Son In Law Madness
Chapter 337

Chapter 337 Conflict

The content was about how Beatrice and Ysabel had seduced their uncle and cheated him of his money before leaving him for good. The story was completely fictitious and full of exaggeration. They even attached a photo of Ysabel and Beatrice glaring at each other on the post.

"Your dad passed out from anger just now." A voice came from Beatrice's phone.

Beatrice said, "Please listen to me. It's not what the news says it is!"

"What's the point of explaining yourself to me? Leave it for your parents tonight." With that, the call was disconnected.

Beatrice's face turned ashen. She then pointed at Julian. "Julian, I will sue you for slander!"

Julian laughed. "I don't mind. Just go ahead. We'll see who the winner in the end will be."

Ysabel could no longer contain her anger and wanted to slap Julian, but she was stopped by Donald.

The latter shook his head. "Calm down. I will handle this."

Ysabel quieted down upon hearing him.

Donald looked at Julian and said, "I'll spare you a chance now. If I make my move, you won't live to see tomorrow's sun."

Julian paused for a moment before he broke into laughter. "Well, tell me what you're going to do then. I'm a bit scared now!"

Adam scoffed. "Who do you think you are?"

Donald merely looked at Julian coldly. "Delete your post immediately and apologize publicly online."

Adam and Julian were dumbstruck for a moment before they guffawed. "Are you nuts?"

Beatrice roared, "Donald, shut up already. You are making the matter worse."

She was in a pickle now. This evening would be the banquet held by the Stern family. Jeremiah and Adrian had invited the entire Stern family to the banquet. Beatrice could foresee how this online ruckus would make her and her daughter the laughing stock of the party.

Donald's face darkened when he saw Julian's and Adam's expressions.

Then, he took out his phone and made a call. "Settle Julian and Adam for me!"

"Hey, I see you are calling for help?" Julian did not seem to be bothered by that. "I'll wait here today and see whom you can summon!"

After that, he took out his phone too. "Hello, Mr. Crow. Please come over now to take down a sc*mbag for me."

Then, he hung up the phone and looked at Donald triumphantly. "Do you know who Crow is? He is Mr. Lynch's number one man!”

Within ten minutes, the door sprung open, and Bradley entered the room. He strode toward Julian coldly and threw a slap on his face. Slap!

Julian staggered backward under the impact. His cheeks immediately puffed up.

"Hey, stop fighting!" Beatrice shouted in a panic.

That was her office. The way Donald snapped abruptly had deteriorated her impression of him.

Adam suddenly roared. His chunky body dashed over before Bradley sent him a kick and rendered him on the ground.

"Are you seeking death?" Bradley was infuriated that a petty nobody would dare to strike an attack at Lord Campbell right in front of him.

The whole country would be in shock if the identity of Lord Campbell were out of the bag.

If only they knew that Lord Campbell was merely one of Donald's secret identities.

"Just you wait! Crow will be here soon. Once Crow arrives, I will kill you!" Julian said with his hand covering his face.

Donald remained silent and merely stared at him coldly as though the latter was already a dead man.

"Donald, let's go. Crow is the biggest gangster in this area!" Beatrice said. She walked up to Donald and stuffed a bank card into the latter's hand. "There are tens of thousands in it. Hurry up and go!" Donald held the card and looked up at Beatrice.

He saw the nervousness brewing in her eyes.

She was a highly educated person, a drastic contrast to her sister, Linda.

"What about the two of you after I leave?" Donald asked.

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