet as she is tangle with him, they are enjoying their moment together, Aron caress Scarlet’s now long black hair as she is caressing his strong muscular back.

“I don’t understand; what the hell is going on Scarlet?” ask Aron hugging her closer to his body

“I can’t tell you Aron, not now” answer Scarlet honestly

“At least let me know, are you betraying us?” ask Aron worry and looking at her now hazel eyes

“No Aron, I would never betray the agency, nor the other dragons” answer Scarlet looking at his blue eyes

Aron hugs her closer to his body with a relieve sigh, Scarlet mention to him that she must leave quite soon, but warn him that Alexander Angelus is in grave danger, that his main focus should be making a plan in order to protect him from her new boss. Aron didn’t like the idea of his mate doing the dirty work , as she is getting dress, Aron kiss her shoulder where his bite mark is located and rub her black dragon mark, for some reason it made him believe that he is touching her very soul. Scarlet gave Aron a seductive, passionate kiss before she disappears in the shadows. Aron is getting dress, wield he heard the radio frequency calling out to him, once Aron gave the word that it was a false alarm, he got ready and meet up with Titania and Otto. They got together near the docks, that is when Otto sniff him up, Aron thought that he was acting wear.

“You had s*x! in a time like this!” said Otto still sniffing him “And not with just anyone, but with THE one. Oh my God, You had s*x with Scarlet!” said Otto

Titania came close to Aron and took a good sniff “You son of a b***h!” yell Titania to him

“Calm down, yes I did made love to Scarlet, but is not what you think” said Aron

“What do you mean?” ask Otto crossing his arms

“Scarlet is working undercover; something she can’t quite explain yet” said Aron

As Aron is explaining what Scarlet told him, Scarlet is walking back into the hideout, when a man came toward her, he look at her weird. Scarlet glare at the men and growl at him, the man took a small step back, leaving some space for her to enter the lair. When she walks inside the room, her boss is waiting for her to arrive.

“Where have you been Shadow?” said the boss man

“Having fun with my toys and hunting some fresh meat” said Scarlet

The boss man look at her, he notice the hickeys and a lot of bite marks on her cleavage and neck “That must had been a wild ride you got” he smirk at her

Scarlet remain emotionless, but manage to sigh at him “Have you been waiting long?” ask Scarlet

“Not long, I had information that the SCIS are being in our tails, I want you to put a stop to them” said the boss man

Scarlet curve one of her eye brow at him in confusion, wondering what this guy is up to, then he turns around as Scarlet follows him, then he open a door revealing a bunch of men getting boxes ready to move out of the place.

“I will leave some of my men behind, you will be the one at the end of the line when SCIS comes in, then you will kill the dragons they have, after all you are the rouge dragon that betray them, not just once, but twice apparently” said the boss man

“True, but it wouldn’t be wise to kill them, have you ever though to capture them so they could be breed to one another?” ask Scarlet

“What do you mean Shadow?” ask the boss man

“Think about it, there only four of us left in the entire world, if I kill them, that would leave me, and once I die, the Dragon race will be extinct, gone forever, do you really want that?” ask Scarlet

The guy thought for awield “You know what, you are right, If I want to overthrow Angelus, I must become more powerful and what better way than to have an Army of Dragons. I must applauded you Shadow, I have never had a better right hand men, or women, than you” said the boss man “Once the SCIS Dragons find this place, just knock them out for me will you?” said the man as he walks away

Scarlet watch as the man walks out of her sight, she manages to keep Aron and the others alive for now, but she had to come up with an excuse in order to come empty handed in the new lair.

Is been a week since Aron saw Scarlet, he continues to search the following cases that had been put in his plate, then he receive a call from Nicolas, he is telling him that the location of the new mafia gang has been found. The Knight’s team set out to find the location and get their friend/mate back, when they arrived they are expecting a welcoming party, which in turn out, it became a blast. When they pass by the guards and the other minions, they open the door that leads to the boss man, but in their surprise, Scarlet is sitting in the big man’s chair, with another victim on her feet.

“Hello there Knights” said Scarlet in her evil voice

“What is the meaning of this?” said Titania then glare at Aron

“Not much, just a little fun I suppose, after all I am the Black Dragon” said Scarlet returning the glare at Titania

“Scarlet this isn’t you! You are our chief Forensic Scientist, not a psychopath!” said Otto angry at her

“Wrong! I am not Scarlet anymore, that human self is long gone” smirk Scarlet “The name is Shadow, I am the right hand of the boss man and you guys are my prisoner” said Scarlet

She jumps toward the Knights, and separate them, she took Otto first, as he sumons thick wood stakes from the ground, and vines to tie Scarlet up, she use her super electric speed to dodge them, then she use the wind slash to cut the stakes and vine and electrify Otto. Titania surprise her from the back, she try to fight her way to victory, but she got caught by Scarlet’s hand and push her to the ground, when Scarlet is about to give the finishing blow, she punch the left side of the ground where Titania’s face is nearby, she created a bit a current electric shock to pass her out. Aron was up next, he knows that he can’t beat Scarlet, but at least he has to try to understand what is going on with her.

“What are you doing?” said Aron

“Sulegna tcetorp noos gnimoc si thgif eht” said Scarlet

Aron got confuse by the words she just said, but that didn’t stop her from kicking his butt, Aron use his flames to keep her away, then when Scarlet got closer, Aron blasted her with a bright light, making her cry of pain by the blinded sight, she falls on her feet’s and rub her eyes. Scarlet try to look around, but all she could see is white, like she was blinded, but that didn’t stop her, Aron made quite some noise that directed her toward him. Aron fell to the ground and is been pin down by Scarlet, not in the sexiest way he likes, more like a captive way, in that moment, Scarlet felt a pin on her mark, she look below to see a tranquilizer on her rib cage area, she looks to the door to see Edward holding a gun at her direction, she growl at her older brother.

“This isn’t over, I’ll be back to crush you all and made you my slave” said Scarlet as she disappeared into the shadows.

When the knights came to, they realize that they are in the hospital, Titania and Otto woken up a minute after Aron did, Dr. Stellar is checking if their life are in danger, but found none, also they took test on Titania and Otto, they realize that she has use her power to knock them over, like the other victims and the new victim is awake and singing like a canary bird. Edward came to the room in gear and ready to battle.

“Thank God Scarlet manage to contact me before you guys arrived” said Edward

“What are you talking about? She was waiting to pulverize us!” said Otto

“That you are wrong. She told me that the Dragons are in danger and they need rescuing, otherwise she has to do what they are telling her to do” said Edward

“What are you talking about?” ask Titania

“Maybe I should be the one to explain the situation Commander Walker, since you’ll be Captain soon of the SCIS agency soon” said Captain Luther (<- He is the current Captain of the SCIS, he appears in Chapter 1 of the book).

“Captain Luther?” said the knights in union

The Captain lower his head in shame “Things had become more complicated, and now that Edward told me that you and Scarlet are mated will make it worst in your relationship, so will come out straight. All this is a huge misunderstanding; when I was an agent in the FBI, I had capture hundreds of bad scums that my reputation perceive me, one night I had encounter by the Mafia Lord himself, Alexander Angelus, a fierce man that look like his early 30′s, but when the world discover the existence of the supernatural world, I too discover Angelus secret to be a vampire, but he change for the better helping the supernatural to control their instinct whit humans and provide them with medical insurance for them, I decided to put a watch over Angelus and after years of watching he turns out to be a good guy, he abandon his ambitious to become the lord of all Mafia and decide to help the supernatural. I usually tell the story of the Mafia lord to my Son and how the police would bring justice to the crimes he committed, what I didn’t expect is the fact that my own son will engage a Mafia war here in New Glacier” said Captain Luther

“What?” shock the three Dragons

“So I need someone to spy from the inside and protect my son until I manage to arrest him, that is why I ask Scarlet to do it, beside that she is smart, she is the Black Dragon, a creature of darkness and horror” finish Captain Luther

“I see, now it makes sense, Scarlet is the only one that could sneak in and out without been detected” said Titania

“Not just that, Scarlet manage to contact me before everything goes to hell, she told me to keep an eye on her and if I see her safe sign I would have to shoot the tranquilizer on her in order to back her off and keep the three of you safe. For now they need the three of you alive in order to breed new dragons, but without the male dragon, they can’t” explain Edward

“Now I understand what she has been doing for now, she has been protecting your son and us at the same time that is tiring. What I don’t get is what she said? Was she on meds or something like that?” ask Aron

“Actually those words were for me, since I was in the communicator, she blabber those words for me to hear, is something she and I had for a wield, but thanks to Edward’s bond with her, I manage to know what she said. If you put the recording forward you might understand Sulegna tcetorp noos gnimoc si thgif eht, but if you put it backwards you might hear the hidden message «The fight is coming soon protect Angelus», she was trying to buy us some time before the fight comes” said Nicolas

The Knights understood what it was going on, the son of the Captain is obsess with the Mafia and wanted to create a war with the former Mafia Lord Alexander Angelus, and with Scarlet by his side, he is unstoppable, no one knows when the war is coming, but they know one thing for sure, without Scarlet, Luther’s son is vulnerable.

To Be Continue...

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