[lvan's POV]

I kept my eyes fixed on Arissa as she tried to avert her embarrassed gaze. When in the world had she found her wolf and why didn't she tell me?

"You see," she began, clearly trying to decide what to say. It seemed that she still didn't fully trust me and there was still some more wall for me to work through. "When I was injured," she continued, oblivious to my warring emotions. "I found myself in this dark space.”

Was this what happened to her when her vampire side awakened?

"There was this red light and in it was a wolf wrapped in black vines covered in thorns. Since I didn't have anything better to do, I freed it. Turns out she was my wolf that hasn't awoken all this time." Listening quietly, I tried to process what she was saying. Did this mean that she was now a wolf? If so did that mean that she was stronger than she already was? This was a game changer for sure. "Now that I've told you." Arissa snapped, clearly irritated at my zoning. "Why don't you tell me what that was about with your wolf calling me mate.”

It was my turn to be embarrassed. Although Bastian had been bugging me about her being my mate, I hadn't mentioned it. Mainly because I wasn't willing to accept it. However, things were different now and I guessed that this was a good time to tell her.

"Tell me something.” I murmured, leaning in close enough to feel her breath on my skin. "How do you feel when you're with me?”

"Feel?" She repeated, cocking her head to the side.

"That's right.”

"Annoyed?" She tried, smirking ever so slightly. "Disgusted? Ready to fight most of the time?"

I had to withstand the urge to head butt her again as she intentionally tried to piss me off as a way to avoid something serious.

"In your heart." I huffed, poking a finger against her voluptuous chest. "What do you feel here?" Arissa remained quiet as she considered my words. Despite her trying to joke around about how she felt, I could see something deep and unsure in her eyes.

"Before or now?" She asked finally, letting out a breath.

"Both." I responded, bracing myself.

"Before," she began, furrowing her brows. "Attraction, resistant, scared.” I could tell as she spoke she was having a hard time admitting her innermost thoughts, and had to withstand the urge to kiss her for doing this for me.

"And now?" I pushed.

I was shocked by how desperate I felt to know that she felt the same. It looked like I was just as insecure as she was.

"Now," she huffed, her eyes flashing in annoyance. "Right this second, irritation." As she spoke she kept her blue gaze locked on me, challenging me to speak again. When I didn't, her expression softened and a small smile began to play on her lips. "I may feel an odd attachment to you.”

For the first time in my life, I felt a surge of overwhelming happiness rush through me. She had actually admitted to caring for me. Maybe she didn't say she loved me, but for now this was enough.

"You're creeping me out with that look.” She muttered, once again ruining the moment.

Letting a laugh escape me, I pulled Arissa into to a hug. At first, she didn’t move, but before long, her arms were snaking around me as well.

"I blame my wolf." She grumbled, trying to keep up one wall of resistance.

"Whatever you say." I chuckled, freeing her and stepping back.

A low growl escaped Arissa as her eyes watched me. Her pale cheeks were flushed and it made her look so damn lovely.

"Now, can we go back to talking about our plan to take care of the traitors.”

"Yes, let's do that."

Later that evening, I sat at the large dining room table that had been set for exactly 8 people. I had made sure Christine laid out place cards so everyone sat according to plan. I needed to make sure that Elder Theodore and Carina drank from the spiked wine glasses, fixed with truth serum.

Is was about time for everyone to begin showing and I felt a wave of excitement rush through me. I was finally taking revenge on everyone that had hurt my woman. I knew she would enjoy this and I looked forward to the joy that would come after all her hardships.

Putting my poker face in place, I fixed my gaze on the door as the elders arrived.

All wore smiles on their faces as they took their designated places. I almost felt bad for Elder Gregory and Oliver. How would they react knowing they had a snake in their midst who had helped the enemy kill one of their own.

As I pictured the outcome of my little plan, my other guests trickled in one by one until all were present.

Perfect, it was now time for the main show to begin. Check mate.

[Arissa's POV]

I paced back and forth in Ivan’s room, waiting for my cue to come down and start my portion of this evenings show. I was both excited and anxious about what was to come. Once Elder Theodore and Carina were behind bars, it was only a matter of time before Gillian and Ivan's father showed up to rescue them.

This time I would be ready for Gillian. He wouldn't catch me by surprise with his strength again. “Not with me here." Rosario purred, startling me from my thoughts. “Whoops, didn't mean to scare you." She snickered as I got my wits about me.

"I'm going to have to get used to not being alone in my head.” I grumbled, feeling irritation roll through me.

“She isn't the only one.’

Jumping about a foot in the air, I whirled around expecting to find Ivan in my personal space like usual.

"Don't do that!" I hissed, realizing he too was speaking to me through mindlink. "Fuck, you three will be the death of me."

Three?" Ivan snickered. "Who is the third?’

“Me,’ Bastian growled. “Don't you dare forget me."

Rolling my eyes, I tuned out whatever Ivan and Bastian said next. At least, until I heard my name. Perking up, I let a smile spread across my face.

"Is it time for my appearance?" I asked, cracking my knuckles.

"Yes," Ivan responded. “It is time for you to finally get your justice.’

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