[lvan's POV]

Arissa’s body felt amazing pressed against mine, and fuck those breasts that pushed against my chest were so soft.

I wasn't sure what had gotten into her, but I didn't want to question it. For weeks now, I had waited for her to allow me to have her, and here she was, throwing herself at me

"Ivan," she sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder as I nipped at her neck, coming dangerously close to her mark spot.

“Mark her.’ Bastian growled from the shadows. “Mark our mate.’

Jerking, I pulled away and stared at Arissa, who was now watching me with a confused look. What the hell was Bastian talking about? How could I possibly mark her? She wasn't our mate, and she wouldn't be becoming my luna.

"What's wrong?" Arissa asked, drawing me from my thoughts. "Why are you looking at me with that disgust?"

From the tone of her voice, I knew that she was feeling hurt over my sudden actions. Shit. How was I supposed to save this now?

"It's nothing." I tried, attempting to pull her head back towards mine.

"No," she snapped, getting up and straightening her clothes. Her cheeks were flushed red with desire, and I could smell her delicious scent. "Is it because of what you saw earlier?"

I didn't know how to answer her. How would what I saw earlier make a difference? Did she feel unworthy because she was raped? Did that make her feel dirty or something?

As these thoughts hit, a surge of anger flared over the bastard that had done that to her. I had almost managed to forget it due to my father's sudden appearance, but now that she had me remembering, I really wanted to kill him.

"Come back here." I sighed, standing and attempting to touch Arissa.


I watched with wide eyes as she stumbled backwards, wrapping her arms around herself.

"No, don’t touch me.” She huffed. "I knew I shouldn't have let myself get so lost in the fantasy that maybe agreeing to your deal would be fine."

It felt like I was slapped as her hurt-filled eyes began to water. I was beginning to find that despite her strong act, she was truly fragile, and I had really crossed the line. With someone this vulnerable, you needed to be sure to constantly reassure them, and my sudden moment of shock from Bastian’s words had caused me to hurt her.

"Could you listen to me?" I asked, taking another step forward. "You're really jumping to the wrong conclusion.”

Why was I even standing here wanting to explain? It didn’t matter if she thought highly of me anyway, right? I only wanted a strong heir. That was it. So why was I desperately trying to get her to trust me?

"l don't think I am." Arissa shot back. Her tone became colder and colder with each word. If I didn't fix things soon, there was a good chance that she wouldn't give me a second opportunity to gain her trust.

"I just remembered what happened to you and it made me angry." I lied.

I didn't know if it would be a valid reason, but maybe if I had her think my actions were from remembering something unpleasant, then she would understand. After all, there was no way that I could tell her that my wolf was insisting that I mark her. There was no way she would ever find out how attached Bastian already was to her. If she did, that would be the end of me.

Arissa didn't respond, instead she just kept staring me down with hooded eyes. By the clenching and unclenching of her jaw, I didn't think that my words were helping. On the contrary, I was sure they were making things worse.

"So you do find me disgusting.” She said slowly, beginning to back towards the door. "Otherwise, why would you even think of that at that particular moment?”

Fuck, I really did choose the wrong thing to say. I could physically feel Arissa pulling away from me more and more. If I didn’t stop her now, then this really would be the end.


Surging forward, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. I didn't know what I was doing or why I felt so damn desperate. How was it even possible that I was becoming this type of man for this tiny woman in front of me?

"Let go!" Arissa growled, lifting her hands and attempting to push against my chest.

Once again, I was reminded of just how weak she currently was. After I solved this issue, I would have to ask her about this. I didn’t know if she would openly tell me, but I just wanted some confirmation of my assumption.

"LET GO!" She repeated more forcefully. "Don’t touch me!"

"I won't!" I growled, pulling away just enough to look into her eyes. “Not until you believe me.”

I was desperate! Something in my chest was hurting, and I could even feel Bastian whining. Maybe I was truly going mad.

"Why do you care so much?" Arissa continued. "You just wanted me to help you create an heir! We don't need trust and understanding for that! *

I wasn't sure who she was trying to convince when she spoke, but it sounded like those words weren't just meant for me.

"Maybe I want more..." I murmured, shocking not only her but myself.

"W-what did you just say?" She asked, narrowing her wide-eyed gaze. "Repeat that.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. What the hell did I just say, and where did it come from?

"I don't know." I muttered, letting out a breath of frustration. "I think I may want more.”

The words sounded absurd coming from my mouth, but there they were. Something about them scared the hell out of me, but also comforted me. Maybe Bastian was onto something. However, I wasn't sure how Arissa would react.

Even if I was beginning to realize my true feelings, that didn't mean that she felt the same. Hell, it didn't even mean that I stood a chance. I may very well be setting myself up for failure, but the mere thought of her closing herself off to me trumped my fear.

"You're insane.” She whispered, beginning to try to free herself harder. "Absolutely bat shit crazy." "If I am, it is because of you." I smirked. "You're the one that made me this way. Now do something about it. "

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