[Arissa's POV]

I stared up at the roof of Ivan's estate debating how difficult it would be to get there by scaling a wall. I had received my payment for spying the same day as I was asked to help and decided to jump into my mission the next day.

Sucking in a breath, I grabbed hold of a drainage pipe that snaked up the brick wall of the building and began to climb. I was shocked by how easy it was to do and made a mental note to speak with Ivan about this later. If I could do it, then others could as well.

Once I was on the roof I slowly crept towards where Gisele's room was located. I could easily see warm light from a candle shining from I and knew she was awake.

Making myself comfortable, I began to wait.

Above the moon shone brightly and I realized that another blood moon would take place in a few days. Fuck, that meant another heat period. It would be my second and I didn't know if Ivan would try to take advantage. I would need to lock myself away somewhere that day.

As these thoughts swirled, a small rustling reached my ears, causing me to go on alert.

Scooting forward, I peeked over the side of my hiding spot and extended my wolf senses. Just beyond the treeline I could make out a shadow that was looking around hesitantly. Was this person here for Gisele or were they working for someone else?

I didn't move as they made their way forward and looked up. Holding my breath, I waited to see if they spotted me or if they were waiting for Gisele to appear. When the sound of a window opening reached my ears, I knew they were here for the bimbo.

Smirking, I made myself comfortable as a rope was thrown out the window and the woman in question made her appearance.

She took a moment to look around, before launching herself out so she could climb down by the rope. Once on the ground, she made her way towards the person that was waiting for her.

"Were you seen?” She hissed, pulling the hood of her cloak tighter around her head. "How could you step out into the open so boldly?"

"There is no one." The man assured. "I made sure to do a sweep of the area before coming out.” Smirking, I felt pity towards that man's naivety. I guess he didn't realize there were many methods for masking ones scent and staying hidden. It was clear he didn't receive proper training and was being played for a fool by this woman and whoever else was involved.

"Are you sure?" Gisele did a quick once over of the area as she spoke. At least she was cautious. Still didn't matter, I was smarter.

I watched as Gisele relaxed a bit and turned her attention back to the man.

"I've missed you." She purred, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Have you missed me?"

"Yes, mistress." The man groaned.

I gagged as they began to kiss right there in the middle of the yard of Ivan's estate. How to hell could they be so bold?

"Has father sent any news?" Gisele asked once they pulled apart.

"None, the war in the north for the Rose Woods pack is still ongoing.” The man reported. "We are gaining to advantage and should soon have full control.”

"Good." Gisele giggled. "It will teach that Alpha Leo to reject me.”

Wait... did this woman just admit her daddy waged a war due to rejection? It seemed that she was just as crazy as me. This was gonna be fun.

"Have you found the plans for the underground trading routes yet?" The man asked, piquing my interest.

Underground trading routes. Weren't those designed for the black markets that remained hidden from prying eyes? Did this mean that Ivan had a hand in them? I would have to ask him about it later.

"Not yet, but soon.” Gisele promised. "I am still getting used to the guards schedules here. After all, it has only been a few days."

"Please try to move it along.” The man hissed, grabbing Gisele and pulling her to him. "Every day spent without you is torture.”

"Aw," Gisele murmured reaching down and touching the man's crotch. "Does baby miss mommy?" Clamping my hand over my mouth, I fought to not burst into laughter. What the actual fuck was with this couple? They were truly clowns.

Deciding that my job here was done, I crept to the other side of the building and jumped down, easily landing on my feet. Straightening up, I made my way inside and towards Ivan's office.

When I arrived, muffled noises could be heard and I got a nose full of the scent of sex. Smiling broadly, I let myself in to find the bimbo from before bouncing on Ivan's lap. Her head was tilted back as she quietly moaned in pleasure and it seemed she was so engrossed she didn't notice my presence.

Moving forward I reached around and snaked my arms around her and clamped her breasts.

"Oh yes, Ivan." She moaned thinking it was him. "Squeeze them harder.”

All the while, Ivan watched in amusement. With a final jerk, he came inside of her causing her to break into a strong orgasm that left her panting.

"Now," I said deciding it was time to ruin her high. "Since you're done, I have something to report.” A small shriek of shock escaped the woman as she fell backwards off of Ivan's dick and lap.

"YOU!" She roared, pulling her shirt around herself to hide her breasts. "Why are you interrupting again?”

"Because I would have missed all the fun if I didn't.” I responded innocently. "You seemed to enjoy my hands touching you." I continued. "So stop whining.”

The woman didn't respond as her eyes grew so wide they could have fallen out of their sockets. "DO SOMETHING ABOUT HER, IVAN!" She finally shrieked.

"Sure," Ivan smirked. "Next time I will let her join so she won't interrupt.”

The woman sputtered at Ivan’s solution before turning and storming out of the room.

"Now, since she is gone let's get down to business.” Ivan said, eyeing me.

"Could you put that away first?" I asked, pointedly fixing my gaze on his still exposed dick. "I don't want that cyclops watching me.”

A loud bark of laughter escaped him as he slowly did what I asked.

"Better?" He smirked, leaning back in his chair.

"Yep," I responded. "And since I don't have to see it, I have something to report to you."

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