[lvan's POV]

I fought to keep my temper under control. I must not have heard Arissa correctly. There was just no way. How was it even possible that Gillian was still alive and helping my bastard father?

"I-ivan..." Arissa stammered, reaching out a hand. "I think maybe you should try to control yourself a bit."

Confused, I looked around to see that the furniture in the room had been flung around the room. Fuck, I must have released my aura without realizing it.

“Idiot,’ Bastian snickered. “Save it for the liar."

I could feel Bastian chomping at the bit to get ahold of Gillian. After all, it was due to his lie that Arissa went through what she did.

"Sorry," I huffed, beginning to deflate. "I didn't mean to."

"We know, alpha.” Hans assured. "It was quite a shock, I'm sure.”

"Yeah, shock."

"If you reacted like that just to knowing he was alive, I don't even want to tell you the rest." Arissa grumbled, crossing her arms. "Who is to say I won't get thrown through a wall.”

"I would never hurt you." I snapped, narrowing my gaze on her. "At least not in a way you didn't like." I added, feeling a thrill rush through me at the beautiful blush that began to spread across her cheeks.

A cough of discomfort from Hans sent me into a laughing fit while Arissa grumbled some threat or the other to herself. After collecting myself, I looked at Hans, who looked ready to bolt at any second.

"Report back to Igor.” I began, deciding it was time to visit Isaac's pack and take care of business. "We will be making another trip to that idiot brother of mine tomorrow.”

I didn't know if he was aware his son was alive, and if he was, I would be sure to make him pay a terrible price for what he had done to Arissa. No one would be able to continue living after all the torture she went through.

"You're going to visit him?" Arissa asked, seeming to perk up. "Do I get to come?"

Smiling, I gave a nod.

"Of course you can come.” I promised, reaching out and grabbing her hand. "How could I let you miss out on something interesting?"

Beaming, Arissa nodded. I could already see the wheels turning in her head and knew that I'd be in for a good show once we arrived at Isaac's castle tomorrow.

"How many men should we prepare, alpha?" Hans asked, drawing my attention back to him

"None, it will just be the four of us.” I said. "I don’t want word to get to Carina and Elder Theodore just in case they are all working together.”

"Noted." Hans barked, before turning and heading out of the room.

Once I was sure he was far enough away, I turned to meet Arissa“s gaze. She was watching me with an odd emotion, and I found myself wanting to go inside her head so I could see what was troubling her.

"If you stare too long, you may burn holes in me." Arissa sighed, making her way towards the couch. Moving forward, I wrapped my arms around her waist, snaking my hand up her shirt and cupping her perfect breast. A soft moan escaped her as she arched her back so her ass rubbed against my dick.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "We were just discussing something serious and you still want sex?"

"Who is to say that we don't all die tomorrow.” I pointed out, beginning to kiss her neck. "I don’t want to miss any opportunities.”

Letting a sigh of content escape her, Arissa arched her neck, presenting it to me. I could feel Bastian beginning to stir as my lips glided across her mark spot.

“Mark her!’ Bastian barked, growing overly excited. 'l want to properly meet her.’

“Not yet." I snapped, pushing him back. “Not until all of this is over.’

Oblivious to my inner struggle with my wolf, Arissa reached down and began to undo her pants. I could smell her arousal and knew that she wasn't going to stop me from doing what I wanted.

Not wanting to waste any time, I began to move us forward until she was leaning forward and her ass was up against the couch in front of me

Letting go of her breast, I grabbed her pants and pulled them down, then waited as she stepped out of them. Instead of returning to the position she was in initially, she ripped her shirt off and then turned to face me.

Snarling in pleasure, I took in Arissa’s naked form. She was fucking perfect from the top of her head to her toes. Since coming to stay with me, she had managed to put on weight and now her body was so damn curvy with the perfect hourglass shape. Her skin was now free of scars thanks to the special lotion I had Christine put on her the day she arrived. Her long blonde hair was shiny and wavy as it cascaded down her chest, threatening to cover her breasts from sight.

"Dammit woman, you're perfect.” I growled, moving forward and twisting her around. "Now, be a good girl and stick that ass out for me."

Letting a purr escape her, she did as I commanded while I undressed. Pressing my body against hers, 1 began to rub her while my dick rubbed between her legs, teasing her and making her sweet juices drip over it, preparing it for penetration.

"Fuck, Ivan." Arissa gasped, clutching the cushions of the couch in front of her. "Faster, please.” "Beg me." I growled, leaning forward and biting her shoulder.

I felt her body shiver against mine as she took pleasure in the pain I was causing her.

"Please, I want you to go faster.” Arissa began to beg. I was amazed at how unafraid she was to demand what she wanted with me. But then again, this was her we were talking about.

"Come on, baby, make me cum all over your dick." She growled, beginning to move her hips in time with mine.

"Whatever my queen wants." I growled, picking up the pace. I had no intention of letting her off until she couldn't stand anymore. That much was a promise.

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