[Arissa's POV]

Heat pressed against my skin and the scent of desire filled my nose. The night that I dreaded had finally come, and the need to give in to instinct stirred.

Lifting my arm, I examined the cuff that dug into my flesh.

They made it tight enough to make sure I didn't break free.

Cursing, I tried to ignore the throb of desire that rushed through me. I needed to escape before he came. Otherwise, I feared everything would be over.

Around me, rattles and moans echoed from the others that were already lost. There was no stopping it once they gave in.

"Come on," I gasped, as my core throbbed. "Come on."

The sound of a lock clicking open and a door creaking reached my ears, sending a shiver of fear and expectation through me.

Pushing aside the need to be satisfied, I reminded myself of how cruelly omegas were treated during mating. There wouldn't be any gentleness if I wasn't able to escape, only rough animalistic treatment that would leave me tattered and broken.

They were here. Growls of lust filled the air as they surged forward, claiming their victim.

Soon, the room was filled with moans of passion and the scent of sex. Beds creaked and some even broke from the sheer brutality of the reproduction process.

"Arissa,” a sweet and husky voice purred just to my side.

Gasping, I increased my attempts at snapping the cuff holding me.

"Don't be like that." He cooed, taking a step forward.

I watched in horror as he came into full view. His golden eyes glowed with lust, and his mouth twisted into a vicious smile. His chest, which was bare, heaved with each breath of longing he released.

"Gillian," I whimpered, fearful and desirous. "Please let me go."

"Not until I've had you." He responded happily.

My eyes grew wide as he dug in his pocket and produced a key.

"It won't be fun to force you.” He said this while unlocking my cuff. "So I'm going to make you beg.” A shiver of pleasure at his words raced through me. I was beginning to lose to instinct.

"Please..." I moaned weakly. "Don't.

My body screamed for relief, but my head screamed no.

Taking the chance, I surged forward, bumping against Gillian's side. The force of the hit managed to cause him to stumble, allowing me the chance to race through the room and burst outside into the night.

Up above, the cursed blood moon shone brightly, beckoning me to heed its purpose. It was like a siren’s call, and my body wanted so desperately to obey.

"No," I hissed, looking around. "I can't.”

Shaking off the need for the moment, I began to run, making my way into the woods just beyond the compound.

The mating house was a specially designated area where adult omegas were brought days before the blood moon. It resided in the middle of the Calary Woods and was just a mile or so away from the New Moon pack grounds.

I knew that the woods were dangerous and housed dark creatures, but I continued to run, determined to escape my stepbrother, who was desperate to mate with me.

Branches scratched at my face and roots threatened to trip me as I raced through the darkness. The world around me was growing hazy, and my core throbbed painfully. Realizing that I couldn't resist any longer, I dove into a fragrant rose bush in hopes that it would mask my scent enough to keep me hidden.

Biting my lip, I stuck my hand between my legs in hopes that being touched would be enough to calm me. However, that sheer touch sent me into a frenzy. I was losing control and, quickly, my instincts wanted so much more than just this.

A silent moan escaped me as my eyes fluttered shut. My fingers kneaded against myself, sending wave after wave of pleasure. Realizing that this wasn't enough, I slipped one hand beneath the tattered shirt they had placed me in and began to rub more urgently.

Biting my lip, I tried to remain silent as the desperate need for relief became all-consuming.

Just beyond my hiding spot, I could hear movement, but I was no longer able to hold on. I needed release, and I couldn't calm down till I got it.

"Oh, Arissa," Gillian purred through the haze. "You smell delicious.”

As he spoke, the branches above me violently lifted and disconnected from the bush entirely. "Found you." He growled, reaching down and grabbing my neck.

A yelp of shock escaped me as my body lifted from the ground and dangled.

"N-no!" I panted, clawing at his wrist. "I don't want.”


Smiling broadly, Gillian slammed me against a tree. Pressing his body against mine, he let a groan escape him.

I could easily feel his bulge as he stuck a knee between my legs, letting it rub temptingly against my core.

"Fuck," Gillian hissed, nipping at my neck. "I've longed for this for such a long time."

Even though I knew I needed to fight, the need to be fucked rushed through me. Just the feel of his breath against my neck and his hardness pushing against my body drove me mad.

"Let go," I tried weakly, increasing my attempt to break free. "I SAID LET GO!"

Gillian's eyes grew wide as the words left my lips. His face paled, and his mouth fell open, blood exploding from it.

The hand that was holding my throat loosened, leaving me to fall to the ground at his feet. Looking up, I tried to make sense of what exactly was happening.

The front of Gillian's chest bulged as if something was attempting to break through the skin, and blood dripped from his back.

Jumping up, I went around him to find an arrow sticking out.

Realizing what was going on, I whirled around as more arrows began to rain down around us.

The Hunters were here, and they had managed to severely wound Gillian.

Fear washed over me as I ducked out of the way. What should I do? I needed to get out of here, but I couldn't possibly leave Gillian, could I?

Looking at the unmoving man, I found that his breathing was becoming shallow and blood trickled along his lips. Would he even be able to make a break for it? I didn't think so, but if I did leave him here now, there was no way I could go back to my pack.

Letting out a string of profanities, I jumped up and grabbed Gillian's wrist. I knew I could end up regretting this, but for now I wouldn't think of that. All that I needed to focus on was getting away and staying alive.

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