Chapter 30 Need Help?

Mia felt a surge of anger as she wondered who had ruined her perfect plan. When she turned around, she was met with Carter's poker face.

Mia silently cursed, realizing that he was Cora's rumored boyfriend.

Before Mia could fully process the situation, a sharp slap resounded in her ear.

Mia felt a burning sensation on her face, and she looked up just in time to see Cora putting her hand down and yelling at her. "Are you out of your mind? You're pregnant! How could you try to set me up by risking your baby?"

Mia was flustered by the sudden slap for a moment, but she quickly squeezed out some tears as she saw Lydia and Eason rushing over.

"Eason! Cora knew I'm pregnant but she still pushed me! And now she's saying I tried to set her up by risking my baby! How could I do that? I'm a mother!" Mia sobbed, as Eason and Lydia immediately turned to Cora.

"Cora, why did you push Mia?"

"How could you take out your anger on the baby?!"

It happened so suddenly that the first thing Sally did when she came to her senses was to clear Cora's name.

Sally defended Cora at once. "Stop with the nonsense! Cora would never do something like that!" "Miss Donald fell on her own. And she tried to drag Miss Lane down with her,” Carter interjected, recalling how he had arrived at the scene just in time to prevent Mia from falling. It was Byron who had pushed him from behind, urging him to catch Mia.

Yet Eason and Lydia refused to believe Cora's innocence.

"You're close to her, of course you're on her side," Eason snapped.

"How could Mia risk her baby's life to set Cora up?" Lydia added, "None of you have been a mother, so you don't understand what a mother would do to protect her child!"

Mia whined, "Carter, I know you are dating Cora, but you can't turn things upside down!"

Not wanting Carter to be drawn into this mess, Cora spoke up. "You know what you've done, Mia! You fell on your own!"

"Can you prove it?" Eason asked coldly.

Cora glanced around and noticed that this was a blind spot in the surveillance camera's coverage. Those who had stood close to them during the incident could have witnessed what had happened, but they chose to avoid eye contact, well-aware of the consequences of going against the influential Donald family. They knew there was no benefit in helping Cora and offending the Donalds.

Cora felt trapped and desperate, overwhelmed by a sense of injustice. She believed she had reached a dead end, with nowhere to turn.

Even Byron, whom she had glimpsed in the crowd, seemed indifferent and distant.

She had little hope that he would come to her aid, considering Lydia and Eason were his family.

But just then, Byron's gaze met Cora's in mid-air. His lips parted slightly, "Need help?"

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