Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband
Chapter 69 End Our Relationship

Chapter 69 End Our Relationship

At this moment, Byron was closer than before. Cora could feel the temperature rise on his body, and she could also feel his eagerness.

In addition, his deep eyes were close at hand, and there was a seriousness and anxiety that Cora had never seen before.

For a moment, Cora almost compromised.

But the scene of him and Jane appearing together in front of the elevator door suddenly popped into her mind, which made her guard up all over again.

"Not the sick chick? Do you mean not the only side chick?"

She was almost provoking him.

Byron saw her forced coquettish and enchanting appearance, suddenly lowered his head, and kissed her.

Cora only felt disgusted. In the morning, he was lingering with his fiancée, and at night he ran to her to beg for sex.

Thinking that his lips on her might have touched Jane's body too, Cora didn't know where the strength came from, and she broke free all of a sudden. She even slapped Byron.

After the slap, the room was silent, and the two looked at each other without saying a word.

Cora didn't know how long she had been staring at Byron in such a daze until a voice came from outside the door. "Hello. Food delivery."

Cora turned her head and saw the delivery guy standing at the door. She realized that the two of them had forgotten to close the door just now.


Cora took the food and sent the delivery guy away when a man's voice came from behind her, as cold as ice.

"Are you trying to end our relationship?”

Cora looked back and saw the man staring at her with sharp eyes like a falcon. Except for the slightly reddened patch on his cheek that she had slapped, his face was cold as ice.

She clenched the hands hanging on both sides of her thighs tightly and then loosened them without making a sound.

In her eyes, their relationship was limited to bed.

If he didn't have a fiancée, she could still accept it, even if he didn't intend to get married. At least he could let her snuggle up for warmth.

But he had a fiancée...

She didn't allow herself to be like Mia.

Cora didn't respond for a long time, and Byron seemed to understand what she meant.

He stared at her with presumptuous and sharp eyes, which made her feel breathless.

Finally, he slammed the door and left...

At the same time as the deafening sound of closing the door, Cora's body slowly slid to the ground like a leaf blown by the wind

She also didn't expect that she would slap Byron, and now her whole mind was still buzzing.

In addition to being afraid of offending this man who was regarded as the new god in New York, which would make her already miserable life worse, there was also the expectation that was quietly accumulated in her heart, which seemed to be taken away with his departure...

But time was the most relentless thing. Whether her days were good or bad, it kept passing.

In the blink of an eye, it had been a month later, and Cora was still running back and forth between the emergency room of the hospital and the agency every day.

"Cora, I found out that there was a nice place. It was a one-bedroom apartment, and it's only two stops away from our hospital.”

Early this morning, just as Cora arrived at the hospital, Sally quickly opened the photo of the apartment she had found yesterday to show Cora.

"Sally, I don't need to move. The landlord suddenly told me last night that he would lower my rent and gave me a microwave."

"What? Really? Didn't he always urge you to move out as soon as possible?”

"He said that he planned to take his child to study abroad for some time. He thought that the place was well maintained when I was renting the place, so he hoped that I could help them continue to look after the place while he was abroad, so he lowered the rent for me.”

In fact, not only Sally found it unbelievable, but also Cora.

It was just that she could temporarily solve her urgent need without moving, so she didn't think too much about it.

"Okay. Since you don't have to move, it's great. Do you have time after get off work today?" "Why?"

"Tyler will come to visit the hospital for exchanges in the next two weeks. He invited many alumni tonight. You should have received the invitation too."

The doctor Sally mentioned was Tyler Cooper, and he was a proud student taught by the same professor as Cora.

According to their professor, he had two top students, Cora and Tyler.

It was just that Tyler was seven years older than Cora. After the internship, he became an outstanding cardiologist at the cardiac surgery department of a hospital in Andersonwood.

"Well, I got it. I also heard that he doesn't plan to leave when he comes back this time.” Cora took the blood that a nurse asked her to send to the laboratory department and walked upstairs to the laboratory department.

Sally followed Cora to the laboratory upstairs. "Won't he leave? Why? I heard that he seemed to have reached the director level in Andersonwood.”

They just happened to meet Byron and Jane, who came to pick Harry out of the hospital at the elevator entrance..

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