[lvan's POV]

The feeling of the sun's rays dancing along my skin roused me from my first nightmareless dream since going to war. I suppose I could thank Arissa for that. I was sure it was the comfort of having her beside me that kept them away.

Letting out a sigh, I rolled over and reached out into emptiness.

Confused, I opened my eyes and took in the empty bed beside me.

Where the hell had she gone and how long ago was it that she left?

Sitting up, I placed my hand on the sheet where she laid and sniffed the air. It seemed it was quite some time now. All her warmth was gone and her scent barely lingered.

"Damn woman." I grumbled, getting out of bed and stretching. "Think you can use me and run. Think again.”

Throwing on a robe, I made my way out and towards Arissa's room.

Outside my room the halls were abuzz with motion and nervous energy that instantly put me on alert.

Looking around, I grabbed the maid that was closest to me, causing her eyes to widen and her face to pale with fear.

"M-master..." She stammered, looking around for help. "H-how can I h-help you?"

"What is going on out here?" I demanded in anger.

I didn't know why, but I was beginning to develope a bad feeling about this. Whatever was happening was clearly something that was going to set me off. This woman's reaction said as much. "W-well..." She began only to stop when Christine rushed forward with a frantic look on her face. "MASTER!" She yelled, rushing forward and grabbing my arm. "YOU MUST COME IMMEDIATELY!" Feeling my stomach drop, I released the maid I was holding and allowed Christine to lead me away and towards the infirmary.

"What is going on, Christine?" I asked once we arrived at our destination. "Who is here?"

I didn't think it was Arissa since I wasn't catching her scent, but I didn't quite recognize the scent I was picking up either.

"It is Elder Theodore.” Christine puffed. "He is demanding the capture of Arissa!"

"On what grounds?” I hissed, controlling the urge to break down the door that was separating me and that old man.

"You'll have to see for yourself.” Christine sighed, grabbing the door's handle and turning it.

I remained in place as inside the room came into view.

Hans was busy dressing and cleaning wounds on Elder Theodore who sat atop an examination table looking all sorts of disgruntled.

Moving slowly, I waited until the old man's enraged gaze found me before saying a word.

"Alpha!" Elder Theodore barked, attempting to stand but stopping as Hans held up a hand.

"Elder," I responded while attempting to keep my voice neutral. "What happened here?"

Both Elder Theodore's arms were covered in claw and teeth marks, as was his cheeks and neck. One of his blue eyes was swollen and the area around it was beginning to turn purple and swell. On top of all that, his lip was busted in two places and it looked as if he nose was broken as well.

Just from looking, you could tell that someone had taken a good deal of aggression out on him. Was it possibly Arissa?

"They crazy she-wolf, Arissa, snapped and attacked me for simply trying to apologize to her for my actions the other day." Elder Theodore responded, playing the perfect victim act.

"You said Arissa did this?" I asked, keeping my irritation in check.

Had Arissa been at her strongest, maybe, just maybe, she could have done this. However, in her current condition there was no way.

"Yes, it was her. I saw the whole thing.”

Turning, I watched Carina saunter up to me with tears in her eyes. Her arms also sported scratches, but they were nowhere near as bad as Elder Theodore's. Interesting.

"And if you saw it why didn't you contain her?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow. "You know that it is a serious offense to attack a higher ranking wolf."

Despite knowing these two were lying, I needed to remain calm. There was clearly something going on here undercover and I needed them oblivious to my knowing so I could find out.

"She was too strong.” Carina whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself. "I did try, but she escaped.”

"So you're saying Arissa is gone?" I asked, feeling my first flare of anxiety over her actually not being in the estate anymore. "Where could she possibly have gone?”

"There was a broken window where we found the elder.” Hans reported, finishing his task. "We found some blood left on the glass and a few strands of blonde hair.”

"What?" I hissed, tearing my gaze away from Elder Theodore and fixing it on Hans. "You said you found evidence of escape?”

Keeping my calm mask in place was becoming difficult as Hans’ words sunk in. Arissa was actually gone? Where could she even go?

"Hans you come with me." I ordered, turning and storming out of the room. "Carina, help the elder back to his quarters.”

"Ivan!" Carina wailed, rushing forward and attempting to grab me. "Where are you going at a time like this?"

"That doesn't concern you." I growled, shooting a glare at her.

Taking the hint, Carina backed down and remained in place as I exited the room with Hans in tow. “Alpha,” Hans murmured once we were out of earshot. "Do you believe Arissa was actually responsible for the attack?"

"No," I snapped, turning and grabbing Hans’ shoulder. "I don't and right now I need you to show me that window."

If anyone else was involved, there should have been a trace of their essence. If I could pick up on it, I could figure out who Elder Theodore and Carina were helping.

Not many were aware of my ability to detect essences and in this moment I found myself relieved for that. If the others knew I probably wouldn't stand a chance of finding Arissa before it was too late.

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